I like Adam Hughs personality, if you watch those videos, but is his behavior typical?
I seem to come off as kind of stand offish, in a distrusting sort of way....well, least I'm honest, but hughs doesn't seem to pontificate or intimedate....just here I am this is what I do kinda of a guy.
I've met artists that pontificate and intimidate.
Basically, I'm asking is Adam Hugh's personality typical in the game industry?....what kind of personalities do you encounter?
"Here I am, this is what I do" seems about right. Usually they're pretty helpful when it comes to explaining how/why they do what they do.
However there are a few who are good, and KNOW they're good, and make a point of being sure they know other people think they're good. Which IMHO is not the best way to act...
I reckon as long as you like your own work, and aren't afraid to talk about it, then that's great.
I've also noticed that if you're TOO modest, this can annoy people ... try not to act as if you don't really care about your work, I've done that in the past (and try not to now), because if I show someone a drawing, or a model or whatever, and they say "wow that's great!", but then I proceed to point out all the bad things I can see in it, and say stuff like "I could improve this and that", it can make you seem like you're reducing someone's opinion... which is not good. So I try to avoid that now.
I don't think you can say anyone's personality is typical of the industry... some of the guys I talked to at work were all fantastic artists, but had totally different outlooks on what they did and why they did it, yet all made a good impression for different reasons.
All I can say is that I wish everyone had a friendly, modest, helpful and humorous personality, but sadly this isn't the case
For the other type, art is more a struggle towards perfection-- and they may (Or may not) believe they've achieved it in one piece or another. They are the ones though, that are more standoffish in my experience. Even if they don't think their piece is perfect, they don't really want to admit it to other people.
Of course, most people are somewhere in between, which is where you find the artists that you can actually talk to without smacking. Both extremes can be pretty annoying, but while modesty and the ability to see flaws in your own work is good, one should also realize that no piece is bad art. As long as each piece is the best you can do at that point of your life, it's not to be disregarded and reviled.
Soo... yeah... Artists are just people =P
Even (IMOHO) the work itself isnt that "polished", it overshadows work that may be.
Odd though i feel rather insecure if people say my work is good.
In fact it makes me cringe a little.I never really enjoy being in the spotlight so to speak
Anyway I think a lot of games industry artists are a bit odd, kind of reserved. Nothing at all like the artists I knew at art college
Oh, and it's Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!
I suppose there is also the fact that some folks will feel embarassed if you say their work is good , so they say something negative to avoid looking big headed.
The type of attitude an artist can have that gets on my nerves is when the artist will say that their piece is crap when it seems asthough the only reason they've said this is for some positive attention.
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Most of the "good" artists I've met and talked to (people at work, some of the people on my university course) are usually very modest and open about their work.
"Here I am, this is what I do" seems about right. Usually they're pretty helpful when it comes to explaining how/why they do what they do.
However there are a few who are good, and KNOW they're good, and make a point of being sure they know other people think they're good. Which IMHO is not the best way to act...
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i agree!!! i also think that artist are considered weird? I dont know.. I dont think that is true though.. because we have our own way of thinking. Oh ya, and alot of people are really self critical.. just like what Asthane said. In addition.. there are people who never admit to their failings.. like what Ruz said. but what can we do about it ?
oh i almost forgot.. i think the typical artist in peoples eyes are considered weird? I dont know.. that's what all my classmate say.. but i dont think that's true
I'm well aware that I can't handle color well, and that I paint poorly, and that I have weaknesses indrawing faces, but I smiles and work to improve in the background, out of sight, while publically pitching in the help the team makethe game, and be as positive and helpful as I can be while working.
No one like hanging around with depressive anymore, what with Prozac and Paxil being available.
they will help imensly with treatment of certain types of depression but their use is pointless unless the indavidual taking them wants to be helped
but as long as you want to be helped they can help imensly
Yes, I know from experience. (Maybe you do as well) Ive taken paxil, and though it makes you less "moody", it doesnt make you anymore accepted. Especially if they (see below) find out medications and your mental disorder.
Should we really have to be accepted by those who wont see beyond the smile on our face? No matter how fake that smile is. How do you describe "nobody"? Thats too wide a distinction to say honestly. Whom are you speaking of who will reject the "moody" person versus accept? Are you speaking of people in "power" whom effect our lives that we should be the happy ones for?
