NSFW is Internet slang that means "not safe for work". Another similar acronym is NWS which stands for "not work safe". It is typically used on interactive discussion areas to mark URLs that may be pornographic or shocking, so that the reader can avoid content that may be objectionable to coworkers or put their job at risk where there is a company policy of scanning access logs.
@Rick: What's up with that Apple theme? I mean, if you like Apple that much, why don't you actually get a real one?
It looks just stupid (sorry ) to have that Apple logo on a WinXP desktop.
JKM - software is free. Gimme a grand and I'll buy a Mac.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I know... but it feels a bit like some guy putting a ferrari horse on his run down ford or something, and actually thinking that it looks kewl
My advise:
1. Get a real operation system based on unix (e.g. Linux)
2. Put Gnome on it, an get an awesome desktop theme for it ( http://art.gnome.org/ or http://www.gnome-look.org/ )
3. Have a cool looking desktop with out beeing a cheap wanna be
4. ???
5. Profit
Sorry for flaming... keep in mind that I am only half serious
so you can play fallout2, rune, hitman 1-3, doom3, wow and hl2 on linux? without having to resort to an emulator?
and if you're wondering why those games, it's because they're what i have installed atm
Hmmm, what's your point? I never said anything about it.
@ Marine:
Wine is not an Emulator, and Fallout 1&2, Hitman2, WoW and HL2 run quite well with Wine or Cedega.
Doom3 runs nativly but I don't know about Rune (might be running with wine also... probably since UT99 runs even nativly).
Other games I have running nativly on my Linux box:
NWN, UT2004, Enemy Territory/RtCW, Quake 1-3 and MoH.
Starcraft, Warcraft3 and a bunch of other great game run just fine with Wine.
Of course some games will not work, but I have come to the conclusion that these are usually crappy games anyway (at least there is no game I would really like to play right now that doesn't work).
In case you wonder, all major CG-applications except for 3dsmax run nativly on Linux and PS can be used with Wine also
Lotsa people here use linux as a primary or secondary OS. Including me. Don't feel too discriminated against. Also I don't think I'll ever be politically correct, sorry
From the Blizzard Fan art gallery. The rest of the guys stuff is FREAKIN amazing, I can't read anyhting on his site but then again you really don't need to read to drool. His painting of Gordon Freeman was my desktop for a while...
From CG-Talk.
Whoa. Elisha Cuthbert has sideburns.
Edit : sorry - was a automatic, mindless post
dang matabus, who is that background by? it r0x0rz
[/ QUOTE ]
Cricket and Gauss might actually recognize it.
It's concept art from Kal Online (a free asian MMO). Don't know who the artist is, but he/she rocks.
[/ QUOTE ]Damn man you coulda put up a NSFW or something!
I got kids running around here!
Hey Cannon, which dock app is that?
[/ QUOTE ]
ObjectDock...from www.wincustomize.com
Last Month's Desktop:
Click for big.
It looks just stupid (sorry
JKM - software is free. Gimme a grand and I'll buy a Mac.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I know... but it feels a bit like some guy putting a ferrari horse on his run down ford or something, and actually thinking that it looks kewl
My advise:
1. Get a real operation system based on unix (e.g. Linux)
2. Put Gnome on it, an get an awesome desktop theme for it ( http://art.gnome.org/ or http://www.gnome-look.org/ )
3. Have a cool looking desktop with out beeing a cheap wanna be
4. ???
5. Profit
Sorry for flaming... keep in mind that I am only half serious
maybe he wants to play games, makowka
[/ QUOTE ]
I do it all the time... mainly on Linux
and if you're wondering why those games, it's because they're what i have installed atm
errrmmm OSX is based on FreeBSD
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm, what's your point? I never said anything about it.
@ Marine:
Wine is not an Emulator, and Fallout 1&2, Hitman2, WoW and HL2 run quite well with Wine or Cedega.
Doom3 runs nativly but I don't know about Rune (might be running with wine also... probably since UT99 runs even nativly).
Other games I have running nativly on my Linux box:
NWN, UT2004, Enemy Territory/RtCW, Quake 1-3 and MoH.
Starcraft, Warcraft3 and a bunch of other great game run just fine with Wine.
Of course some games will not work, but I have come to the conclusion that these are usually crappy games anyway (at least there is no game I would really like to play right now that doesn't work).
In case you wonder, all major CG-applications except for 3dsmax run nativly on Linux and PS can be used with Wine also
As you can see it's a nice wallpaper of Kasumi ala doa vollyball
Just objectdock with gant based icons. desktop I keep clean. objectdock and start menu is more than useful enough.
Asthane: please tell me where you got that wallpaper!! I must have that.
You have been warned!!!
just a big robot from some anime.
!BEWARE: Pervy material - My Desktop - BEWARE: Pervy material!
You have been warned!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I was prepared for a lot of things... but furry porn??? arrrggg
Send me some link to those. I can only find crappy ones.
Ignore the grumpy linux guy. !!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey I am representing a minority here, try some 'political correctness'
Again from CG-Talk.
From the Blizzard Fan art gallery. The rest of the guys stuff is FREAKIN amazing, I can't read anyhting on his site but then again you really don't need to read to drool. His painting of Gordon Freeman was my desktop for a while...