does sopmebody know how to quadrangulate in max 7. Turning tris into quads? i got a model exported from XSI, while the head was made in max attached in XSI then exported from XSI, now the body is triangulated the head in quads, VERY strange.
However does somebody know how to turn tris into quads in max?
And i would remove the unneeded edges by hand (loop and ring tools come in handy :P )
Alas I don't know of a tool to do this in Max. I know Maya has one, hmm. There must be a way to do it in Max! I haven't found one yet though, and I've looked for one myself from time to time...
is there any other way to get the same effect as monster's method? it seems to quadrangulate (great word btw
Backspace is the default key for Remove Edge.
The "Delete" key also removes edges but I believe it will delete the faces surrounding the selected edge too, so don't hit that. Unless my memory is faulty, then I've got these 2 keys the wrong way round.