This may be something that everyone knows already, but I thought it was rather nice.
The marking menu that comes up when you hold 'O' and either left or middle mouse button allows you to access the polygon editing tools using the artisan paint tool. While its not particularly useful for a lot of tools, it'll come in really handy for doing things like making hard or soft edges and the like. Haven't had much of a chance to experiement yet but it seems pretty cool. Its also something thats not really mentioned in Maya's documentation.
/no must have imagined it
Alright, I'll have to admit now that I've taken lessons with one of the Alias guys as tutor, now that everything makes some degree of sense, its not so bad. Evil of course, evil beyond all imagining, but not so unpleasant to work with.
Anyone else got any?
I just discovered something else I didn't realise earlier today. Great for complex scenes. If you have a bunch of objects grouped, and you have one of the grouped objects selected that you're manipulating, and then decide you need to manipulate the entire group, instead of going hunting for that group in your crowded outliner, hit the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select up and down the hierarchy.
This is probably common knowledge knowing me!
Thanks, Jackablade!
Pick walking is the way. And yep MMB is Maya's magic button.
SHIFT + > is the most annoying piece of fuggery ever known to man. When it works its heavenly, but for me and 'every' other maya user I know, it stops working after about 20 uses and doenst ever work again until maya is restarted. I'm still hoping desperately that someone in the maya communty will make a new/better/RELIABLE ONE.
best thing I found all month
I use it all the time and it works fine for me. Apparently Im not 'every other maya user'
anyway, if you're fighting to grow and shrink selections, then there are much nicer alternatives, e.g. check out koshigaya's or mjpolytools script packages (highend3d should have 'em).
still looking for a nice poly bevel, as always...
i heard from someone that polybevel finally works without the fixing stage in the newly announced release 6.5 - can anyone confirm this?