Concept sketch for a character I call Angel. Goal here is to take what I learned from the normal mapping challenge late last year and deliver a quality asset complete with normal maps. Ideally I want this to be UTChampionship2 quality or better. I love their design aesthetic at Epic, and their commitment to quality and detail. So that's the bar I'm holding as my own judgement stick.
All comments and crits welcome, I enjoy the creative brainstorm that goes into a project.
Time for an update. Closing in on target goal of 7500 polys. And um... Yeah, that's about it, back to pushing verts.
I too would have like to do this in less polys... But the industry trend is higher and higher, and normal mapped up the whazzoo... Figure I might as well do something that'll keep me competitive.
One thing though - her height proportions seem a little off - overly long leg segments...?
Finally got some time to complete the basic modeling. I'm 500 polies overbudget. Should be easy enough to trim off in the optimization pass. Lotta areas on her look ripe for optimization.
I do all my women with exaggerated leg proportions. I usually go for 8 or 9 head body, and it all goes to the legs. Just a stylistic preference, I love what high heels do for a woman visually, but I hate high heels on my drawings/models/women.
Usually it works fine, untill I try to get my models to touch their toes... Most of the time they can barely get past their kneecaps.
The hands need optimization and tweaking, but proportionally I think they're pretty sound. I've included a closeup if ya'll want to voice otherwise.
Took your advice to heart joolz, tweaked the ankle area appropriately, sound adivce on your part. Thanks.