Do we have to lie when these people say "how are you doing?". Maybe they shouldnt ask that in the first place if they won't like the answer.
If you keep telling people that your stuff is shit then others might start to believe you.
My old art teacher use to say that what is good is for you to decided and others to verify.
Praise is all well and good, but its never as useful as having your mistakes pointed out.
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I agree, as long as it's amongst friends, and colleagues. it's not all that productivbe amongst the buying public though.
Should we really have to be accepted by those who wont see beyond the smile on our face? No matter how fake that smile is.
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Well, yes, especially if you want to make a living at this sort of thing. It's usually called "getting along".
Whom are you speaking of who will reject the "moody" person versus accept? Are you speaking of people in "power" whom effect our lives that we should be the happy ones for?
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I have not been in a management position, nor do I seek one. I will say that I do not prefer the company of depressives and negative people, especially in a work environment. Even less so socially. The drugs are a side issue, if you can appear confident, even if you can fake it well, people will regard you better.
Do we have to lie when these people say "how are you doing?". Maybe they shouldnt ask that in the first place if they won't like the answer.
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Might be a good time to start.
Should we really have to be accepted by those who wont see beyond the smile on our face? No matter how fake that smile is
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Well, yes, especially if you want to make a living at this sort of thing. It's usually called "getting along".
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Wait.. Getting along means compromise.. Where is the compromise in that? *Scratches head*
I have not been in a management position, nor do I seek one. I will say that I do not prefer the company of depressives and negative people, especially in a work environment. Even less so socially. The drugs are a side issue, if you can appear confident, even if you can fake it well, people will regard you better.
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That isn't what I asked, I asked whom is your target audience that will "reject" the moody person? All I can decipher from what you stated above is you. You can only speak for yourself, which is contrary to making a blanket statement with everyone rejecting (your "No one").
Do we have to lie when these people say "how are you doing?". Maybe they shouldnt ask that in the first place if they won't like the answer.
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Might be a good time to start.
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Start what? Them to be more empathic and respectful of the moody persons rights of honesty? Or at least them showing enough self control NOT to ask if they cannot accept an honest answer. Who is being the unreasonable one in that situation? The person who asks for an emotional status, and expects a positive response, or the person answering them honestly, even if its not what the asker wanted to hear?
Anyhow, this all was trying to get you to understand how disrespectful your drug comment was. I was hoping you would apologize for it as it has nothing to do with this thread and is your own pet peeve vs any globality as you implied.
Do we have to lie when these people say "how are you doing?". Maybe they shouldnt ask that in the first place if they won't like the answer.
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People don't wanna hear your bitching and moaning anymore then they want to hear you got venereal disease....just keep it to yourself.
If somebody says "How are you doing?", just say "Wonderful, just great!"...despite the fact your cat died or your girlfriend dumped you.
People say "How are you doing?" as a knee jerk reaction to saying "hi" and an introduction to small has nothing to do with sincerity. If you wanna bum people out, then pay for therapy.
People don't wanna hear your bitching and moaning anymore then they want to hear you got venereal disease....just keep it to yourself.
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Then dont ask. Eh? Sorta like Clintons solution to Gays in the Military.
If somebody says "How are you doing?", just say "Wonderful, just great!"...despite the fact your cat died or your girlfriend dumped you.
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Do you realize how absolutely unreasonable that is? Jeezuz, no wonder our world is so messed up. We all are supposed to hide away our feelings from one another? That's called repression. You realize what repression does not only physically, but mentally right? I mean you have read up on some basic psychology?
People say "How are you doing?" as a knee jerk reaction to saying "hi" and an introduction to small has nothing to do with sincerity. If you wanna bum people out, then pay for therapy.
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Then say Hi. Its not that hard. Hell, its 3 words shorter for the party above to say.
I just asked a couple of peole around the office. Of the artist I asked sitting nearest to me. 2 did not mind working with depressive people ("They might need help",, "Depends on if she's hot".) 3 Did mind, and one didn't care ("Those folks are easy to tune out"). So I just went out and asked. These are the results, and make of them what you will.
Do you realize how absolutely unreasonable that is? Jeezuz, no wonder our world is so messed up. We all are supposed to hide away our feelings from one another? That's called repression. You realize what repression does not only physically, but mentally right? I mean you have read up on some basic psychology?
