This is based on a wonderful concept created by Skanker that can be found in gauss' electrobank.
I've been spending a couple hours on it every now and again since July and it's finally starting to come together. Eventually I'll be using this to generate normal maps on a game model.
Anyway, when I look at it there's something that doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem to convey the feeling from the concept very well. I've tried changing proportions and adjusting things here and there, but I can't seem to get it right.
Any suggestions?
I know the concept has wide shoulders but only in the suit. In your model, the shoulders of her real body also are coming out under her suit shoulder. Those should be under the suit shoulders.
good job on the body nice detial.
That's too cool!
Thanks alot BF!
Anywho, I'd say right now, it's the face that's off. The shoulders appear to be an optical illusion due to the angle of the cloth vs. the angle of the bicep.
Can you post up some wires of the face? Some orthos would be cool.
@ElysiumGX that is definitly not Zbrush; Zbrush has a certain kind of look, that only looks good if really well done (just my oppinion about the Zbrush hype ).
The shoulders seem to match my reference and are actually thinner than the three heads wide rule. I think since the image I posted is a viewport render without shadows, the shoulders don't seem to go under the outfit properly. Here's an older render with a shadow.
If thinning out the face doesn't help I'll definately try pushing in the shoulders a bit and maybe flaring the outfit's shoulders out a bit more to help separate them from the actual shoulders. Doing this may not fit the ref, but if it looks better it looks better.
A good friend of mine said the clothing was tighter in the model than the concept. If shifting the shoulders and/or redoing the face doesn't help, I'm going to bite the bullet and redo the wrinkles in the dress. I really want to be happy with this model before calling it "done."
I'll probably posts some updates tomorrow or something. Got to get some work done tonight, though.
Thanks again for all the help!
I know I used a face for reference, but I can't seem to figure out what picture I used.
Here are some wires:
ElysiumGX : I don't have Z-Brush and I'm not sure I'd want to try doing wrinkles with it, though I'd definately love to pick it up for help with faces and stuff.
The body is really well done... only the thumb looks a bit strange, and the boots are a bit too flat.
Concerning the face... well I think the distance between the mouth and the nose is too big, and that the nose points a bit upwards makes the distance look even bigger.
The upper lip could be bigger, and the mouth itself is usually not so strait (yours is even curved upward a bit, which looks slightly 'retarded' if not combined with a strong smiling look on the rest of the face).
-Make it look like a very flat 'M'
You should also fix that egdeloop mess (or better the lack of egdeloops) at the 'fold' that goes from the side of the nose to the side of the mouth. --- Well fix all the egdeloops on the face, some are easy to fix but a pain to look at right now
BUT I guess the biggest problem of the face is probably the side profile which looks a bit strange (and because of this the 3/4 view looks a bit strange too). I can't really explain what is off, since it is not a major flaw, but lots of small flaws combined. Get a good reference picture of a female side profile of the face and overlay it with your head.