Seriously, fuck right off Supercuts.
I said a grade 3, then finger length on top brushed forward for fucks sake. And waddya do? Go ahead and make the sides so short that you can see skin, shave off my sideburns and keep the top too long! I look fucking ridiculous! I look like a 12 yr old in a Norman Rockwell painting. All I need now is short pants and a fucking fishing rod or something. I didn't really see the full extent of the damage til I got home. When I saw how short the sides were, I just wanted out of that chair.
Bastards! Now I can't go out tonight. WTF. Can someone come round and just shave it all off please?! I've got a date mid next week too. WTF am I meant to do now????
sucks man. put on a hat?
My father owns a barbershop.
Here ya go.
After they cut your hair, ya gotta tip'em too. Damn them, damn them all to hell!
You want a G.I. Private's Uniform to go with the hair cut? :-)
Go ahead and make the sides so short that you can see skin, shave off my sideburns and keep the top too long! I look fucking ridiculous!
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LOL! I had sideburns when I was in highschool! I can't believe they are back in style! Your best bet is to get over it quickly and go about business as normal.
The only people who pay attention to your own haircuts are yourself! Really! Any razzing you get from guys will be forgotten in 2 minutes so ignore it. Girls won't hardly even notice.
Really, Daz, your whole post sounds kinda...girlish!
Lol too funny you should say that! So I've been looking for ref. tonight to finish up this '44 German soldier I'm working on, and guess what I realise! This IS my frickin' hair!!!
Duke, I dont mean huge great Sgt. Pepper sideburns. Little 'uns! But I AM a big girl when it comes to my hair!!!
Duke, I am a big girl when it comes to my hair!!!
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Fair enough, I have'nt cut mine in over a year so I guess I better shutup
My missus got a crappy haircut at supercuts about a year ago, cutting it waay too short.
seems they are just not very good
They have supercuts in England now?!
I just have to ask how that place got their name?
Do what I do, buy a nice set of clippers and shave it yourself, one length all around (#3 for me). Easy to maintain!
Go ahead and make the sides so short that you can see skin, shave off my sideburns and keep the top too long! I look fucking ridiculous!
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LOL! I had sideburns when I was in highschool! I can't believe they are back in style! Your best bet is to get over it quickly and go about business as normal.
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im all about the retro man... the chicks love the manly burns
man i'd pay for anothe haircut just to see those pics. (i dont have the nessesities to send money over the net tho so dont take that seriously heh)
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I'll send Darren $20 via PayPal right now if we get some clear, full-color shots of his new 'do
I feel so used
I'm still in seatle today. man this city rocks, I miss it.
i shaved my head the next day.
Do what I do, I haven't had my hair cut in 12 years. There's lots of great chicks out there that love a guy with incredibly long hair.
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Cant find the link, but I saw it the other day.
its horrible to sit in the chair. like a torture. shave it all off id say !!! :P and good look with that date ..
it's still dark-ish in the last two or thre inches from where i had it dyed black 2-3years ago. not that it's remotely black but it has some strange dark brown/reddish/goldish not quite natural highlights when the light hits it.
You think Supercuts is bad, Walmart are starting to have barbershops now.
You think Supercuts is bad, Walmart are starting to have barbershops now.
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specialization: the mullet
Pfft. That's nothing Adam. Here's a recent pic of me.
Can't see most of my hair because it's tucked behind my shoulders but if I tilt my head back a bit in the shower I can feel my hair touch the top of my ass.
It sucked but you get what you pay for
But then...I've gone to cheap and expensive places here and they always cut waaaaay to much off. So now I let it grow until it gets out of my control and then I tell them to take of a tiny bit. They never do and then I'm good for another 3 months or so.
Hairdressers like to cut hair. The more the better. That's the bottom line.
My golden rule is to tell them to take off at least an inch more than you want to lose and you end up somewhat with what you want.
but if I tilt my head back a bit in the shower I can feel my hair touch the top of my ass.
[/ QUOTE ]
ARRGGG tooo much information... ARRGGG