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Just got back from an interview at Griptonite...

Not sure how it went I was bit nervous, as I always am with interviews. I would more than likely be doing hand held game pixel art. Most of the guys I talked to that work there like it and it seems like a great place to get a start, and cut my teeth.

I ran into a few friendly faces, which is always good to see. I also heard PoOP was coming to town, which scared the holy crap out of me =P Seattle is going to run out of trash bags full of hookers for sure! I might just have to swing by the Seattle Video Game Industry Job Conference and listen to poop...err BEN talk, that is if I can get the day off, and scrape up 60 bones to toss at the doormen...
/me wags fist at Atari's new time off policy!!


  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck man, I hope you land the job. Are they working on any PSP titles, or just Nintendo DS and GBA?
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck! Always glad to see fellow Washingtonians getting jobs, I'll start my hunting soon too.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    my friend shawn works on that team as a pixel artist. Only the coolest guy i know.

    Good luck,

  • Mark Dygert
    Things seem to be going well, I emailed some samples in after the interview. I go back for another interview on Monday. If I run into Shawn I will tell him Pak says hi =)

    DS GBA and other varrious projects in the works that require pixel artist. I am kind of pulling for pixel art, because it's something I think I can slip right into and hit the ground running. I don't want to say too much because I signed my nuts away when I walked in the door.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    yeah vig,good luck mate...remember to smile and let your work do the talking smile.gif.

  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck and GOD speed soldier !!! * Hands him flack jacket *
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Good luck man. Looking forward to meeting you. 8-)
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    Vig i hope to see you tommorow man. Good luck!

  • Eli_Heuer
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    Eli_Heuer polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Pak. Is your friend Shawn Wood?

    Anyway, it was cool to meet you last time you came in for an interview Vig.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    yeah shawn wood. Shawn is one of my closest friends. He's tha shit.

  • Mark Dygert
    I was just in for a second interview. So that makes three teams I have sat with, honestly its starting to feel like a second home. In the past week I think I have spent more time there than I have at "work" AKA Atari. I really like the way the studio is run and they seem to actually care about the employees. Which being treated any other way then a sack of meat warming a chair, is refreshing. I have been amazed at the tallent that works there and I think I could slip right in and start knockin out some art.

    Eli, glad to hear Poop didn't get you killed or arested =P
    Poop, sorry I didn't make it to hear you talkin =( I couldn't get the day off... grumble mumble...
    Pak, you work at Amaze? For some reason I thought you lived in Canada? If you do work there, wow small world. PC'ers are like the free masions of the poly world, we are everwhere and no where all at once.

    Now all that is left is to wait for the call.
  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck man. Waiting for a call is the hardest part smile.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    Well I got an offer, and as much as it hurt to turn it down I had to. It was contract which would end in 4 months, less pay and no benifits. I would have to go without or go on my wifes plan which we couldn't do because it would take way a HUGE chunck out of her check to add me. Add in the fact that I have a nice job at Atari and I am not in any danger of not being able to pay medical bills or be out of a job in 4 months. Also I can't afford to keep taking steps down, my wife and I are lucky if we have 100 bucks at the end of the month for us. Take that ways, and if any other bills go up we can't make our mortage, out on the street I go.

    Anywho... It was nice to get an offer, nice they just happened to see my stuff and give me a call without me pestering anyone for an interview. I guess I will go back to being a glorified net nanny and do mod work on the side =)
  • Bronco
    Offline / Send Message
    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    thats a shame Vig,but if its for the best.
    still ya do some good work man and you should see this as a moral boost and motivation thing.

    Good luck in your future endevours

  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    It's rare that a company that size is in any 'need' of applicants, that's a great sign that you have talent and promise. It's an honor for a job seeker of any type to get a cold call from an employer.

    Don't give up, maybe this is just a sign that you 'have' what it takes and it's just a matter of time for someone else in Seattle to find you. I have a strong faith for these kind of things, I hope you do too smile.gif


  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    so you won't be making travel cases then? best off really...
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Do good work and post it on your website and the Jobs will come to you like BOBO and Strangefate get !!
  • Mark Dygert
    Thanks guys. I don't feel down about the whole thing it was a great positive experience. And as all interviews go, gave me some "interview experience". The more I do them the better I feel about going thru it. Also I get a good feel for what kind of questions get tossed my way.

    I will be updating my site in the next month or two and I might be pestering a few companies for interviews. I plan to grow the 2D section into more pixel art. After seeing what I would be working on I think I should pound out a few pieces along those lines, since I really don't have much like that.
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