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Freelance Hiring Expectations

polycounter lvl 18
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Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
I've set aside some funding to finally put together a prototype game. Since I don't expect to handle this entirely by myself, portions of the total funding budget will be used to hire freelance conceptual artists, texture artists, etc.

This is'nt a major blockbuster title, and I don't have millions for a budget. Is there any information on hiring freelance artists any of you can reccomend? I don't plan to start hiring until this summer, and my major concerns are for a dedicated concept artist.

I would only like to spend 1.5k US total on the project per artist. The prototype only consists of one scene/level/environment. Is this figure high enough to catch decent talent? I would only require 100 concept drawings at the extreme worst case scenario, realistically only using half the amount drawn after critiques and such. I have had professional volunteers in the past, so there are examples to go by, and interest in the project.

I guess the question is, are my expectations realistic? Will a fairly skilled environment/character concept artist work for 1.5k US for the totality of the project? Estimated project completion is based on an object basis, not time.


  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    You'd usually get a half model or a skin or two for 1.5k

    I guess it depends of your definition of quality and 'fairly skilled artist' and finding the right people. There's a lot of unemployed talent working on non paying projects, those would be sure interested i suppose.

    Paid freelancers wouldn't be too interested.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, you'd best off (for that price range) looking for an art school student who is still in education, has a good skill set, and is interested in getting into games or film design.
    There are a few of them around, some free game mods have awesome concept artists - I'm sure they wouldn't say no to a little paid work on the side...
    But StrangeFate is right, you would have difficulty getting an established professional for that amount of money, unless you only want a few concept images, or they REALLY like your ideas so are prepared to work for less...
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    The only artist out there that would work for that amount are the ones trying to break in the industry, like me for example. Just be willing to provide some art tests so you can judge their skills, and see if they meet your needs. Keep in mind that the freelancers own really expensive software or spend alot on supplies. Good luck.

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Well, I don't think any person one earth deserves $1500 for one or two textures, or HALF a model. That's ridiculous, Strangefate.
    The money isn't the only factor, though. It's time. How long is your development cycle for this prototype? If you're asking someone to work 8 months for $1500, then yes, thats quite low. If their services are only required for a month or so, then I'd say more people would be open to it. It's a little bonus cash, for working on a new game wink.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago: He didn't say what SORT of model... a high-poly, uber-detailed Zbrush model would probably be worth at least that... there's over a month of man-hours in each of the Unreal3 engine demo creatures... and they're just models!
    One or two textures is maybe pushing it a little, but 4-5, yeah, that can be worth over $1500. There's money to be had in freelancing.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    i'm working for about that much right now. i'm just happy to be paid for modelling. so look me up this summer. heh.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago: There's nothing ridiculous about that at all. I know a guy who was contracted to do some high res models for a studio I've worked at and he was getting 15k per model. Like Paul says, there is some serious money to be had in freelancing. Especially If you are a name.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I can get paid $1500 sitting on my ass watching Sex and City on my machine.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    1500 is right on actually I think. If your work is good enough to actually get some freelance then you could probebly be working at a game company making something in the 50-60K range which translates to probebly around 1500 for 2 weeks of work after taxes. Ehh they must be paying you low wages there at 5000 . Probebly why everyone and there mom wants freelance work ..it pays on the higher end of the scale .
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    The last contract stuff I worked on was $2,000 per model. That was to build and texture the model, and provide a few LODs too. Since the folk I were working for were subcontracted, you can bet that the amount being charged to the studio was more than $2k.

    Takng my salary and usual workload, I'd say I normally get about $500 to $1000 per model at current exchange rates.
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    Personally I could settle for 1.5k for a character, without animations. But its a bit on the lower end.

  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 18
    just out of curiosity, are there any reputable agencies that handle freelance modelling in the uk? Or in these modern intarwebnet based times, does location even matter? Would looking to the US for work be possible? Judging by the sums of money being mentioned, it sounds like one day it might be viable to push polys from my remote mountain log cabin...which would be a pleasant change smile.gif
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I do that now... I make game models for a company based in Singapore. I live in the US. It's been a great learning experience for me although it be alot nicer to get paid more and in USD instead of Singapore dollar... I had to start somewhere and my boss is great. Later.

  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, I've decided to take on most of the modeling work. I lack in tradition art skills so my texturing and concepting skills are not up to par. Most of my experience comes from freelance contracts for the government, modeling mechanical parts. (They only use me because I hold a clearance.) The highlight of the project is that a lot of professional services are being volunteered.

    Red Eye Motion Capture Studios has donated some excellent motion capture data for the project. Robert Cirrilo of Core UK was the first professional concept artist to volunteer to assist the project. Artificial Studios has donated free use of thier Reality Engine for the entire prototyping phase, in exchange for some publicity and tech demo artwork.

