Ok, I just saw this in the news:
Now, is it just me...or does that look like a figurine? The focus is messing with the scale...and I don't know, it just feels off. I'm not trying to make light of what has potentially happened to that guy, but damn it...it looks like a 12 inch figure, look at the m4 on the right...I expect the camera to pan over and expose a little plastic hand holding the gun up.
Anyway, back to work for me.
for comparison here is a figure released by Dragon 1/6th scale.
and here is a pic of the the same figure scaled down to roughly he same size - http://www.figures.com/databases/news/actionfigures/93/33.jpg
EDIT: And that forward handle on the M4 looks like it's from a toy, as well. Those make sense with toys because you can't deform the wrist like that on a toy but in real life they'd get in the way when prone and I have a feeling the US army wouldn't do that. When we were aiming those G3s we held them maybe five centimetres above ground and usually you have some elevation in front of you that provides cover. Having a twenty cm handle on the front would've made it near impossible to get good cover because you'd have to move higher and expose yourself. Besides, it'd be uncomfortable.
In the photograph, the assault rifle -- either an M-16 or an M-4 -- is pointed at the man's head," said CNN military analyst James Marks.
Marks, a retired Army general, said he has several questions about the photograph's authenticity.
A flak jacket the man is wearing in the picture has an unfamiliar kind of piping or trim along its edges, Marks said. The man's open-legged pants, as opposed to gathered hems, seem odd, he said.
Marks also questioned what appeared to be camouflage paint on the man's face. "We have not used camo paint with conventional forces serving in Iraq," Marks said.
I mean, a child could have told you it was fake!
And that forward handle on the M4 looks like it's from a toy, as well. Those make sense with toys because you can't deform the wrist like that on a toy but in real life they'd get in the way when prone and I have a feeling the US army wouldn't do that.
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Vertical grips are often used for CQC. I'm not sure how common they are among the conventional forces in Iraq, though; I think they're more of a special forces type configuration. I'm not trying to defend the authenticity of the photo though, since I think it's already been pretty convincingly proven a fake
They got the article and photos (not the head though) there.
NM...found it
EDIT: And that forward handle on the M4 looks like it's from a toy, as well. Those make sense with toys because you can't deform the wrist like that on a toy but in real life they'd get in the way when prone and I have a feeling the US army wouldn't do that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah, that's a real design - it's just more of a specops configuration than standard infantry. M4A1 rifle with forward grip:
This is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time.