I dont know how many would be interested in this But, Im going to throw this out there anyways. A month ago, I, along with many of you, made a new years resolution to loose the fat this year and be more active. I think I know of a fun way to achieve this but, I dont know how to accomplish it because of the fact that we are all scattered all over the country and world. I Think it would be so cool if some how there could create an organized basketball league for gamers. Companies VS Company. Everyone coming together to play a game non related to our job. Its athletic, it encourages sportsmanship and it opens up new opportunities to meet new people from different companies and develop new friendships.
I dont know how to accomplish this and quite frankly, someone like Poop would be better suited to organize such a massive organization.
Has this been thought of? Do any of you think this could happen? If so, what are your ideas on how to Make it so?
Surely the vastness of this country makes it a bit of a non starter no?
Around here, EA does have a team for soccer and basketball and other sports yeah, but they compete with other companies in the bay area or even just this business park! A little bit easier to organize than with other companies across this MASSIVE country I think.
- BoBo
As for this idea, we can orginize it then per sector, state or city. I think the idea is to get us all off our asses and have some fun that does does not require sitting down.
I use to be a mouthy wave hoggin grommit.