I cannot figure out howto get my model to have a specularity mask....and I would really love some help
Does anyone know howto do this? I need to know the shader command lines and the exportation steps from photoshop.
I heard sometyhing about the alpha channels on verc but no steps associated wiuth the info.
for anyone who is interested, here it is.
"$baseTexture" "models/statue"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmapmask" "models/statue_spec"
"$envmapcontrast" 1
"$envmapsaturation" 1
"$envmaptint" "[.55 .55 .55]"
all the "envmap..." properties are relevant for the specmask. standartvalues are 1. you can toy with the values to get better results.
remember you cant have specularity AND transparency in one material. you'd have to split the textures into 2 and place all the transparent stuff in one and the reflecting stuff into the other.
another way to include a specmask is as the alphachannel of your normalmap
when you want to do that you have to add
$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1 to the vmt.
and instead of the "$envmapmask" property you only have to define the normalmap.