Actually I'm more than a bit steamed, I'm freaking fuming!! Between the game crashing, crappy support, and the need to connect to steam, I'm about to go nuts. If I can't get this thing working properly in the next 2 days I'm returning it!
I still haven't had any problems yet. And I'm happy with the fact that I don't have to search through 20000 HL2 servers only to find 2 that I'm able to connect with. Maybe one day I'll be priviledged enough to join the thousands who've had problems with Steam.
steam does require a decent pc worthy of running hl2...
no probs here! I've got it installed at work and at home, never had any troubles, although rather miffed that they didn't make the friends network, well, work.
OK I finally found the problem with crashing. It's a problem with nv4_disp.dll vs. HL2. Vivendi is working on a patch for this. SO I guess I can't play until the game gets patched. BLEH!
You will most likely get it up and running in the next two days but "yes" it is a pain in the ass for those of us who expect to pay for a game, bring it home, install it and then play. Now that I am past the major inconvenience of being inducted into "Steam" I have no problem with it. Good luck as HL2 is truly a great game.
Therm: The auth server was down. I had the same problem and that was what finally made me uninstall HL2. Besides, I had better uses for those 5 GBs it was taking up.
Y'know ... a taster for the thing you actually pay for, to really convince you you MUST pay the full £35 for the complete experience. Chuck it in your brand new PC, dick around with it for a bit, complete it 4 times in an hour, get totally wowed, sprint to the shops for the full game like your hair's on fire.
"Half Life 2 : Demo will be available to play in ... 311 minutes."
u-huh. Nah ... you're all right there. Thanks for the coffee coaster though.
OK I finally found the problem with crashing. It's a problem with nv4_disp.dll vs. HL2. Vivendi is working on a patch for this. SO I guess I can't play until the game gets patched. BLEH!
[/ QUOTE ]
That is your main video card display driver? What drivers are you using? I have it running on a 4600TI using the 6693 drivers from nvidia and I don't have that (or any other) issue. You might be able to get around that issue by switching or updating your video drivers.
Vivendi = cash cow publisher not the actual developer if anyone is working on a patch it would be Valve. Vivendi bank rolls projects not really works on them hands on.
I have it installed on 3 machines and it works great I couldn't be happier. The updates go faster than me getting in line at file planet to get the lastest patches. And there is an offline mode you just need to have it remember your pass and user name, no need to be online.
yes I'm using the 66.93 drivers. It supposed to be an issue with The game, videocard and chipset combination. I have GFfx5700, Via KT600 chipset, and of course HL2. There are many other people on the Steam forums having the same problem. So I guess I'm not alone. I'm going to try an older Nvidia driver to see if that helps.
i'm about to be. Downloading the 200 mb sdk with my 56k modem isn't appealling.
BTW, I took the driver way back to the 56.xx series and it works fine now.
In my experience VIA = the devil and all his empty promises. Via lures you in with fancy talk and promises of great performance only to let you down horrible hardware. I see VIA and I say things like 'pitty and it was looking like such a good product until I saw that lable.'
When I made de_lochs i just about went insane rooting thru folders and finding out where stuff if kept, where it needs to go and where to put it after you are done. My desktop was a rats nest of shortcuts for about a week while I was trying to sort things out. It was workable but it was a bit of a bear having to constanly dig thru \Steam\SteamApps\steamnamehere\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc
They should make it a relitive path so wherever you have your map, you just need to make "materials, sounds, models" folders instead of putting them in bazar places inside of steam.
If you really want a wild ride on the old fustration train try compiling textures into a BSP using bspzip.exe. I just about bashed my monitor with the keyboard trying to figure the damn thing out.
Dave: You might want to try the latest detonator beta drivers. I found them through HardOCP on somewhere. If I dig up the link, I will post it.
Hawken, I have no clue what you're talking about, so no offense taken
Peanut, I hope you're being sarcastic.
KDR LOL. That's great!
Kub, don't worry about it. HL is running good enough and Max hasn't suffered from going to older drivers. I may try and move up driver revisions till I hit the one that gives the nv4_disp.dll stop error.
It only took me 5 hours to get it up and running from start (installing) to finish (playing the first level)
That includes approx 30MB of patches for HL2 and CS:S (downloaded @ 40Kb/s) which as soon as HL2 finished updating I switched CS:S over to "do not update automatically" and deleted the local game content cause CS fucking sucks!
Maybe tonight I'll download HL:DM but right now I'm gonna go mess around with Garrys Mod
BTW anyone else forced to install CS:S just to get passed the error on disc 4 that bitches about an icon file?