    I appreciate all of your replies. My conclusion is that perhaps I should be "borrowing" mod artists for some paid side work. I should also have some tangible effort already put into the prototype, as to draw interest. There will be some video demonstrations availible by the end of Feburary. It's good to know realistic expectation, and that I'm not entirely crazy with that dollar figure. Perhaps I should recruit volunteers and hold the payment as an end of project bonus?
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I don't think any person one earth deserves $1500 for one or two textures, or HALF a model. That's ridiculous, Strangefate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Welcome to RealLife(tm) then. You're not very well informed.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    So.... that money got me interested tongue.gif

    While we talked about how much you can get for a model, no one really shared any experience on how difficult it is to get actual work.

    Lets say you are a decent modeler, skinner and animator... not super quality but about average, and not well known.
    Is it possible to get a work assignment for 1500$ once a month?
    Will it be easier to get lowpoly or highpoly work?
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Rick_Stirling: Thank you, that was the simple answer I was looking for. If you have any concept artists as aquaintences, perhaps they could answer the concept side of the question.

    Funny thing is that I asked this over on conceptart.org, and no one seems to want to answer.

    StrangeFate, if i'm doing the math correctly, the average artist makes 45k per year. After taxes, that rounds to about 1300 every 2 weeks. Your telling me that it takes 1 month to complete a model in the professional market? I highly doubt that's possible.

    Perhaps I should invest the money into improving my skills to take on the work myself. Thanks for the replies, I was just curious.
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    When I freelance I have to pay my own taxes.
    (I dont know how it works within the states).

    I spend max a week on a full char, therefor I the 1500. After taxes and everything it really isnt that much.

  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    JKMakowka I'm pretty sure he meant that was the amount you would get for doing all the work for the contract. It could be texturing several models or doing all the assets of the project. I believe the reason StrangeFate mentioned that 1500 only covers half a model and texture is because seasoned pros won't charge less than 25 bucks an hour. It takes at least 20 hours to do a realistic 512x512 texture and between 5 to 8 hours to do the modeling. That's if you know what you are doing. As far as getting these kinds of jobs, it's all about luck, networking, and looking for the job. I got my first contract because a friend of mine was contacted to do a contract and he told me to go for it cause he did not have time for it. You also need to have a portfolio site and go create profiles at different art job boards and maybe you might get an offer. There have been several of these job offers in the request and paid job listing, you sort of just have to keep an eye out. Later.

  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 20
    I would also think that what you have in store for the project will also play a part in how much artists charge. would artists here take a pay cut to be able to work on the next half life 2 or final fantasy and work with people like hideo kojima or john carmack?

    i think you should tell us a little about the project and maybe post some pics (even if they look like stick figures) just to get people to understand what it is all about and get people excited.

    like i know for a fact that if this is another WW2 game then i think $15k per 2000 poly and 512 texture is a decent price wink.gif

    oh and by the way great engine choice wink.gif
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    There's nothing extremely special about the project, besides being a bit more professional then most mods. We're using state of the art engine technology, and attempting to take advantage of it. It's more of a "push the limits of gaming" example. I will also see this project to it's end, even if it's on my death bed.

    I'm putting together a teaser site to go along with the video demonstrations availible by the end of Feburary. My "development studio" should be finished by July, and I plan to use all spare time availible to start the prototype production. The total budget for this one environment project is around 10k. Half will be spent on development equipment and software. The other half will be spent on c# scripting talent and artists. It's all being funded out of my pocket. Since breakinng into the industry is not a valid career option for me, since I already have a Sr. level IT position with the department of defense, I was hoping to start my own game art studio. This initial prototype is the experiment project, designed to see if quality work can be accomplished via freelance artists and my direction and funding. Startup funding has been limited since the scale of the project is limited. The goal is obviously to attract a publisher.

    The prototype is an opening scene, and single player "learn the controls" style level, focusing on the production values and art quality set for the final game. I won't divuldge the entire game design principal, but it's a SCI-FI combination FPS and RTS, similar to Battlezone 2 by Pandemic Studios. Pandemic has already been notified of the similar gameplay elements and have approved and commended the projects continuation.

    I guess I'll get more feedback upon the teaser site launch day. All concept art assests, and screen shots will be availible for viewing then, this was just more information gathering.
  • Wrath
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    Wrath polycounter lvl 18
    Comparing a salaried rate to contract work isn't valid. Asides for other perks (heath insurance, profit sharing, 401k, etc) there's the guaranteed 2 paychecks every month. Contract work seems to be anywhere from 2-3 times the hourly rate of a salaried employee. You might be able to find people willing to work for less, but you're not going to get the most solid work. For commisioned work, you literally get what you pay for.

    That said, if $1.5k is all you can afford, that's all you can afford. If you make sure you spend your money wisely you should be able to get something decent out of it. Plenty of talented people devote their time to mods with no pay at all. Best of luck to you.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    I think Wrath coverd the main reasons why contract work comes out so expensive (unless you're outsorcing to another company). 1 character model and skin (not rigged or anything) can be around 3k.
    That depends of course, of the quality you can deliver. Contracting single decent artists isn't cheap at all.
    Even if you have a fulltime job to cover all your stuff you will still demand the same high contract rates for your freetime contract work.

    But like said, there's some great talent working on mods out there for free that are probably better than some people being paid for contract work, and they wouldn't say no to doing basically the same they do now, but getting paid something for it.
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