Please, for the love of all that is great and good in this world, can somebody point me in the direction of a utility or plugin or similar that will allow me to move basic textured meshes between Maya and Max without needing to backflip through hoops while blindfolded? Over the years, I've had innumerable gizmos that could kindasorta export .obj's from Max or interpret .3ds files into .mb files or some other inexplicable conversion hoodoo, but it's usually crap and always unreliable. Since I never find anything worth holding onto, I eventually stop holding onto it and six months later I need it again.
I love modeling in Max, but I hate texturing with it. I love texturing in Maya, but I hate modeling with it. I want a solid solution that allows me to hop back and forth with a single model as often as I see fit, and ideally even reorient it to the Y/Z axis shift for whichever program I'm exporting from/to. Does such a thing even exist and, if so, whom do I have to kill to get it?
sad thing is that stuff like material-id's are not kept during conversion - last time i checked, even fbx didn't handle this.
there's no decent way to go back and forth between those apps and maintain consistency in your assets, afaik. as soon as you want to tweak something at a later stage and therefore need to switch apps, it becomes a nightmare.
Lets assume you are in max and using the Max2Obj plugin.
check box: rotate model, texture coordinates, normals, smooth groups.
Vertex scale: The overall size of your model. You may want to export out of max at 0.01 and import at 100 so the meshes maintain the propper scale between the two.
# of digits: max this out at 12 for best results. I belive this is decimal places of accuracy for vertex placement.
There, should be no problem. Be aware that .obj's only store 1 UV channel, you can get around it by eporting multiple models.
I just use the basic OBJ exporter/importer for both programs for textured meshes and it seems to work fine. I hear it's real picky though.