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Book Recommendation

polycounter lvl 18
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Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
I think every artist could benefit from reading "Art and Fear, Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking" by David Bayles and Ted Orland. It's a little book, I think it was like 12 bucks at Borders. Anyway, it's sort of an artist's philosophy book that talks about alot of the difficulties in being an artist and how to overcome them, or atleast keep them at bay. It changed my outlook on life.

"Imagination is in control when you begin making an object. THe artwork's potential is never higher than in the magic moment when the first brushstroke is applied, the first chord struck. But as the piece grows, technique and craft take over, and imagination becomes a less useful tool. A piece grows by becoming specific. The moment Herman Melville penned the opening lin, "Call me Ishmael", one actual story - Moby Dick - began to separate itself from a multitude of imaginable others. An so on through the following five hundred odd pages, each suggestive sentence in some way had to acknowledge and relate to all that preceded....It's the same for all media:the first few brushstrokes to the blank canvas satisfy the requirements of many possible paintings, while the last few fit only that painting, they could go nowhere else. The development of an imagined piece into an actual piece is a progression of decreasing possibilities, as each step in execution reduces future options by converting one, and only one, possibility into a reality" A quote from the book

James Ball


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