I really enjoyed seeing the different pics from so many companies and thought Id be fun to start up a new one. This time, show off your over done and outrageous Desk collections built up over the years or months or what ever.
I'll go first.
My collection is at a start right now. I am collection Apple juice bottles with the hope that it reaches to the top.
that avatar rocks
That way you see, management might get it into their simple brains that you might quit at any moment. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Id post pics of mine, but you'd all hate me.
ElysiumGX, Found that avatar from a old freind and roomate hook up. I can get the site if yall want version of that avatar.
Daz , Post it man. Put us to shame.
things have been shuffled around a bit but thats more or less the contents, cept i keep getting more and more dvd's in here
OMG i'm contributing to a tubboy thread!
hey mojo what dell moniter model is that?
flaagan, I dont have an easy escape from here for when somebody goes psotal either.
Mojo's cube with the TV is pretty impressive I must say. You just need to turn on the parental lock on your DVD player with Poop near. I think that's a court order or something.
OK, ok I'm a messy bastard. There's an animation lightbox under there somewhere. *and an un-opened can of Krusty Kola labelled '90% safe'.
Are you allowed to tear apart these corporate computers and customize them to your liking?.....or will the suits pounce on you and make you goto corporate hell?
I noticed most of you guys have got dells...bhwaahahahah!! Dude, you got a Dell!
I was expecting some Silicon Graphics Nissan Design Center Machine......I visited the Nissan Design Center. Those guys are spoiled rotten. It warped my perception of the corporate world.
[Edit]I wrote this at 5:30am, and sounds kinda rude, but funny at the sametime.....please forgive me.[/Edit]
I geek out about computers for some reason. Here's what I'd want:
Dual Monitors, Dual CPU Motherboard.....I settle for a Geforce 6800 game card.
Is that pretty typical?
I don't see how you can live without a dual monitor setup?
Are you allowed to tear apart these corporate computers and customize them to your liking?.....or will the suits pounce on you and make you goto corporate hell?
[/ QUOTE ]
We're allowed to do pretty much what we want, and we keep asking for upgrades (graphics cards etc) until the man with the money says NO!
These Packard POS's came with ONBOARD graphics, so we spat them back until they got upgraded. This is my little corner of the movie lot - http://www.iomfilmstudios.com/ - where I play at making assets and graphics for overseas budget games developers.
Now turn your head sideways, damnit!
Things get a bit messy when you work all night for a week straight, you just stop caring really hehe
kleinluka:- Nice LAN set-up ya got there,left hand side vs right hand side yes?,but this thread was about work places mate
kleinluka:- Nice LAN set-up ya got there,left hand side vs right hand side yes?,but this thread was about work places mate
[/ QUOTE ]
Ubi has an open dev floor.
here's a different shot of the office
4 people in this room, thats my corner.
Why are there college/high school graduation pictures of geeks from the late 70's early 80's?
I should say everybody was a geek in the late 70's early 80's. Look at those haircuts.
Look how you're dressed. What, were you on drugs?....oh yeah, now I remember. You were.
It was my 70;s yearbook project. I took my dads old college yearbook from 75'... then i made a list of most people at Volition (at the time). Then i searched in this yearbook for their "Bizarros" Some actually looked just like their counterpart it was freaky. Then i erased "joe schmoes" name from the 70's and inserted my fellow Volitionites name. Printed them out and WAlla... yearbook project that covers my entire wall!
I should say everybody was a geek in the late 70's early 80's. Look at those haircuts
[/ QUOTE ]
to us 70's geeks, you are the geeks!
Somebody ought to start a thread, post your senior year yearbook picture!
That's what I have right now ... not necessarily a "box" but it's what I'm doing my photoshop stuff right now. I have three other boxes but my brothers are using at the moment.
I'll grab a snap of my new desk pretty soon, but it's not as exciting as Swambug's is