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EF:TC seeking modeler, skinner and more

U.S.S. Speed
polycounter lvl 18
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U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
Note : We listed here what we need the most, however, whatever what your skill in modding is, if you are interrested, contact us, we surely have jobs for you.

We are launching this week our new website that will be at www.eliteforcetc.com For now, you can go at http://3.eliteforce.com (temporary website)

This mod is simple : Porting all what made EF1/2 such great game into the future of graphic and fun physic of HL2. Doing the Elite Force 3 Paramount and Activision won't do.

We are currently 8 ultra-active modder on it. But this is a large project divided into 3 different phase. So, we seek to extend our team to speed up the process.

We are searching a modeler would is expert in HL2 engine.

His job would be :

- Modeling, but not so complexe since we have other modeler
- Porting and converting models into HL2. This would be his main job. Create phys_box, and take the textured models into the game.
- Explain and teach other modeler how to get their model in HL2. (Optionnal)

Basicly, we have a few modelers, using different software. But we don't have anybody knowing how work XSI Mod Tool or how to get the polys into the game. So, we need a modeler which in top of modeling, could do that porting job, so other modeler would keep modeling and would not have to spend weeks on try-error to get their model in game.

We also need a skinner. Someone that would apply texture on models. However, you don't need to know how to make UV map or have any modeler knowledge at all. Models are already done unwrapped.

We would like you to be able to :
- Texture the models
- Know HL2 shader language (Optionnal)
- Know how to make normal map (Optionnal)
- Understand the concept of diffuse, specular, reflection, selfillum and translucent map concept.

If you are interrested, mail me at speed@effiles.com
Attach example of your work if you can.

Or contact me at :
ICQ : 92871460
MSN : therealjam@hotmail.com
AIM/iChat : ussspeed


  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    this is illegal and will get you foxed and your ass sued.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Man! Why when I post this around I always get that kind of crap?

    This is a real serious mod. We passed over 5 months getting rid of everything that could get us sue.
    Notice how it's "Elite Force : Total Conversion" and not "Star Trek Elite Force : TC"?

    No known character will appear in this mod. All design have been remade. (Weapons, character, uniform, powers-up, ships, etc.)

    We contacted peoples in Paramount and explained our problem. We got help from a lawyer to check that Paramount would have no way to sue or fox us.

    So, answer your question?
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Man! Why when I post this around I always get that kind of crap?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why bother when we can just play Elite Force 2? What will be there for "physics" in Star Trek?

    IMO i'm sick of all these "source" game remakes, i could probably link at least four goldeneye hl2 mods off the top of my head...
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Man! Why when I post this around I always get that kind of crap?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why bother when we can just play Elite Force 2? What will be there for "physics" in Star Trek?

    IMO i'm sick of all these "source" game remakes, i could probably link at least four goldeneye hl2 mods off the top of my head...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1) No physic in EF1/2
    2) Ugly graphic in EF1
    3) EF2 was a huge flop on the MP side.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    1) Physics don't make a game better, it's just a novelty that wears out quick. Besides, what is there to be used? Crates? Barrels?
    2) That's why there's EF2
    3) And what exactly could you do with yours over EF2? EF2 had some nice MP modes and it still has some players online. Don't expect to make better efforts than Raven and Ritual.
    4) Elite Force = Activision's property, they are a member of the ESA, and they wouldn't let you do a "source" remake of their games.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    And physic make the overall game better. It's not just a new little trick. It's how everything in a game react. When you push something, you expect it to react correctly.

    EF2 has not much more better graphic. It's still the Q3 engine, and still ultra-limited.

    That's a joke? There is more player on EF1 than EF2. Last time I checked EF2, there was something like 3 players online. I don't expect to do a better game than Raven or Ritual! It's only a mod. I expect to take the fun of EF1 MP gameplay, with graphic as good as EF2 with the physic of HL2 into a single mod. Not make a game.

    And Elite Force/Star Trek is propriety of Paramount. Ever heard about Activision dropping all Star Trek license?

    Finally, I didn't ask for critic or to hear "You will fail" or "You will get foxed", it's a year old mod! I heard that many time, and be sure Paramount is well aware of our existance. I came here to ask for a modeler or a skinner. Not to get critic.
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    welol, no-one will join your mod, because we all know it's illegal, so bye-bye.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    If you have nothing constructive to say, just shut up.

    I don't care what you think. This mod will succeed.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you have nothing constructive to say, just shut up.