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Yes we are. Really, people have to deal with their own problems, and would rather not have to listen to someone else's as well.
I believe Scott is referring to professional situations - ie. if you want to sell a product, or an artwork, or greet and talk to a "customer".
I believe oXYnary is misunderstanding this to mean we should talk to EVERYBODY in this way.
Of course you realise there is a distinction between talking to friends, peers and customers.
Scott is referring to scenarios like this, I think: If some guy from higher management walks down and asks to see how your artwork is looking, you show him it and tell him you think it's pretty good (even if you think there are still flaws) - let the guy make his own decisions about what needs fixing, if he thinks it's good then you can "sell" it to him and be done. Likewise if a person you've never met walks into your studio and looks to buy a painting, and asks how you're doing, you don't unburden your life story on him, crushing his spirits with depressive angst or whatever. You just say "I'm doing ok, thanks - what do you want to buy?".
Conversely, in oXYnary's scenario, you'd be talking to friends or colleagues - people you can openly talk to on an artistic level about what you feel can be improved in a piece of work. Likewise, if a good friend asks you "how are you", you can feel free to unburden yourself and speak openly about however you are actually feeling.
So yeah, don't waste time and energy on pointing out mistakes and telling your life story to people who essentially don't care - they want something, you want to give them something - the sooner the deal is sorted out to the satisfaction of all, the better. If everyone gets along (even due to slightly forced contentment on your part) then I think that's fine.
As Scott says, if it's a purely professional thing - having people you can get along with is a huge bonus. Even if that "getting along" is slightly forced, it is a compromise and it will help the overall situation. If everyone wandered around hating everyone or feeling "angsty" then nobody would get any work done.
But Mop, I did mean professionally as well in that. Meaning such emotional status inquiries and assumptions shouldn't be mentioned by those in charge if again they cannot accept a honest answer. Thats what I was trying to get across. Business should be about business. My god, I can't believe Im actually agreeing with Ayn Rand.
As far as artwork, I agree. Just say as little as possible unless they know what they are talking about.
I've been to therapy, been on Paxil and, believe it or not, am currently wallowing my way through what has become an almost seasonal bout of generalized anxiety disorder (had peculiar muscle twitches in my left arm for five days straight now, but that's preferrable to tension migraines). I've been subject to this sort of thing for nearly six years now, so I'm more or less used to it.
In that time, if I've learned anything about repression and 'dealing with it', I've learned that dumping my personal crap on random people doesn't help anything. Being depressed is bad; having everyone avoid you when you're depressed because you recite your litany of woes at them (honest or not) is worse. That's not dealing with your problems or making things better. If you need to talk, talk to the people who can really support you - close friends, family, etc. Not the guy in the next cube or the register girl at the grocery or whomever else is just making polite chit-chat. They likely can't help you, and if your black clouds make a trend of raining on them, they won't want to help you.
To deal with my issues, I actually talk to my mom, who also has anxiety disorders or (until recently) my girlfriend who is very understanding. I also do other things to keep from 'repressing' things - I find physical outlets for tension, I try meditation and relaxation techniques, and I push myself to address things that stress me out rather than avoid them. But to start bleating about my lack of self-confidence or babbling frantically about the onset of a panic attack when the nice old lady downstairs in apartment 81 asks me how I'm doing? I can't imagine anyone thinking that's a good way to handle it...
Basically one of my favorite topics : The Corporate Yes-Bot Mentality.
A good corporate yes-bot will always answer positively to a request of "How are you doing today?" Even during the middle of open heart surgery.
As we see - some people in this thread are so ingrained into Corporate Yes-Bothood that they are preaching its dictums - in a place that its simply not neccesary.
Why? Well my beleif is that corporate culture is begining to ingrate itself into normal culture.
There are many responses to this but I have two main ones:
a) become a corporate yes bot - most especially at work. This works reasonably well and can help with promotions and such.
b) Become a corporate anti-yes-bot. The results of this action can vary widely depending upon your personality, position and other factors.
If your weak inside and not sure which to choose go ahead and go with item A - its a bit easier. Its clear which answers to choose as a corporate yes bot.
Otherwise join some of us in column b - frankly I try to be a funny & creative anti-corporate yes-bot myself.
"How are you today!"
"I'll let you know when I wake up!"
Anyhow "anything about repression and 'dealing with it', I've learned that dumping my personal crap on random people doesn't help anything."
