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Revamped portifolio site.

polycounter lvl 18
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RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
So I finally kicked my ass into doing up my site better, I still need to some more content, and do some tweaking, but tell me what you guys thinks, and where the site can be improved for a potential employer to get more out of it.



  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Elliotte, here's some quick things:

    There's a bug, requirements says 1024x768, yet my screen rez is higher than that and I get scroll bars.

    Front page could be lot better, the "Flash MX Plugin" download link is positioned so I want to click it instead of entering your site.

    Your portfolio displays NO texturing or animator skills. Diversify your portfolio.

    Personally, I do not like seeing a lot of flash on a 3d artist's portfolio. Since you're not selling yourself as a flash designer/animator, you give a bad impression by forcing your 'ho-hum' flash skills on the user.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi Rage, nice ArmyDillo you have!!

    The first thaing that surprized me with your folio is the fact that your index page is somehow empty. It looks like a template page without content...

    I've heard somewhere that you only have a few seconds to grab your visitor's attention. Hence you need to minimize the number of clicks needed to reach the first catchy picture showing your skill, since it is what you advertise for here. I'd recommend you to put a piece of work right from the start, but maybe it's just personal preference.

    You also seem to handle code and dynamic effects really well, but I'm not sure that you need that many effects and animations. You need to sell your art and CG skills more than your html in my opinion, and simplicity in presentations is always a safe choice smile.gif

    Last thing : why do you want to show that you made a model in max or in maya? It sure shows a good software knowledge but its enough to note that in your resume...

    I hope I'm not sounding too harsh... But hey page layout is such a wonderful thing to talk about wink.gif

    Here are some neato folios:

  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the crits.

    Cholden: I agree with the texturing, not going to do much animation for the time being other than beauty shots, but they are on the way.

    Pior: Yea...I'm wondering if I need to split the 3d gallery into sections like that, it was a quick idea, methinks I shall change it to just one big section since I am noting which program on the screenshots.

    Both: One thing on the way very soon is a picture for the splash page (or index page), I'm going to do a image that visitors can click on and that shows my skill right off the bat as one enters the site, so that should hopefully solve the issue with entering the site.

    Also, I tend to do my sites in flash, and this time I wanted to make it a tad more dynamic while trying to keep it straight to the point quite a bit too. Do you guys feel the split second transition animations are still too much? Do you feel they subtract from the overall "browsing an online gallery" experience?
  • Lore
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    Lore polycounter lvl 18
    Very interesting. I notice that the mouseover animation sometimes will play on the wrong square (usually the next one on the right). It doesn’t about the halfway mark on the one to its left. I’m just thinking its having problem reading the mouse coordinates in FireFox but it might be something you might want to look in to or get rid of.

    Get your name on the image with copyright info. Plus get your copyright information (2005 copyright by “name”) on the page somewhere near the bottom like in the blue graphic. This will make it look very professional.

    Your Resume should list your work experience, education, skills, and objective. Your experience should preferable be something in the game industry, Mods and any school projects you have worked on. What you have is a good generic cover letter. But if you apply to a company, make sure you tailor your resume and cover letter to that company.


    When you get around to putting in personal information. I just want to remind you make sure you put in image and not straight html code. There are bots that can read that and soon you’ll get spammed.

    You’re off to a good start.
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not a big fan of FLash but that's personal.
    I do find it easy to navigate your site which is a good thing.
    I'm guessing that you are focussing on just modelling and because of that I would show a closer shot of the demon's body and face to illustrate how the mesh has been constructed.
    Besides that I am not sure if it's really needed to categorise your models by application that you've made them with. This is already listed on the images itself.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    blue links on dark gray background = eyes bleed. ow.

    id suggest simplifying a lot, going CSS with table colors and font colors, minimal images (excluding thumbs), text links, simple.

    about the flash, i think it gets in the way of looking at your art. A lot of the stuff is way to big, and obtrusive, those 2d, 3d buttons are nice and obvious, but the arrows flying in destroys it for me. likewise with the thumbnail hover anim, it feels jarring and out of place. They seem really buggy too, id roll over one, and the one next to it would animate...

    with flash, id suggest being smoother, a little slower, and more fluid with smaller cooler elements. imo. smile.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19

    my advice to you would be to increase the frame rate to around 25, then extend the range of frames in some of your movie clips too give smoother transitions.
  • dabu
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    dabu polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Rage,

    If you haven't already checked it out, I did my site in flash


    Ive gotten a lot of good feedback on it, might help.
  • Noisybast
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    Noisybast polycounter lvl 18
    By seperating your work into XSI, Maya & MAX, you draw attention to the fact that you don't have any samples made in MAX, which could potentially put an employer off.
    Might be better to lump 'em all in one section, and mention on your Resume page which packages you use.

    Speaking of which, why are "Contact Info" and "Programs Known" both blank?
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    I think the site looks good overall, easy navigation and fast loadtime.

    I dont really like however how the pics open up in new window. i prefer a popup or that they staty on the site. (matter of personal taste i guess)

    another thing im curious about is that in your resume you state that u will soon graduate with a digital art degree concentrated on Animation. Yet there is no animations on the site. how come?

    i started reading the resume and then i went "hmm animations.. cool i go check em out" just to find there were none
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