Some of you might remember this model from over the summer. The skinmap was horrendously wasteful, at 1024x512, all kinds of stuff duplicated, etc. So I decided to remap, and reskin him, now at a svelt 512x512. There is generous use of "maggot" wires, for those into that sort of thing
Renders don't include the shiny glass ball the brain resides in so you can see the brain better.
The new
The old version
And the new skin
How's about changing up the front and back plates a bit more? Right now the front and back renders are almost the same picture. A color scheme and hard edges to those pipes could help too.
I feel like there is too much contrast on your metal. It looks like your object is in a dark place with very harsh light falling on it.
Anyway, regarding the shininess, look at the round HVAC ductwork in your basement, if you have it. That's the type of metal I was going for here. Very shiny, very reflective, thin metal. Even in normal lighting, it's extremely contrasty looking. Maybe I've taken it too far here? Or maybe it's my monitor settings compared to some others.
Thanks for the crits - food for thought.
As it stands it looks a bit washed out and lacking sharpness
possibly you could have just mirrored the groinal area front and back as it seems to be the same.
same with the trim around the helmet
no point wasting UV space
I see what you mean though about the "washed out" look. I can see that in a few parts. Part of that is the renderer's lighting tho. I don't see it as being washed out on the flat. I think I'll post a picture tonight of the type of metal he is constructed of.
Here is the full motley crew...