this is a project i was working on freelance in autum of last year. the character was used as a trade show attraction, mocapped and synchronized by an actor in realtime to react as lifelike as possible to a moderator and the crowd.
not exactly lowpoly stuff since it had to look sharp and detailed on some huge display. 25000 triangles, mapped with 1k and 2k color textures and alpha masks. no fancy shader stuff possible with that proprietary engine
all modeling, uv'ing and character setup done in 3ds max, textures painted in studiopaint and refined in photoshop.
in addition to the bone- and spline-based deformation, several morph targets were used to create extreme poses that were not possible to mocap.
since i'm slowly putting my new stuff online to replace my old and outdated website for jobhunting purposes, i thought in the meantime i'd spam here in P&P where i admittedly rarely find the time to contribute.
hope you enjoy.
Btw, what is that skin you have in max? where can i get it?
i never got the mocap files that were recorded on-stage. all i have is some lame generic tests. would like to render out a video myself
ghost-rider, my max-ui colors are derived from discreet-dark-scheme or whatever it is called. modified a bit and saved together with ther "classic" icons becaue i dislike those weird inverted ones.
as for the bright eye, when taking the screenshot i had a light in the scene that affected the shininess of the eyeball a little too much. it isn't that bright on the texture itself nor in other lighting conditions.