there are absolutely no jobs in this college town for two college graduates with their BA's in art, myself (emphasis in graphic design) and my girlfried (studio art). except fast food, UGH!
we need away from here. but that takes money. for money we need jobs. there are no jobs. we are stuck. ugh.
we've applied for university jobs, my gf at the campus library and myself at IT but they are taking their sweet time getting back to her and they dont start looking at applications to IT until the 19th.
so lame..
(smarmy announcer voice-over)
"Welcome to the wonderful world of the food services market! You'll join over 60% of the would-be creative talent of America, as they try to pay rent and avoid malnutrition, and still keep their hopes alive of pursuing a career in the arts!"
"As a participant in the fast-moving world of food services, you'll experience the lowest of lows in customer frustration and humiliation, all under the watchful eye of a typically ignorant and inconsiderate managerial staff. These despicable hardcases may not understand that 'this isn't what you want to be doing', but they'll certainly prepare you for your future experiences with agents, studio executives, producers, art directors, and gallery owners! Every negative experience in the food services industry will be an opporunity for you to grow and strengthen your resolve to make it, and leave this rat's ass of a suck-job far behind you!"
"Let's face it, everybody who chooses an major in the arts does so without realizing that no entry-level career paths exist for you on the other side of graduation. The food services industry depends on aspiring artists' hard work and acceptance of minimum wages to keep up their quotas of sullen and boorishly disinterested employees. Don't let that hard-won and expensive arts degree go to waste -- everybody's gotta eat! You might as well go ahead and admit it -- this is the way the world works!"
"Your future is bright, but for today, you're wearing an apron nametag and slinging hash. Welcome!"
(cheesy industrial-film music fades out...)
(((I honestly don't know where that came from.)))
there are absolutely no jobs in this college town for two college graduates with their BA's in art...
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you've described the situation for most any town. Despite what our parents and high school councelors tell us, college rarely prepares us for a 'real' job. Especially when it comes to art. Most BA's experience several post-college years of wading about in internships, part-time gigs, fast food jobs, and general depression. Well, I did, and almost everyone I know did. Luck, brilliance, independant wealth, and/or nepotism are the only things that can save you, methinks. My advice: buck up, shut up, persevere, focus- accept baby steps towards your goal, whatever it may be. And consider moving- it doesn't cost that much.
whatiz'it you were plannin on doin with all that fancy book learnin anyhow? You can't just walk up to someone and say, "hey, I'm a graphic designer, wanna hire me?"
Use the power of the internet to find a job ... or freelance work elsewhere in the country. If you're good at what you do, any employer worth working for will be willing to relocate you or at least make a major contribution towards your relocation.
Writers' Digest puts out Artist's Market. It's a great place to search for potential employers of graphic artists around the country. Most libraries will have a referene copy.
Impose upon friends who live in larger cities while you look for work there.
Don't expect employers to come looking for you.