I am looking to pay an experienced 3D Max Game Artist £20 an hour for lessons on modelling,texturing characters for game platforms.I am familiar with 3D Max,but looking to learn up to date workflows. No preparation would be needed on your part,simply a demonstration of your daily technique and advice tips on my current wip. Hours can be arranged to suit,as little or as many as you like.I can travel within or around the London area.I live in Snaresbrook,London
Welcome to Polycount!!
Its damn hard finding triaing courses for max that don't involve a long term course or going to collge or university,I know and im trying to find alternatives to that.
But I have 2 links taht might intrest you.
The guy that runs these course is a really nice guy and the course(s) he runs are really very good,if on the Exspensive side (around 400-500quid a time for 2-3 days intensive max trainning).But they have helped me a hellova lot.
The second one is these guys:-
Ive not been on any of these courses as they seemed to be structured the same sort of way as UK central so ive really had no need to go on one,but they are in London as opposed to warwick so might be worth a look.
Hope this helps
thanks for your reply.please make a note of my email and let me know if you come up with anything
You sound like your in the same kind of position as me,self taught artist,going for the games industry having completed a couple of short sharp trainning courses and basically need a confidence boost and more direct help as to how to go about doing things.....familiar?
Anyway best advise I can give is to get on board here at Polycount,you can get all the advise you seek on these boards for free,also alot of the people here know what they are doing,many of them are industry proffesionals (most in charcter art as it happens) and from that you might be able to get some direct contacts from within the industry which would help you further.
Oh also this is a very close nit forum and the advise I get from here is great,but most of all don't be nervous about posting for help and advise,even about elementary things...
All we need is some pics of your work...wireframes,final renders and if possible textures post them up in the pimpin forum and let the polycounters give them a going over.;)
Bronco is 100% right.
looking forward to seeing it..