....is showing on BBC America right now. My God, I swear I haven't watched this since I was about thirteen. And then I swear all I saw was boobs. But now....I was just sat there pissing my pants. It's so un-pc it's awesome. But I strangely found myself realising that it ( and I'm being deadly serious here ) had remarkable depth. In a spoof Starsky and Hutch sketch, he shoots the ugly woman dead, under the mistaken misconception/assumption that she was the evil kidnapper, and the hot girl was the maiden in distress. Of course, the inverse was the case, and the outcome was hilarious. But it also had an awful lot to say about our perception of more attractive people in this world and how they get away with ( literally ) murder. So deep! And boobies too! The guy was a sex obsessed genius. Discuss!

basic jist of it was that he loved the show, got paid fortune which he never spent, the show was cancelled, he slumped into depression and died. His millions are still floating about in a back account somewhere.
Apparently he loved doing the show as it was his therapy. Now i wish I had cable, because I miss the show. His comedic Sketch in 15 minutes, taught me more about the english Civil War, than a lot of articles in Militaria Magazine. he got the "Theme" and the issues, down pat, and then built gags on that. sex obsessed Genius it is. I remember being sad when i heard he died.
j/k. I've heard of Benny Hill, but never watched him.
I love to see a game ending cutsceen where everyone -monsters,guards main char. and some tart run around Benny Hill Show style. Just sillyness to end an intense fighting game.
I love to see a game ending cutsceen where everyone -monsters,guards main char. and some tart run around Benny Hill Show style. Just sillyness to end an intense fighting game.
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