    I don't care what you think. This mod will succeed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bringing drama and ego here does not make it a step further to success, it'll just guarantee to keep the modelers away. Good job
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    1. Physics don't improve character interaction since we cannot simulate the behaviour of a living being when subjected to physics anyway. EF didn't use any environmental interaction since in Star Trek nobody but Kirk uses environmental objects to attack other people. Doom 3 demonstrates how physics don't contribute to a game (other than Clonk but Clonk in 3d is impossible) unless you explicitely involve them, Doom 3 didn't use its physics engine and people didn't notice it even has one. Sure, barrels roll and people fall over more realistically but that just doesn't fit with the Star Trek universe.
    2. EF MP was pretty close to Quake 3 Arena, definitely nothing unique. It doesn't need a "remake", especially since the main selling point was Star Trek.
    3. You complain about EF2's player numbers but realistically, how many players do obscure mods get?
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you have nothing constructive to say, just shut up.

    I don't care what you think. This mod will succeed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bringing drama and ego here does not make it a step further to success, it'll just guarantee to keep the modelers away. Good job

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yet an other non-costructive comment. I guess people just don't read what I write.

    If you already have your mind set about this mod and that you are sure it will fail, why are you wasting your time replying? Why you don't let the place for people that would be interrested?
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    3. You complain about EF2's player numbers but realistically, how many players do obscure mods get?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EF:TC's team already count more people than the number of EF2's player.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not posting to argue on any of the topics that have already been yelled about. Just asking a question, maybe even rhetorically:

    If the original EF is merely a hopped-up Quake3, what else distinguishes it outside of the Star Trek license? Why else would someone want to play it if not for the Trek elements? (Maybe this is why no one plays it...)

    If your mod is EF1 transferred to a new engine, but with all the Trek license elements removed, what elements of the original game will end up in your mod? If there are some specifically innovative gameplay features in EF, what are they?

    Just wondering.

  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Even if we can't write "Star Trek" doesn't mean everybody doesn't know it is.
    While it's not called Star Trek, the elements are there. Even if the phaser doesn't look like the phaser in movie, it's still a phaser. Even if it's not called Star Trek, it's the same universe.
    I heard many people still calling this mod EF3. :/

    The fact that no known character appear in the mod doesn't mean anything. We got a great story for the Phase 3, and some amazing design.

    Anyway, like I said, the existance of this mod has many reason, which none is bigger than other but all part of the explanation.

    1) EF1 was great on both SP and MP that it created an amazing community. Check out http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/ even if it's a 3-4 years old game, many people still mod for it.
    2) EF2 failed to be a sequel of EF1 MP. Even if EF2 had a great SP, MP was horrible. And for many mapper and modder of EF1, EF2 just failed to help the community by giving it a great sequel to work on.
    3) Both EF1/2 being ultra-limited by the aging Q3 engine in term of graphic quality. No normal map, no refraction, limit up to 1024 textures, limit of polys, of brush, or map size, and no dynamic light and even with the amazing work of ydnar, it stayed extremly limited.
    4) Physic. Like I said, it's just not some small toys to play with. HL2 engine truely emulate real world physic. It allows with some coding some amazing stuff. Star Trek being in space, walking on spaceship hull is impossible with Q3. Unless the hull is totally flat. Also called wall walking... Changing the orientation of the gravity.

    True EF1 was a merely hopped-up Q3.
    But it was :
    - Star Trek
    - No blood or gibs

    Even then, which game replace Q3 now? Surely not D3! D3 MP is, like someone I know said "MP is worse than playing gotcha with a couple of old ladies" And HL2 MP is quite far from Q3. UT2004-2005? Sure not!
    Call it a sequel to Q3 or a sequel to the EF serie...

    I'm sure everybody of my team may have different opinion on why they joined. This is mine.
    It's a good mod, Star Trek or not.
  • Dark Bob
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    Dark Bob polycounter lvl 18
    Well I actually see were he is coming from here. I think about how cool it would be to make Undying 2. Obviously I would never do this because I am sure someone owns it. But still I am sure there is a game out there that totally let you down,or a sequel that got canned (see undying 2). Speed more power to you. I don't see how physics will improve the gameplay. But if you want Source Physics in there then Damn it put them in. Make the best damn Elite Force mod you can, so all the fans let down by the sub-par EF2 can go on line and shoot each other with phasers, photon torpedos, low yield atomic hand grenades. There is no need to hound him, in no way will it effect your day if he asks for help. Lets not let the new request boards turn into the old ones.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Well, maybe beside the gravity gun physic doesn't add much to the gameplay, but it adds a lot to the realisme and interactivity. Who played HL2 and didn't kick a can around...

