I didn't read the whole thing, but as far as I can tell, the kid just doesn't like Slayer. Music is a subjective thing, and I don't think his age necessarily invalidates his opinion. If I have a criticism of Beethoven's music, is my opinion invalid simply because of the fact that I wasn't born in the late 18th century?
Soul_Reaper you sound WAY more retarder than the kid you bash. And if the kid managed to collapse your cookie cutter world view then that is f%&*ing priceless.
I don't think Slayer make particularly good music. The singer/guitarist in my band is a huge Slayer fan, he keeps trying to convert me, and I just don't "get it"... it's fairly tuneless and boring to listen to, to me.
Music is one of the most subjective things in the world... the worst I will do is say "I recommend this band"... people like different stuff, more power to them. I have Keane parked next to Megadeth and Charlie Hunter (jazz) in my playlist... so sue me.
Also, what KeyserSoze says is totally right. Just because the kid wasn't alive when the band was at it's biggest, doesn't mean they have no right to criticise the music. Music snobbery is one of the most annoying things in the world.
Alright kids, I didn't see Soul_Reaper waving the "slayer is the best band ever" banner. He simply stated the kids is being retarded. And he is. In fact, that whole conversation is retarded.
I own Reign in Blood, have for years, and I can always pop it in the CD player and listen to it all the way through. It's only 30 minutes long. It's a good album that ages well. There isn't much to get. It's fast, it's dark, and heavy. It's THE thrash album. While it may not be musically challenging, it holds a lot more musical arrangements than most of today's "metal" bands. I've seen Slayer in concert twice, and own a T-shirt with holes all over it. Yeah, they rock...but there's no way I'd waste my time attempting to define the essence of true metal to a 14 year old. That's like telling a child Barney the purple Dinosaur isn't real.
So basically, this kid has no fucking clue what he's talking about. And he is the personification of many kids his age who lack proper role models, proper parenting, and proper internet monitoring. Damn, 14 years old. Metal has changed over the decades. There are so many sub-genres now. Most of the best metal bands come from Sweden today. Nu-metal, or depression-metal as I call it, is enjoying it's fame. So I've switch my attention to classic rock til this trend passes. My coke head brother will tell you Slipknot is the best metal band of all time. I'm glad he's living in a gutter now. Kids today.
So basically, this kid has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
[/ QUOTE ]
When it comes to one's opinion, how is it possible to "have no fucking clue"? I've never liked Slayer, but I don't mind listening to Metallica from time to time. I also dislike raisins, but LOVE Jell-o; does this mean I hate raisins because I "have no fucking clue"? No, it simply means that the taste of jell-o appeals to me, while the taste of raisins does not. That's all there is to it.
And don't give me any of this bullshit about commercialism, corporate rock, or MTV mentality. Slayer signed a contract to get a record deal, just like every other band. If you choose your music based on how "hardcore" or "legitimate" you think a band is, rather than picking music based on how it aurally appeals to you, then you're just as immature as all of those 14-year-olds.
No he doesn't. If the kid was simply expressing his opinion, and being bashed by the "hardcore metalheads", then his statement would have a point. The fact is, this inexperienced young man is forcing his opinion as fact towards others, which is evident in his attitude. And it's that attitude which is the proof of his immaturity, and the cause of THIS discussion. The kid is sharing statements that he interprets as fact, and often times those arguements are false due to lack of experience in how society views the music industry. Sure, it IS his opinion, and he has a right to it. But he obviously has difficulty dealing with opinions that deviate from his own. And in that respect, he is immature, and misinformed. His view of the worlds began, like everyone else, after his birth. I'm assuming this to be 1991. His introduction to the world of rock was probably around the time I was introduced to game art design...not too long ago. And I'm not going to jump into a discussion as say, "OMG XSI IS TEH ROXXORZ,ANYTHING ELSE IS CRAP!" to a bunch of industry professionals. Ok, that's my analogy for this week. This is a young man looking for attention, whether it's good or bad. Simply put: Kids today...
Interesting how a retarded conversation can lead to a crash course in psychology. I know I'm going over the top, but I think we've all been there. It's too bad these young minds can have their irresponsible acts recorded in writing online, but it's a lesson learned.
KeyserSoze makes a good point. I can never find such eloquent arguments!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I've had this argument before. I understand that Soul Reaper and ElysiumGX have more respect for Slayer than they do for Metallica, and they probably have many objective reasons as to why, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to like Slayer's sound. Led Zeppelin is a widely acclaimed band, but not everyone likes them, and a lecture on the history of the band and their huge influence probably isn't going to change anyone's opinion.
If you don't like something, you don't like it; it doesn't mean that you don't know what you're talking about. Of course, sometimes music is an acquired taste and you'll end up really liking something you used to dislike.
I think the bottom line is that arguing over musical taste is useless. Different people like different stuff, deal with it.
