*I hope I can post this here, cause I know it's not really cg related, but I really need help, so maybe the great dear luvly powerfull admins / mods can allow this for once

I finally got myself to pressing the exit game button on the World of Warcraft menu, so now I have time for serious things again.
I got accepted at Vancouver Film School, and will start the 3D animation & Visual effects program there in August of this year. The program takes 1 year, so I will need a semi-temp place to live in Vancouver.
The thing is, that I live in the Netherlands and it's very hard for me to go to Vancouver and check some real-estate renting people there. The program is expensive enough, so I will have to arrange a room online.
Ofcourse there are a lot of problems with arranging a room online..
Will it look as it does on the photo? (if there actualy is a photo posted).
Will I be able to have an internet connection?
What kind of people am I going to live with?
Does the place needs to be furnished? (expensive when you can't move your current interior).
So, here is my desperate cry for help. I need a room in Vancouver, to be able to follow my schoolyear on the VFS 3D Animation Campus located:
420 Homer Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I don't smoke, don't have any pets or whatsoever. I'm not a complete moron, and mentaly pretty okay. 18 years old and at this moment living in the Netherlands. I'm perfectly fine with having 1 room for myself, and sharing everything else.
My budget is between $300 - $400 US a month
So if there is anyone who can help me out, or future fellow students who got something already and have the possibility to share, please contact me!
Current students who will leave there place are most welcome to contact me as well.
Jelmer Boskma
icq: 124294125
If anyone can help me out I would be the happiest person online!

It's the Threewave Software house...so you'll be at home with gamer geeks
im not a fellow student, but if you dont mind living in a house full of game developers for a while (week or so) while u look for a place...I'm asking the guys if it's okay. They will get back to me.
It's the Threewave Software house...so you'll be at home with gamer geeks
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks already!