I went ahead and picked up the Jap copy, it's awesome. I loved DMC1, it took me about 9 hours to complete and was HARD!!! (On normal mode, fuck the easy mode) I thought DMC2 blew chunks. I breezed through part 2 in a little over 2 hours; the game had zero challenge and zero strategy.
DMC3 returns to it's roots, Has a good level of challenging similar to the fist one (only less frustrating), has lots of cheezzzy style, (easy mode still there for those who don't have hand eye coordination) the camera is controllable now but is context sensitive based on the scene.
This game makes up for the Devil May Cry 2 letdown. And I couldnt be happier.
How are the enemies so far? They interesting? I haven't been liking that most of them are those scythe guys, though.
The enemies (bosses included) look good and they are fun to fight, which is most important. The scythe guy's you mentioned were the enemies in the demo I assume? If so they are one of many types of enemies in the game.
good to hear that part 3 meets the expectations. i'm pretty happy with dmc 1 so far and another bunch of levels might come in handy later.
ill have to give it a shot.
Ugh. I remember I couldn't beat the first boss of DMC1 for so long.
Is the game as hard as Gamespot says it is?
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I sure as hell hope so!
Though it wouldn't surprise me to find that the reviewer just sucked
The game does cater to the hard core gamer. But hey, can't please everybody.
My roomate was saying you had to specialize in either guns swords or hybrid, is that true? id kinda like to see that implemented now. the moves look sick as hell.
and apparently the diff was increased for the US ver. as the Jap HARD is the equivelent to the US Normal, and theres replay incentive i hear, sweetness
My roomate was saying you had to specialize in either guns swords or hybrid, is that true? id kinda like to see that implemented now. the moves look sick as hell.
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Gimme back my Ifrit Gauntlets damnit! ;_; Those things kicked ass
and yea, hard is a great adjective for this game. Ive yet to get anything above ( or below) B ranking in any mission.
i personally have a hard time not using trickster style.
Also, if you're having trouble with a mission, you can replay previous missions to get extra demon blood to buy those wonderful weapon upgrades. Not to mention the exp for the style you're using.
I had everything maxed out before I started playing hard mode, which made hard mode actually easier than normal.
I kinda find the Nunchucks lame. I prefer the sword. But then, my Swordmaster is only lvl 1. Do styles and guns only lvl to 3?
if you go to the style menu it shows how namy levels the style can reach. I would just max out everything, it's worth it.
The reviewer from Gamespot is still a douche. The learning curve isn't nowhere near as bad as he said it was.
1 thing I don't like is the camera during boss battles. I hate how it swings around, causing you to sometimes jump or roll right into the boss' attack. Fucking annoying!
anybody unlock this beast?
this has to be the sickest freakin weapon of all time. I believe Jam Session is the uber-hottness; Triple S rank everytime i wail on that sucker.
i wish my guitar summoned bats, thatd be sick 0.o
By far the most original weapon in the game.
So far, I'm loving the 2 weapons thing. I love switching between the Rebellion, and the 2 swords. You can stay airborne for so long with the Swordmaster style and Air Hike.
i just unlocked another weapon today, i was disapointed in how i obtained it, but its probably the most powerful weapon in the game. i also got a new gun but havnt tried it yet.
also, lvl3 swordmaster+rebellion= hilarious.
Oh, the Quicksilver, or whatever is DAMN powerful! I'm surprised they didn't give it to you last.
Has anyone killed all 100 enemies during the credits? I heard there's supposed to be some easter egg if you do it. I've tried it twice, but always just get to 99. Garg!
Oh, and Shinobi for PS2 wasn't as hard as they said, either. Except the last boss. BASTARD!
all iknow is when i fight the chess pieces i drop them quicker with beowulf than any other weapon.
i dont like quiksilver imo, maybe its just cuz i have like 6 devil cells.
its definetly not uncommon to play level 3-4 without beating it, so i think that dictates hard, especially considering if your like me and like to keep your style meter above SS.