I listen to Led Zepplin everyday on the way to school.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's great, but you obviously missed the point. Different music appeals to different people, and no one's opinion is any more valid than anyone else's. I went back and reread the letter (not the responses, though), and I didn't see anything wrong with it. The letter was actually pretty articulate for a 14-year-old, and he even attempted to give justification for his opinions. It's not as if he just said, "OMG SL4YER SUX!!~! KOrN R0x0rz!!!~!~~~"
[edit] okay, I thought only the first letter was from the kid. I haven't read the other emails yet, but I still think arguing with the kid is stupid.
Now i read most of the mails and OMFG the Jonny guy is total asswhipe, he has to lable everything and if he doesnt like it then its not metal and obviously Slayer is hes favorite band and he would propably eat shit if it made everyone belive that Slayer is teh true metal band.
ElysiumGX what do you mean by "how society views the music industry"?
So if lots of people say that some particular band is the best then everyone else should just buy this idea and bury their own opinion?
I stopped caring about music genres when I was out of kindergarten. What is Metallica? Dunno. Do I like them? Yes. What is System Of A Down? Dunno. Do I like them? Yes. What is Led Zeppelin? Dunno. Do I like them? Dunno, never heard any of their songs .
Besides, lyrics? Why do we have to care about lyrics when they're so inane anyway? "Beat up depressed people"... I mean, shit, if you want to have a message then you're free to but too many songs have "messages" of zero value. Beating people up, suicide or "digging that chigga" aren't messages, they're filler so the lead singer has SOME words to say. Shit, not too long ago lyrics were the exception and the entire message was coded into the piece. You didn't say "snake", you made a theme that made people think of a snake.
But that reasoning "Without XY, the genre Z wouldn't be where it is today!" for declaring XY to be of genre Z is just plain BS. Without the likes of Scott Joplin RNB wouldn't be what it is today but does that make Scott Joplin RNB? Are the Rolling Stones Nu Metal? Many great artists had serious influence on subsequent art styles but that doesn't necessarily make them part of these styles.
While on the subject of art styles, why aren't we seeing any impressionism on Polycount? 2d art has its art styles but so far 3d seems to be mostly lacking them.
Woah woah woah, I just thought this was a nugget of comedy gold: The opinionated 14 year old, and the asshole elitist metal head locked in mortal combat. I never expected a 'heated discussion' out of this.
Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opions, but sometimes opinions can be wrong. If the discussion here was that the kid preferred Korns self titled album, or Toxicity by System Of A Down to Slayers Reign In Blood then we wouldn't be having a discussion. That would be the kids opinion, and that's fine.
However, the point here is that the kids opinion is that Korn by Korn, and Toxicity by System Of A Down are both more important to heavy metal than Reign In Blood by Slayer.
Now if you aren't a metal head, you might not understand what Reign In Blood represented, what it did for metal, when it did it and why it was a landmark record. So I'll try to equate what the kid is saying into something we can understand.
Enema Of The State by Blink 182 is a more important record to punk than "Never Mind The Bollocks" by the Sex Pistols.
Or that Def Jam Vendetta is more important to beat-em-ups than Street Fighter 2.
And we all know that both of the above are retarded statements.
So again, the kid is perfectly within his right to prefer one over the other, but to believe that the stuff he prefers his more important than a classic, landmark, genre defining record is just ignorance, and to push that belief as fact onto the internet is just plain stupid.
One last example. I hate Final Fantasy VII. I love Disgaea. But I don't believe that Disgaea is more important than Final Fantasy in the roleplaying genre.
OMFG LOL N))B you hate raisins? When im king everyone who even slightly dislikes raisins will be thrown in the brigg!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nonsense! Who would ruin a perfectly good grape by turning it into a dried-out, old booger. I say that grapes are more important to heavy metal, because without grapes, there would be no raisins! Harrumph!
I get what you're saying Soul Reaper. I guess I took this thread a bit too seriously and veered it off course . I also probably should've read everything before I decided to post. To be fair, I don't remember the kid ever saying that he though Korn or System of a Down were more important to metal, he just said he thought they were better (which they very well could be, if that's what suits your tastes). I guess that's splitting hairs though, since in the context of the argument, he was implying that they were more important. Either way, I read way too much into this whole thing. I probably shouldn't come here when I have a lot of time to kill .
And just as an aside, I think you could've picked a better band than the Sex Pistols for your punk example. A lot of people consider the Sex Pistols to be the death of punk; sort of the "begining of the end," so to speak. The Ramones, or The Clash, or The Cramps probably would've been a better choice (damn... all of the punk bands I know have "The" in their name). I got the point, but I just thought I'd add that.
