so after 7th period, i waited outside of the classroom i had just left. when the girl i have a mild infatuation with left, i started the following conversation:
me: hey jessica, you doing anything after school?
jessica: yeah, i have to go to my grandmother's. why?
me: nothing just...
jessica: what?
me: movies.
jessica: maybe some other time.
now this has phased me somewhat, because seemingly whenever i ask a girl out (rare as that may be) i get turned down, or told "maybe later."
i was all moody in last period, and listened to interpol really loudly on the train. i may actually have suffered mild impairment.
my rationale for the situation? she wasn't right for me. lateley i've been evaluating my beliefs and experiences and have come to the conclusion there is a god. i've thought things and then had them come true less than 30 seconds after. i've begun praying nightly, mostly for the courage to ask this girl out, which i have. i believe god gave me the strength to ask her out, and face rejection.
meh, i'll find someone eventually, i'm only 16, it's not as if this girl is the only girl i will ever like in such a fashion.
then again i'll probably just call her tonight and see if she'd be up for anything tomorrow.
i dont see how this has anything to do with anything or is an open topic of conversation, but you're more than welcome to try.
I don't mean that in a negative way, nor as a dismissive thing. But I'm here to tell you, being 16 makes almost EVERYTHING take on a serious tone. If you are the conventional artist personality type, then getting turned down by a girl can lay you low for a good while, brain chemicals aside.
Sounds to me like you are in full teenagerhood, figuring life and stuff out and thinking deep thoughts. And really taking the girl stuff seriously. This is absolutely NORMAL. I know it doesn't make anything better, but there you go. By the time you reach 20, your entire outlook will have changed dramatically.
Advice on the girl: Do not give up. Keep on going after her in the most reasonable ways you can (i.e. don't be a creep or a stalker). BE YOURSELF. If she's gonna like you, she's gonna like you, and if not, you'll find another who does.
These may be trite sayings, but they are true.
hey, she said "maybe some other time". that's better than "no". Try next weekend. And relax. Play it smooth. Think of what kind of movie she'll like. Then say, "hey, I'm going to see --insert specific cheesy chic flic-- this weekend, would you like to go with me". See that? You can make the act of "asking a girl out" into an actual friendly invitation. "movies" doesn't cut it. show her the intellectual side capable of more than one word sentences.
If she doesn't want to go because her dad owns several rifles, forget Wait til she goes to college. Other than that...everthing jzero said.
Fuck it. You're too young to waste a lot of your time or too much feelings on a woman unless she actually means something to you. Without trying to sound cocky, I have no problem getting women, and for some reason I chose this mediocre woman who ended up putting me through a lot of shit, until I opened my eyes. Also, try not to think with your penis. That bastard may seem harmless sometimes, but he can get you in some troubling situations.
Now I'm not saying don't go after women, but there's one key thing in my opinion. Just show them your true self, be yourself around them as friends, and if she shows some interest, then go after her, otherwise I wouldn't try too hard, because then it might come crashing down on you.
Good luck
You did Great! Chill out and enjoy your weekend.
By the way, I don't suggest calling her tonight. Give it a rest for now. She needs a bit of time to enjoy the fact that someone asked her out, and you don't want to come off like a stalker or needy.
I'm not much older than you, so I have some advice coming from your point of view:
Fuck it. You're too young to waste a lot of your time or too much feelings on a woman unless she actually means something to you. Without trying to sound cocky, I have no problem getting women, and for some reason I chose this mediocre woman who ended up putting me through a lot of shit, until I opened my eyes. Also, try not to think with your penis. That bastard may seem harmless sometimes, but he can get you in some troubling situations.
Now I'm not saying don't go after women, but there's one key thing in my opinion. Just show them your true self, be yourself around them as friends, and if she shows some interest, then go after her, otherwise I wouldn't try too hard, because then it might come crashing down on you.
Good luck
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i spoke to her friend today, she said that this girl is actually quite manipulative when it comes to guys. her last boyfriend was rich and apparently she's interested in him some. i don't see why they're apart though because he's blatantly interested in her.
i wasn't going to call her tonight anyway. this was more symbollic about me asking someone out than trying to get a date, as i am very shy.
Damn this whole time I thought you were a chick ...
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why do people always say that when i use the name mishra? it's not a femenine name, it's a guy's name.
Congrats for plucking up the courage to ask her out,thats always the hard bit but you always feel better for doing so.
Though I gotta say its scary how identical you sound to how iwas afew years ago...
i used to be exstremily shy,I asked my first girl out when i was 15 or so,she said yes,led me on,failed to tell me she had a boyfriend who concequenly threatened to beat the sh*t out of me....that dented my confidence with girls even further for a long long time.
Since then im now 18 and ive asked about 8 girls out since....been turned down by everyone of them and oviously ive been through the motions "is there soemthing wrong with me?","is it becuase im sterotyped as a "geek",becuase i sit on the computer alot of the time modleing for computer games and play them and I wear glasses?"..."is it becuase im somehow funny cos i can't dance or have any sense of rythem?" etc etc
and yes it does get me down some of the time,especially when your on a train or your at a public place and yo usee couples together and when my mates are with there other halves it does make me think 'when will that happen to me?"
But ive concluded that when I meet my girl,it will be in a public place,a bar,a club,a gig most likely somewhere like that,that idea backed up just 2 nights ago after a Rammstein gig I went to,met a girl and her guy mate,who had also been to the gig...they were going the same way home as us so we all introduced I shook the guys hand,I shook the girls hand introduced myself and gave a smile,she smiled back and gave the most blantant wink ever....and I got chatting to the girl on the train home....just to end up doing a DAZ and failing to get her phone number
But anyway I wnat to become a game artist,what am I doing thinking about women,there no time for that kind of caper in the games industry is there?
Perhaps because few people have played M:TG?
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it's also a guy's name in india, it's a very common male name over there.
Though I never assumed you were a chick, mostly because of it being at this message board, if you're a member here I will automatically assume you're a guy until I read or see proof that you're not.