After moving up to Seattle and freelancing for about six months, I finally landed a job at
Gas Powered Games, the makers of Dungeon Seige and soon to be released Dungeon Seige 2. They seem like a great company and I'm really excited to be joining them.
Slayer, here I come!
GPG are getting one hell of an artist
Go FAT!!
Sounds like I'll be starting off doing effects for DS2, like spells and stuffs, and then maybe helping out with the cinematics, which they're pushing more with this game than with DS1. And beyond that, I think I'll be doing a lot of character art. At least, that's the impression I get right now. I've been in this bussiness for a while now and have a pretty wide range of skills, and they seemed to appreciate that. Some places don't.
Just remember folks, contacts are at least as important as skill in this industry. At least that's been my experience. I helped out Kevin (Orange Cat Ninja) on the old boards once and then met him at one of the local industry nights they have around here, and I know he put in a good word for me. And my resume was originally fowarded to GPG by the brother of a friend in L.A. that's fairly high up at Microsoft and knows Chris Taylor, the president of GPG. But all that was months ago. So in the grand scheme of things, I think it's your contacts and who you know that will get you in the door of a company, and then your skills that will actually get you the job.
So my advice to all those trying to break in is to be nice to people you know in the industry, like the folks on this board, and try to help out even as you're trying to learn. You never know what doors might open up because you happen to know the right person at the right time.
send me a jabber at work and lets meet up. -jpritchard
congrats mah bad boy. We should all hook-it-up for a seattle polycoiunter meeting soon, I miss tha old stomping grounds. Bleh...Vancouver is too snowy atm.