finally bit my lip/wallet, drew blood, and replaced my Pentium 2 450 : P4 3.5ghz, geforce 6600, lots of plastic things with wires coming off them.
Now for all my best intentions to use this moneysucker creatively (i got a huge HD for video editing and everything ), i just know i'm going to spend whacking great swathes of my weekends locked away playing some arse-kicking games. Only thing is, i haven't bought a PC game for about 4 years, or indeed read a magazine or even browsed the shelves ...
so lets have your recommendations. Obviously, the missus is having Sims 2 and i'm having Half-life 2 when i get the broadband connection sorted ... but other than that, i've not much clue. Rome : Total War looks like my kinda thing. Ideas?
Deus Ex (the first, not really the 2nd) had a great storyline and was a fun stealth/FPS.
Half Life 2 goes without saying.
Rome is a pretty good game, I didn't play it that much but Medieval was good and Rome seems like more of the same, but better.
Warcraft 3 and the Frozen Throne expansion pack is a pretty much must-buy, it's an awesome game, great cinematics, enjoyable and most of all, it's got good longevity.
Call of Duty was actually pretty good... more fun multiplayer than singleplayer though, I reckon.
Now that I think about it, I haven't really played anything since HL2, or much before then... and I'm a Quake fan... so probably not the best person to listen to
Both Max Paynes are nice, CoD was very good,mmhmm
Generally any games that have sort of background to them, minus doom3
Max Payne 2 = Great Ending Tune (and something about a fun game in there too)
Unreal Tournament 2004 = Decent Multiplayer
Half-Life 2 = Uh....I liked the Gravity Gun (Beware of Bukkake and Tenticle rape on front page)
(both with expansion packs)
Oh and Armies of Exigo is quite nice if you are into Warcraft3 like games.
Last but not least, if you get UT2004 you MUST download the RedOrchestra Mod for it.
Edit: Don't listen to the guy above, Doom3 is a great game
Is it more of a slightly arcadey pick-up-and-play particle-fest?
[/ QUOTE ]
That's probably why I enjoyed it
If you were really into RTS games then you will probably like Rome Total War and Earth 2150. The last one is a couple of years old already but still looks very good. Earth 2160 should come out in the 2nd quarter.
if you like RTS games plus Civilization, this is a really fantastic game. You actually get to see each individual soldier on the battlefield and see them react appropriately (pikemen leveling their weapons against a cavalry charge, flaming catapult shots blowing your enemies into the air, rebelling peasants being trampled underfoot by your charging horses... ahh satisfying).
I have been waiting a long time for a game like this to come out
Although I've got a nice big PC that could handle any game I've noticed myself becoming less and less interested in PC gaming, the PC lacks interesting games, most are just minor increments over the stuff you've already played for years. Almost all of my recent (well, okay, the last few years) PC games were from the bargain bin and those few that weren't made me wish they were (most notably Doom 3 and HL2, neither worth more than maybe 30 bucks, HL2 already went off my HD, Doom 3 is only on there for development). That's also why I can't recommend many games because I haven't found any standout games for the PC lately (except for Perimeter). I'd recommend no longer upgrading your PC and investing the money into consoles instead, those offer a lot more for the money and have a much broader range of gametypes. I think the games I've used my GeForce 6800 on are worth less than I paid for the card itself.
Other than that there's been some really well done solid FPS games lately, but imho, when it comes to replayability, they all tend to not make me care to go back and play through them again. All the big name ones, you shouldn't pay more than say, $25-30 for.
But that's SINGLE PLAYER, multiplayer-wise, UT 2004 was worth the $50 and then some.
I think the games I've used my GeForce 6800 on are worth less than I paid for the card itself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Send it to me then
halo is good, unless you've got it on egg-box in which case, don't bother.
CoD is really good, plus you can get the 'deluxe' edition with CoD GOTY edition and the United Offensive add-on pack for about 30-35 quid
need for speed underground is pretty swish for a racing game, or you can go with the newer sequel...
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is free on the internet, and is really fun. Online multiplayer only. And you can't beat FREE!
Vampire: Bloodlines
Knights of the Old Republic
Both fabulous fun, all the 20 sided dice stuff is "under the hood" as it were, so even non rpg fans might like them.
WH40k: Dawn of War ( only if you like multilayer, singleplayer = not much cop imo )
Deus Ex1
HalfLife2 (obviously)
FarCry ( not in the same league as Dex and HL2, but it'll look so damn nice on your shiny new system..)