Is anyone else here in the U.S getting DUMPED on with snow?
Dear god, here in Reno, we're getting SLAMMED with it. I love the snow and all, but I can't go anywhere! We got 1 1/2ft the day before new years, and this morning we've already recieved another 5 inches. By Monday morning, they are expecting to have an additional 22-26inches of snow.
This is the biggest snow storm in Reno's history, and the city is totally unprepared. They had to CONTRACT hire snow plows, and even still there are only 18 for the entire city. Nevada DOT (Dept of Trans) made a press statement, saying that they won't be plowing residential areas for probably another week or two! So I'm stuck at home now, working via VPN so I can at least get my job done still
And Poop is coming to visit me next month and I haven't bought my ass protection shield yet.
Hey, I wouldn't mind moving to sunny Mexico!
I hope everyones enjoys the burning summer we can look foward to.
I've lived in Vegas for nearly 10 years and I've never seen this much snow here! I woke up and was so excited!
However, over by my work, its just a really chilling rain.
Now Im all dissappointed. No snowball fights with the coworkers.
Though it was close to 70 degrees on January first...what the hell is that?! I want some damn snow!
I'm near chicago, got about 9 inches here, hardly being snowed in, almost all schools are still open. But it'll be up in the 40's this weekend and next week, so it'll all be gone in a few days. What a wimpy winter.
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I'm about 2 hours NE from Chicago so we've got pretty much the same weather here. Some snow but nothing like the blizzard that hit back on Thanksgiving.
/me is so happy that this winter is almost snow free here
I grew up with snow in Montreal, so I don't miss it....or want it. Especially after *just* returning from San fran eh?
Back on topic,
I wore my new oversized boots again today. I can't walk in these things but they keep my feet warm. There's so much snow everywhere yesterday I almost drowned on the sidewalk near my home.
Klein, Poop mentioned a trip up to your area and I told him I might tag along. Dont know if its the same trip or not. I'll be up in Boston by that time. Oh and rooming with poop isn't that bad, but if you have to share a bed with him, I'd highly recommend a heavy enforcement of the "above covers/below covers" rule! BOUNDARIES BEN! BOUNDARIES! FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE, BOUNDARIEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!! espn
- BoBo
It was nice to finally work with you. Things are crazy here, the parking stall roof overhangs are actually collapsing from the snow. A few buildings down, one collapsed and took out a pimped out Honda, and a Toyota pickup.
As requested, here are some pics! I took em about 5 min ago.
They keep coming by and plowing, as well as clearing off those carport overhangs. It just keeps on piling up though! nuts! Also, that snow by the camper is about 4ft deep right now....lots of drift and wind blowing snow all over. In most areas though, it's about 3ft deep right now, pure powder on ice.
Awesome. Poop said he'd be coming in mid February. So if you're near Montreal at that time by all means drop by I have enough room to house you, you'd just need to bring something to sleep on as Poop and I will be sharing my bed (ben if you read this and wetting your pants right now, I'm kidding )
I told bmer about you coming btw, and he thinks we should hang out I totally agree!
Yea, it was pretty bad. Out of the 40 parking stall overhangs in our apartment complex, 32 of them collapsed from the snow. Luckily ours didn't. There's a total of about 25 cars that got destroyed from it. Fortuneatly, no person got injured.
It was 40 degrees yesterday, so about 1/2 foot of snow melted. It all turned to ice last night though (low of 28). So the roads have about 4 inches of ice on them right now. Needless to say, I'm working from home again today
If I can, I'll walk around later and try to take some pics of the stall overhangs - some of them are just mangled piles of sheet metal now. It's crazy.
Im like a ghost!
I probably saw u while I was at ubi I bet tho
You were there before I quit right?
i always hated those overhang things, they scare me. now - my fears are justified.
getting snowed in sucks.. but fun. Ohio got DUMPED on the wednesday before christmas - i was driving there form North Carolina to visit family when i was suckerpunched by 18 inches of sleet-snow. the roads sucked
its been in the 60-70F here in NC lately i expect we're going to get blasted soon though... maybe in 3 weeks.
Rain is super rare here this time of year, very strange year.
Global warming has to be affecting us right?