Just and FYI: I have never said this. Im saying those who expect a certain emotional response to what are in truth emotional driven questions are being irresponsible and ignorant. The thing is they usually try to hold the person that gave them the truth vs the expected reply as the problem. They cant take responsibility as the party who initiated the whole thing in the first place.
BTW It also doesnt help if said person have no one to "dump on". At some point, they have to take a chance to reach out. I can only speak for me, but I will do my damndest to give them the sounding board they need.
Anyhow, Im getting back to the process of creating...
Most artists I have met are slightly maladjusted. I think you need to be slightly off the wall to be a in a creative field anyway.
BTW anti depressants are being increasingly discredited and there is even talk of discouraging their use for people with mild depresssion.
They can in some cases cause anxiety/suicidal thoughts( irony?) and can be very addictive
I think seroxat was the main one they mentioned in the article I read
I am completely mental BTW, but hide it well(sometimes)
My drugs of choice are curly wurlies and chocolate buttons
Freaked me out that did. Kind of sad
For some reason it set me off thinking about a sketch in the Armstrong and Miller show
The 'Force on the Case' sketch was a spoof on 'Inspector Morse', where he was constantly drunk and was assisted by his imaginary train driver friend, Mr Chuffy.
and someone who uses crack cocain PCP and heroine to alter their moods is that the psychiatric drugs are usualy prescribed and used more for the benafit of others
I was once heavily medicated due to severe manic and depressive phases when I was medicated I could function in a manner others considered normal
however I wasnt normal
I was basicly a completly diffrent person I couldnt do my job or even enjoy myself for that mater
now i take small amounts of medication and while I still get manic and depressed at least I'm still me and can actualy do something
I'm not saying you will become normal (and what is tv advertising as normal these days anyway?), I'm saying eventually you will realise thats the last thing you really want or be happier in general that you are not normal.
I think most creatives periodically crave being normal right up until the moment they get a taste of it and notice its more similar to artificial sweetners than real sugar.
'trade in your gloom for a rubber room and injections twice a day'
also- i used to be brutaly depressed. one day i accepted responsibility for my external focus and just stoped being depressed. i went from suicidal depression to a pretty happy guy. but i don't talk about that anymore, because "well you must not have been depressed" or "well i'm glad that worked for you..."
so be it.
i will say one thing- i'm MORE creative now. the idea that you have to be miserable to enter into an emotional state of artistic resourcefulness is absolute bullshit. flame me.
It would be like those people who think they will never catch a disease because they believe its a mental outlook versus a physical.
I believe in analyzing behavior and figuring out if it's rational or not.
Like that thread.
I don't believe there's anything rational about it. Just pure hatred with alot of overly sensitive egos.
Despite whatever self doubt I have or maladjusted behavior I exhibit, there's always something inside me saying "keep going. Learn from your behavior and others, but don't stop."
In other words, I don't believe people and myself are static. I believe we're dynamic and ever changing. I know I'm cynical, yet I'm hopeful at the same time.....which is quite odd.
[Edit]And I still can't spell.[/Edit]
Some good tips for not feeling depressed
(a) stop thinking too much
(b) walk or exercise 30 mins every day
(c) cut down on sugar and caffeine
(d) cut down alcohol/nicotene intake
(e) don't get wound up over things beyiond your control
ie late trains public transport etc.
I've learned that dumping my personal crap on random people doesn't help anything. Being depressed is bad; having everyone avoid you when you're depressed because you recite your litany of woes at them (honest or not) is worse.
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I learned that the hard way. Luckily my best friend can handle it. I think the best thing to do when you're down is to force yourself to smile, like, physically/ accually do it. It helps
Venting can be good, but I made a rule a while ago that I would vent once, to one person only if completely necessary and then resist the urge to do it again, even to that same person about that same issue.
The last thing I learned to do is not fuel negative emotions or behavior. I used to work myself up so that when I had a change to blow back it'd be worth it or something. That was counter-productive and childish.
Now I take a breather and decide what I want out of the situation and walk backwards from my goal to the present and then once I've figured it out I act. Reacting always get's me in trouble.
The last thing I learned to do is not fuel negative emotions or behavior. I used to work myself up so that when I had a change to blow back it'd be worth it or something. That was counter-productive and childish.