I read most of that article, and found it completely retarded on both sides, just two people arguing about how what they like is the correct thing to like,
I love metal. Love it. Love it. Love it. I love bands from nearly all the genres. Death, thrash, doom, nu, whatever. Slayer, Korn, Mudvayne, My Dying Bride, Fear Factory, King Diamond, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Samael, Amorphis, goddamn I love all sorts of metal. But you know what....I hate classic metal! Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, KISS, Ozzy, fuck all of them. They bore me to tears. But I'm not gonna' argue that they're not valid and that they haven't had a huge influence on metal music of today. I know the music I love today started with those bands but, hey, doesn't mean I have to like them. But I'm not going to argue with anybody that does. It's pointless and idiotic to attempt to do so.
I think I had a "point" in there somewhere but I don't know. Bah, oh well.
I have to agree with mojo and eveyone else that said both sides of that argument were fucking retarded, and the fact that you are all having an argument about an argument is nearly as retarded. Just not so much because its actually civil.
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, tyrannize their teachers, and say Korn is better than Slayer." -SOCRATES
Ah, I thought you were going to quote that Roman who complained about children following "oriental religions" (Christianity) around the time Jesus lived...
Music is one of the most subjective things in the world... the worst I will do is say "I recommend this band"... people like different stuff, more power to them. I have Keane parked next to Megadeth and Charlie Hunter (jazz) in my playlist... so sue me.
Also, what KeyserSoze says is totally right. Just because the kid wasn't alive when the band was at it's biggest, doesn't mean they have no right to criticise the music. Music snobbery is one of the most annoying things in the world.
" I thought metalheads were supposed to BEAT UP depressed wimps, not BE depressed wimps! "
[/ QUOTE ]
Fuck yeah!!!
Their more recent albums are a bit lame. But their earlier ones are killer.
I own Reign in Blood, have for years, and I can always pop it in the CD player and listen to it all the way through. It's only 30 minutes long. It's a good album that ages well. There isn't much to get. It's fast, it's dark, and heavy. It's THE thrash album. While it may not be musically challenging, it holds a lot more musical arrangements than most of today's "metal" bands. I've seen Slayer in concert twice, and own a T-shirt with holes all over it. Yeah, they rock...but there's no way I'd waste my time attempting to define the essence of true metal to a 14 year old. That's like telling a child Barney the purple Dinosaur isn't real.
So basically, this kid has no fucking clue what he's talking about. And he is the personification of many kids his age who lack proper role models, proper parenting, and proper internet monitoring. Damn, 14 years old. Metal has changed over the decades. There are so many sub-genres now. Most of the best metal bands come from Sweden today. Nu-metal, or depression-metal as I call it, is enjoying it's fame. So I've switch my attention to classic rock til this trend passes. My coke head brother will tell you Slipknot is the best metal band of all time. I'm glad he's living in a gutter now. Kids today.
So basically, this kid has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
[/ QUOTE ]
When it comes to one's opinion, how is it possible to "have no fucking clue"? I've never liked Slayer, but I don't mind listening to Metallica from time to time. I also dislike raisins, but LOVE Jell-o; does this mean I hate raisins because I "have no fucking clue"? No, it simply means that the taste of jell-o appeals to me, while the taste of raisins does not. That's all there is to it.
And don't give me any of this bullshit about commercialism, corporate rock, or MTV mentality. Slayer signed a contract to get a record deal, just like every other band. If you choose your music based on how "hardcore" or "legitimate" you think a band is, rather than picking music based on how it aurally appeals to you, then you're just as immature as all of those 14-year-olds.
KeyserSoze makes a good point.
[/ QUOTE ]
No he doesn't. If the kid was simply expressing his opinion, and being bashed by the "hardcore metalheads", then his statement would have a point. The fact is, this inexperienced young man is forcing his opinion as fact towards others, which is evident in his attitude. And it's that attitude which is the proof of his immaturity, and the cause of THIS discussion. The kid is sharing statements that he interprets as fact, and often times those arguements are false due to lack of experience in how society views the music industry. Sure, it IS his opinion, and he has a right to it. But he obviously has difficulty dealing with opinions that deviate from his own. And in that respect, he is immature, and misinformed. His view of the worlds began, like everyone else, after his birth. I'm assuming this to be 1991. His introduction to the world of rock was probably around the time I was introduced to game art design...not too long ago. And I'm not going to jump into a discussion as say, "OMG XSI IS TEH ROXXORZ,ANYTHING ELSE IS CRAP!" to a bunch of industry professionals. Ok, that's my analogy for this week. This is a young man looking for attention, whether it's good or bad. Simply put: Kids today...
Interesting how a retarded conversation can lead to a crash course in psychology. I know I'm going over the top, but I think we've all been there. It's too bad these young minds can have their irresponsible acts recorded in writing online, but it's a lesson learned.
