Yo, I'm kind of new here, I had an account and suff, and stuff happend and I couldn't get a new after the shutdown, but now I have. so I have been lurking this bord for ages.
Anyways, This is some of the stuff I have done resently.
The sonic dude is what I'm working on currently.
We shall see how active I can manage to be here.
(Oh, and so everybody knows, my spelling suck)
I didn't know who billy corgan was, but yeah, it do look like him.
The sword is supposed to look abit disturbing and weird, and allmost organic. But yeah, I could have used other colors.
I have been working on the Sonic texture, but I don't know if I sould update in this thread when I allrady have in the "what are you working on" thread -> http://boards.polycount.net/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=2&Number=82&page=0&fpart=17
But anyways, I'm now working on a mage like hatwearing chick.