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A short introduction....

polycounter lvl 18
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Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
I just joined the site, thanks the Ben Mathis (poopinyourmouth). I should have known a forum like this existed. Thanks Ben for coming to our school, great presentation! Just wanted to introduce myself and say it is good to be among other artists.

My name is Dwayne and I am full-time student at Digipen I.O.T. I am 20 and am finishing up for 4th semester. I have been into art all my life, but didn't get into seriously until 10th grade.

Hopefully I will able to post as much as I would like too. My time is restricted unforunately. All I have time for is school, my art, pets, and friends. I'll probably be more of a lurker then a poster during the semesters.

I like to give and get criticism. I will be posting some of my work here soon. I have also heard there are some unbelieveable artists on this forum so I look forward to looking at your artwork and chatting with everyone.

If there is anything else you want to know, just ask!

See ya on the boards!


  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome. How did you come up with your handle, if you don't mind me asking? For a second, I thought it was a friend of mine who we used to call Megaphone Tone. His last name was "Tone," and he used to carry around a megaphone at school to walk around town yelling stuff at people during lunch break. I completely forgot about that nickname until I saw yours smile.gif.
  • Megaphobema
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    Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
    I am glad you asked and happy to remind you of old friends, lol.

    Anyways, it is a tarantula genus that I own. More specifically Megaphobema robustum. Megaphobema comes from the greek derivement, meaning large and fearsome. By no means am I large and fearsome, lol. Mainly I choose the handle because it is my favorite tarantula genus, but I could talk about spiders all day, just another one of my passions. I own about 80 taranulas, 2 scorpions, and black and brown widows.

    So if anyone has questions about spider or scorpion anatomy, behavior, movement, texture, or color and so on, I am your man to ask. Glad to help with your projects. smile.gif
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    welcome megz. lets see some art.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hey, welcome smile.gif
    I'm with Pak on this one, lets see some art.
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome Mega! So tell me, I've never realllly heard from someone "on the inside" at digipenn, hows the 3d program treatin ya there? I'm curious to know, I would've applied there had I not gone to cogswell.

    Anyways, be active, as PaK and Adam said, lets seee the art!
  • Redlemons
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    Redlemons polycounter lvl 18
    Gday Megaphobema cool.gif Even if you lurk you'll probably get more posts than me and I've been around for a gazillion years smile.gif
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    Hello! Welcome to polycount. How may I take your order? laugh.gif
  • Megaphobema
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    Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome Mega! So tell me, I've never realllly heard from someone "on the inside" at digipenn, hows the 3d program treatin ya there? I'm curious to know, I would've applied there had I not gone to cogswell.

    Anyways, be active, as PaK and Adam said, lets seee the art!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Digipen is awesome. I love it there. It is truely difficult and it is fun having a great variety of classes. Right now I am taking CG, Projects, Acting for Animation, Human Anatomy, Film Analysis, and Sound Design and Foley. I am there like 14 hours a days Mon-Fri, but it doesn't bother me. I mean, the industry is like that right? Digipen is a slave driver, but it is for the best.

    Unforunately it is very hard to do any of my own work as I am ALWAYS doing homework for school, but during the breaks I do a lot of art for myself. I shouldn't even have a part-time job, but Ben is right, you can ALWAYS make time for your own work.

    I will explain more later, but I am off to eat at Claim Jumper. I will post some art when I get back as well.
  • Megaphobema
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    Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
    As promised, here is a little plane I made my first semester at Digipen (October 0f 2003). Good things? Bad things? Open to criticism. I textured it with two different maps. I now realize I could have made them on 256, opps. Ignore the cheesy background map!

    They are not great, I know, but I am still learning. Not to mention these are old, sigh...

    I'll be posting more later..gotta spread out what I actually can show,lol.

    Plane #1

    Plane #2
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Welcome! Glad you enjoyed the lecture, glad to see you take it to heart. As you produce more work, be sure to post it in Pimping and Previews. 8-)
  • Megaphobema
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    Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
    Cool, thanks Ben! We have another Digipen-er here now too already. I am predicting that your lecture is gonna get a lot of us on the forums. I believe you made an impact on us. Thanks for taking the time to come visit us, plz come again!
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