    We got a lot of help. And now the set date for the first beta is 4-5 months.

    We launched our new website with our new domain : http://www.eliteforcetc.com
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Its for HL2 ? I have to say to myself, why is everyone using the "HL2" engine? Albiet I'm using UT2k4 for mine but IF I could have been able to afford it? I'd have used the Sylphis engine to build ours. I wish you luck on this, but I was hoping you'd be using a diffrent engine or a stand alone engine. That way you could code it the way *you* want it to be using the engine plus you'd have support for the developers of the engine as well if there was a snag. In fact if it became a hit? With it being a Standalone youcould sell it at a reasonable price and start on a gravy train for retirement. (Or at least a starting point towards that.) DO like the design of the site however, very slick and very eye appealing.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I didn't see any stand alone engine enough cheap that really worth it.

    Beside, our goal is not to sell it.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Thats all fine. a free game is always welcome. But the engine I was referring to is here at this link. http://devnet.sylphis3d.com/ The demo might be a lil outdated but the source engine does look good enough for what you're aiming for. I hope this might help out.
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Really impressive.

    The choice of HL2 was a democratic decision between the 12 original modder of the team.

    Beside, I think my coders would kill me if we would switch of engine now as they just finished coding the base. laugh.gif (After something like 3 months of work)
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Well, no thats cool! but think about it as this? Do the mod as you planned. If it does become a hit you could use the engine and develope a stand alone ver. Could a opition.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18

    herr maestro..

    My sentiments exacly,why in the name of my dear old grandmother is evryone using the HL2 engine. Im like come on....I havent played HL2 so this is an opinionated rant and I don't intend to till the price comes down and they get the steam issues sorted....why am I staying away from HL2?...cos I didn't like the first one,cool story and all,just didn't like the style and it never really appealed to me,hence why im not jumping for joy about the second one.

    Yet every mod thats been posted in the request forum in recent months has been HL2,come and join my HL2 mod...please!!! etc etc

    It bothers me immensily... seems evryone is going for cool features over anything else.


    *END RANT*
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Don't forget all the "let's remake gamenamehere on source" ideas that usually end up fail (including this idea, and that Duke3d source - which got kicked in the ass by 3D Realms)
  • Dark Bob
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    Dark Bob polycounter lvl 18
    3D Realms probably have jumped to the source engine and are restarting development on Duke Nukem Forever. It would be an emberesment if a mod team got a full Duke Nukem out before they did. laugh.gif
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    It's already in emberesment for being pushed back like that!

    For what now? 4? 5 years?
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    8 years actually.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Since the announcment or the apology?
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Since they start working on it. laugh.gif
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    and now the mod has been close ddown by 3drealsms....nice!!

  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    how so? Where was the notice?
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    unfortunatily I can't scan the page in but ill quickly post up what they said in the new PC-Zone,UK games mag.

    Duke Nuked:-

    "A source-based fan homage to Mr nukeum has received the Sword of Damocles treatment from 3d Realms.The mod,based on the classic Duke 3d shooter,was served the Cease and Desist order,presumably to protect the scanctity of the oft delayed Duke Nukum Forever.As ever rumours of a DNF appearance at E3 are doing the rounds.
    Lies,damn lies? it's got to appear sometime...."

    Of course I guess there could be more than one duke mod around but i presume this is the same one.

  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    3DRealms has the right to defend their IP and Activision does too, so don't expect to avoid it with the Elite Force name....
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    ehhh whats wrong with making a mod on HL2 some people seem dead against it... its a tried and tested engine, it looks ace and it should be pretty easy for an experienced outfit to mod for!? so what the problem guys? also i dont really agree with making conversions of licensed products (how would you like if someone took your idea youv been working on for years and used someone elses engine to make it in half the time to reap the benefits??) but let them get on with it... they arnt going to get around a law suet so no point in the arguments... anyway just my two cents. prob been said already but i dont wanna read ALL of thiss thread so... Peace laugh.gif

  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    just read it all and it hasnt been said.... ;P

    Jody wink.gif
  • U.S.S. Speed
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    U.S.S. Speed polycounter lvl 18
    Well, beside that, our mod is going great.
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