I'm currently working on several projects at once and would like to get some feedback on them.
WIP Page
I realize there's alot of stuff here. So feel free to only comment on what interests you or what stands out. I'm not expecting comments on everything here from everyone who posts.
And that level/environment you're building looks great. Very well detailed. I don't know why you say it needs more details.
Keep up the good work!
As for the environment I meant that the details were unfinished on many of the parts. There are also a couple of temp filler objects without any detail.
WIP page
Great model and skin. His face looks really good.
Before you call him finished I would change the shade around his stomach muscles a tiny bit. There are some really hard lines around and between the 4 muscle squares which don't seem right. I think that softening those lines or making them less dark will do the trick.
Daz - Yeah, I think the arms are a bit short. I built him to fit the unreal skeleton (following image) but looking at it now it looks as though I can make them longer and it would actually fit better. The fingertips should probably extend a bit past the bone of the skeleton.
I'll see what I can do about those abs on the skin as well.
His arms could really stand to have a bit more dynamic flow to them, as right now they look a bit tubey.
I think his boots are a bit too yellow, and the straps going around it are a bit too bevel and emboss looking.
I also got him in game.
I appreciate everyone's feedback. It really helped the model come together better then it would have. My next character will be his brother Krueg, which I will start a thread on once I get something solid going.
Is the environment for game production? If so, the only thing that throws me off a bit is the high resolution of the vertical cylindars in the back.
Mad props if you decide to texture this env as well.