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Angel WIP

polycounter lvl 18
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LtEthe polycounter lvl 18

Concept sketch for a character I call Angel. Goal here is to take what I learned from the normal mapping challenge late last year and deliver a quality asset complete with normal maps. Ideally I want this to be UTChampionship2 quality or better. I love their design aesthetic at Epic, and their commitment to quality and detail. So that's the bar I'm holding as my own judgement stick.

All comments and crits welcome, I enjoy the creative brainstorm that goes into a project.


  • LtEthe
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    LtEthe polycounter lvl 18

    Time for an update. Closing in on target goal of 7500 polys. And um... Yeah, that's about it, back to pushing verts.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Nice model, and really great dynamic concept. I would like to have seen it done lower poly, but looking nice.
  • LtEthe
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    LtEthe polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks poop. Love your work BTW, all of it, but specifically, the CG chat girl (Sarah). Lotta attitude you managed to convey in a realistically depicted character.

    I too would have like to do this in less polys... But the industry trend is higher and higher, and normal mapped up the whazzoo... Figure I might as well do something that'll keep me competitive.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Strong work, it is looking exactly like the ref so far.
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    I love the concept, and the mesh is looking solid. One thing that bugs me is the ankle area. You have a heavy shoe and these heavy calf components- the ankle just looks terribly vulnerable. Maybe make the shoe more like a boot- have it cover the ankle some. It's a nitpicky thing, I guess, but it's a definate eye-snag for me.
  • Artreth
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    Artreth polycounter lvl 18
    Looking really, really good. So far you're very faithful to the original Concept Art. The models looks extremely smooth and good looking, only thing I'd like to see better are her fingers, but from this perspective they seem a tad short to me. Maybe post some other shots of her?
  • FX Melard
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    FX Melard polycounter lvl 18
    Really clean model, man! Nice edge loop... Just one thing that look strange to me: the legs look a bit too long, it gives strange proportions.
  • usagi
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    usagi polycounter lvl 18
    looks realy nice, reminds me of he-man
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    looks cool. nice concept sketch
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Great so far. I like that she's not in high heels, and I love her attitude. Also a nice mesh. I wish I could create such tidy work.

    One thing though - her height proportions seem a little off - overly long leg segments...?
  • LtEthe
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    LtEthe polycounter lvl 18

    Finally got some time to complete the basic modeling. I'm 500 polies overbudget. Should be easy enough to trim off in the optimization pass. Lotta areas on her look ripe for optimization.

    I do all my women with exaggerated leg proportions. I usually go for 8 or 9 head body, and it all goes to the legs. Just a stylistic preference, I love what high heels do for a woman visually, but I hate high heels on my drawings/models/women.

    Usually it works fine, untill I try to get my models to touch their toes... Most of the time they can barely get past their kneecaps. wink.gif

    The hands need optimization and tweaking, but proportionally I think they're pretty sound. I've included a closeup if ya'll want to voice otherwise.

    Took your advice to heart joolz, tweaked the ankle area appropriately, sound adivce on your part. Thanks.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I really like all the organic bits to this model and most of the armour, just the foot part of the boot seems kind of boxy and clunky, like she'd have trouble moving nimbly while wearing it. Having said that I dont think its a major thing, and the overall feel of the model does work. nice one!
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Lookin good, but optimize the hell out of this chick's geometry, the edge loops in the hair and back look extremely wasteful.
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