Ironbear - Hey I responded to you in my post as well about the color thing. All of these textures were meant to look best on the tv, first off rendered on the ps2 and then on the xbox. So the Art Lead and Art Director had very specific intructions went it came to color palettes and values. For them, what mattered was the ingame result. Also, enviroment has a color filter to help enhance ambience. Snow areas wash out to white, war torn areas have a sepia/brown look...and alot of the building textures (except for specific landmark ones like the ice rink) are reused and so they need to work with all of the various custom environment palettes. They have been desatureated for the least amount of clashing as possible. Oh geez, and then there is the light bloom which helps overbrighten values. :P Right Nick?
Awesome models.. pretty damn envious you guys got to work on this game. Saw it back at E3 and now I'm just waiting for my QA job to end so I can go on a buying binge and pick this and a few others up~.
*throws his underwear at nick's feet*
Can you post wires of those bad boys?
Thanks guys, I might post some wire frames up, I'll have to install XSI and find all the files again though.
*sniff, smells killings unders and runs*