BTW anyone else forced to install CS:S just to get passed the error on disc 4 that bitches about an icon file?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. I don't have quite the dislike of CS as you (I get an urge to play it every once in a blue moon), but I didn't want to install it to save on HD space. I tried reinstalling HL2 several times until I finally decided to just include CS:S to see if that made a difference; it did. I uninstalled HL2/CS:S after finishing HL2, and then when I went to reinstall it to play around with Garry's mod, I got the same strange error. I think it's a conspiracy to force you to install CS :shiftyeyes:.
If I can't get this thing working properly in the next 2 days I'm returning it!
[/ QUOTE ]
Too bad they won't let you return it.
Of course i've only been messing with it for 2 nights, but still.
no probs here! I've got it installed at work and at home, never had any troubles, although rather miffed that they didn't make the friends network, well, work.
... very odd
Besides, I had better uses for those 5 GBs it was taking up.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've often thought that, but never made the move
A promotional piece of software.
Y'know ... a taster for the thing you actually pay for, to really convince you you MUST pay the full £35 for the complete experience. Chuck it in your brand new PC, dick around with it for a bit, complete it 4 times in an hour, get totally wowed, sprint to the shops for the full game like your hair's on fire.
"Half Life 2 : Demo will be available to play in ... 311 minutes."
u-huh. Nah ... you're all right there. Thanks for the coffee coaster though.
the only reason my HDD is plagued by it is css, even tho half the time i think ppl are cheating
OK I finally found the problem with crashing. It's a problem with nv4_disp.dll vs. HL2. Vivendi is working on a patch for this. SO I guess I can't play until the game gets patched. BLEH!
[/ QUOTE ]
That is your main video card display driver? What drivers are you using? I have it running on a 4600TI using the 6693 drivers from nvidia and I don't have that (or any other) issue. You might be able to get around that issue by switching or updating your video drivers.
Vivendi = cash cow publisher not the actual developer if anyone is working on a patch it would be Valve. Vivendi bank rolls projects not really works on them hands on.
I have it installed on 3 machines and it works great I couldn't be happier. The updates go faster than me getting in line at file planet to get the lastest patches. And there is an offline mode you just need to have it remember your pass and user name, no need to be online.
BTW, I took the driver way back to the 56.xx series and it works fine now.
When I made de_lochs i just about went insane rooting thru folders and finding out where stuff if kept, where it needs to go and where to put it after you are done. My desktop was a rats nest of shortcuts for about a week while I was trying to sort things out. It was workable but it was a bit of a bear having to constanly dig thru
They should make it a relitive path so wherever you have your map, you just need to make "materials, sounds, models" folders instead of putting them in bazar places inside of steam.
If you really want a wild ride on the old fustration train try compiling textures into a BSP using bspzip.exe. I just about bashed my monitor with the keyboard trying to figure the damn thing out.
Vig until now I've had no problems with VIA. ALI that's a different story. Tons of problems.
i'm about to be. Downloading the 200 mb sdk with my 56k modem isn't appealling.
[/ QUOTE ]
not being rude but I honestly think you're their target audience...
Steam in general is such a good thing for promoting realism and teamplay. -Ann coulter
Peanut, I hope you're being sarcastic.
KDR LOL. That's great!
Kub, don't worry about it. HL is running good enough and Max hasn't suffered from going to older drivers. I may try and move up driver revisions till I hit the one that gives the nv4_disp.dll stop error.
It only took me 5 hours to get it up and running from start (installing) to finish (playing the first level)
That includes approx 30MB of patches for HL2 and CS:S (downloaded @ 40Kb/s) which as soon as HL2 finished updating I switched CS:S over to "do not update automatically" and deleted the local game content cause CS fucking sucks!
Maybe tonight I'll download HL:DM but right now I'm gonna go mess around with Garrys Mod
BTW anyone else forced to install CS:S just to get passed the error on disc 4 that bitches about an icon file?
BTW anyone else forced to install CS:S just to get passed the error on disc 4 that bitches about an icon file?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. I don't have quite the dislike of CS as you (I get an urge to play it every once in a blue moon), but I didn't want to install it to save on HD space. I tried reinstalling HL2 several times until I finally decided to just include CS:S to see if that made a difference; it did. I uninstalled HL2/CS:S after finishing HL2, and then when I went to reinstall it to play around with Garry's mod, I got the same strange error. I think it's a conspiracy to force you to install CS :shiftyeyes:.