KeyserSoze makes a good point. I can never find such eloquent arguments!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I've had this argument before. I understand that Soul Reaper and ElysiumGX have more respect for Slayer than they do for Metallica, and they probably have many objective reasons as to why, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to like Slayer's sound. Led Zeppelin is a widely acclaimed band, but not everyone likes them, and a lecture on the history of the band and their huge influence probably isn't going to change anyone's opinion.
If you don't like something, you don't like it; it doesn't mean that you don't know what you're talking about. Of course, sometimes music is an acquired taste and you'll end up really liking something you used to dislike.
I think the bottom line is that arguing over musical taste is useless. Different people like different stuff, deal with it.
I'm talking about the kid. Forget it. It's late. I have a lot of tension when it comes to teenagers and the current state of the music industry.
@MoP: I prefer the intellectual debates.
I listen to Led Zepplin everyday on the way to school.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's great, but you obviously missed the point. Different music appeals to different people, and no one's opinion is any more valid than anyone else's. I went back and reread the letter (not the responses, though), and I didn't see anything wrong with it. The letter was actually pretty articulate for a 14-year-old, and he even attempted to give justification for his opinions. It's not as if he just said, "OMG SL4YER SUX!!~! KOrN R0x0rz!!!~!~~~"
[edit] okay, I thought only the first letter was from the kid. I haven't read the other emails yet, but I still think arguing with the kid is stupid.
ElysiumGX what do you mean by "how society views the music industry"?
So if lots of people say that some particular band is the best then everyone else should just buy this idea and bury their own opinion?
Besides, lyrics? Why do we have to care about lyrics when they're so inane anyway? "Beat up depressed people"... I mean, shit, if you want to have a message then you're free to but too many songs have "messages" of zero value. Beating people up, suicide or "digging that chigga" aren't messages, they're filler so the lead singer has SOME words to say. Shit, not too long ago lyrics were the exception and the entire message was coded into the piece. You didn't say "snake", you made a theme that made people think of a snake.
But that reasoning "Without XY, the genre Z wouldn't be where it is today!" for declaring XY to be of genre Z is just plain BS. Without the likes of Scott Joplin RNB wouldn't be what it is today but does that make Scott Joplin RNB? Are the Rolling Stones Nu Metal? Many great artists had serious influence on subsequent art styles but that doesn't necessarily make them part of these styles.
While on the subject of art styles, why aren't we seeing any impressionism on Polycount? 2d art has its art styles but so far 3d seems to be mostly lacking them.
Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opions, but sometimes opinions can be wrong. If the discussion here was that the kid preferred Korns self titled album, or Toxicity by System Of A Down to Slayers Reign In Blood then we wouldn't be having a discussion. That would be the kids opinion, and that's fine.
However, the point here is that the kids opinion is that Korn by Korn, and Toxicity by System Of A Down are both more important to heavy metal than Reign In Blood by Slayer.
Now if you aren't a metal head, you might not understand what Reign In Blood represented, what it did for metal, when it did it and why it was a landmark record. So I'll try to equate what the kid is saying into something we can understand.
Enema Of The State by Blink 182 is a more important record to punk than "Never Mind The Bollocks" by the Sex Pistols.
Or that Def Jam Vendetta is more important to beat-em-ups than Street Fighter 2.
And we all know that both of the above are retarded statements.
So again, the kid is perfectly within his right to prefer one over the other, but to believe that the stuff he prefers his more important than a classic, landmark, genre defining record is just ignorance, and to push that belief as fact onto the internet is just plain stupid.
One last example. I hate Final Fantasy VII. I love Disgaea. But I don't believe that Disgaea is more important than Final Fantasy in the roleplaying genre.
OMFG LOL N))B you hate raisins? When im king everyone who even slightly dislikes raisins will be thrown in the brigg!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nonsense! Who would ruin a perfectly good grape by turning it into a dried-out, old booger. I say that grapes are more important to heavy metal, because without grapes, there would be no raisins! Harrumph!
I get what you're saying Soul Reaper. I guess I took this thread a bit too seriously and veered it off course
And just as an aside, I think you could've picked a better band than the Sex Pistols for your punk example. A lot of people consider the Sex Pistols to be the death of punk; sort of the "begining of the end," so to speak. The Ramones, or The Clash, or The Cramps probably would've been a better choice (damn... all of the punk bands I know have "The" in their name). I got the point, but I just thought I'd add that.
This has been a poor attempt to retain relevance by Soul Reaper.
Aerosmith is the best heavy metal band ever!!!
This has been a poor attempt to prove his point by ElysiumGX
stupidty stubitys
I think I had a "point" in there somewhere but I don't know. Bah, oh well.
That is all.
Staind > *
That is all.
[/ QUOTE ]
so far nobody has mentioned a band i like. except zepplin.
am i an OUTCAST for not liking metal? anser: yes most likely
Pass go and do not collect 20 dollars.
It's 200 not 20!