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Gargoyle Quake needs Concept Artist and/or modeler

polycounter lvl 18
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CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18

Gargoyle Quake is a Darkplaces Q1 based mod (stand alone game maybe, but then i'll have to think of a new name) where every player is, of course: a gargoyle. Gargoyles are deadly menacing flying creatures here, not water spouts and statues.

Currently the project is going under a revival with new gameplay, same glitz. There'll be "normal" play, "elemental" play (as in, binding yourself to an element with special elemental crests or so for different attacks) and "classed-based" play where players can pick between two visually different teams (Gargoyles, and Demons) and fight it off CTF style. The new design document is in progress and is in early stages. It is also probably going to be a merging or so with a similar, but dead mod for q3a.

With the two teams (Gargoyles and Demons), you could get away with doing a demon if gargoyles aren't your thing. All gargoyles and demons are "bare" in the sense of having no clothing or hair, so if you want any "cover" or so, have tattoos. Jewelry works too, but not in an excessive amount :P

Melee weapons are uncertain, but there is at least going to be claws. ;P

Oh, and not only concept is required but a model sheet too, so I could model it with it's proper porportion and features, n' stuff. I'm a modeler, skinner and the coder and leader for the project. :P Nudity is optional (yes, male nudity on a mythical creature, but that's up to you though, i'm not making you or stopping you, though i prefer nudity anyways (kinda sick of gargoyle castration))

The reason why i'm requesting this, is because Neros and Warby (my previous concept artists) no longer have free time to draw or work, leaving me with no concept artist on my side, bringing me down here beggin' for help ;P

For personal communication, contact me by MSN (recommended, addy: cheapalert AT planetquake DAWT com), my gmail (cheapalert AT gmail DAWT com) or on this forum.

The current gallery can be seen here. It's mostly ol' Quakeguy jumping around for at least the bot/weapon/fx/engine functionality. No garg is ingame yet, but will be, and hopefully i'll stick quakeguy in there for some interesting garg vs. human battles.

Thanks, and good luck!


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