Now I take a breather and decide what I want out of the situation and walk backwards from my goal to the present and then once I've figured it out I act. Reacting always get's me in trouble.
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wow! you mean you have a choise weither or not to be in emotional reaction in life? well THATS JUST BULLSHIT.
oxy- i used to be absolutely giddy, and then when a single idea came into my head, or a word was said, i'd go into a suicidal introverted depression in about.. hmm.. 10 minutes? 5? i'm sure that if i told a doctor about that he would have said i had bi-polar.
it's not that every circumstance isn't the same.. that is... ever circumstance ISN'T the same- but the problem lies in the fact that if someone were to suggest a solution, some people just say "well every circumstance isn't the same, so i'm glad that worked for you" and won't even try it. that doesn't sound too logical to me. things in life don't just "happen" as you suggest. i didn't just happen on a solution. when you live in a way that promotes depression, it's obvious that you don't know how to do anything other than that. something isn't going to HAPPEN to you that changes your life. oh and by the way-
"...never catch a disease because they believe its a mental outlook versus a physical." obviously i can't wish away H.I.V. that being said, there are tons of stress related deseases that can be fixed by removing one's self from a stressful situation. and since all stress is is just the perception that you're in a stressful place, it's certainly possible to.. say.. change your mental outlook and fix the physical symptoms.
anyway what ever. i promised myself i woudln't argue depression on internet forums, because even if the person who was depressed wanted to change (which isn't likely) it's certainly fair that they woudln't have any sort of reason to view me as an athority on the subject. i will tell you one thing tho- if you want to get over your depression, you don't talk to a bunch of people who are depressed. they're the only ones who don't know how to deal with it. it also doesn't help to get a medical label attached to you so you accept that you're never going to change.
Some can be our personal reactions/interpretations to social interactions, I >totally< agree. Though escaping those situations may not be reasonable possible. In example, the World Health Association has announced if trends continue depression will be the second leading disability after heart disease by 2020 was it?
There are two ways to look at that.
1. More depression is being recognized.
OR (Which you may agree with)
2. We live in a unhealthy mental environment. Which if so, one can't simply "move" to a different situation (your solution for stress).
Also, studies have proven that peer counciling from people in similiar situations does in fact help. Its a common practice used for decades now. Its like this. You can't relate what the depressed person is going through. Only another one can. (Same for someone overly positive). Such couciling shows they are not alone, and they help each other deal with it. I know this from experience.
BTW.. Bi-Polar usually lasts days to months.. It's usually not counted in minutes. So I don't think you had it. Maybe just same good, healthy, teen angst.
yah man, i've been hearing all about these chemical disorders for a long time. it's funny how common these are beccoming in our modern north american culture.
all i have a problem with is the point of view that someone is brutaly depressed, that's the way they are naturaly, and it will always be that way. putting a label on the problem only ensures that a person will stay locked to that self-image. especialy the type of personlity of a depresive person.
i don't know what physical proof the doctors have of a part of the brain that's producing chemicals in an out-of-control fashion that causes people to be depressed. i do know that such information just gives people a self-image to cling to and a reason to accept the fact that they'll never be better.
every-single-person i've met who's brutaly depressed is the same way. they all talk down about themselves more than most, many of them walk through the world with a physologicaly depressed posture, and when asked about certain things, they always respond with somehow telling you about they're self-limiting belifs.
every person that i've talked to that's been depressed and i give them a few friendly, non-preasuring suggestions, always gives me a responce about how this is just the way they are, blah blah blah, and in essence aren't willing to give anything a try. I"M NOT SAYING that i've got a solution. all im saying is that their self-image prevents them from even trying it.
oh and one more thing:
"2. We live in a unhealthy mental environment. Which if so, one can't simply "move" to a different situation (your solution for stress). "
when i mentioned about changing your mental outlook this is exactly what i'm talking about. the concept that getting out of a stressful situation to remove yourself from stress is the problem. the only difference between a terribly stressful situation and one that is absolute bliss is your perception of the situation. there's no such thing as a "stressful situation". what i mentioned above is about changing your perception and your focus.
if depression is on the rise and it's a result of our culture, that MUST MEAN that it's a matter of perception. so if that's the case, then, how does this happen? your focus is on the negative for so long that you develop this brain disorder in which you must be depressed? so is this now a totaly non-reversable process? once your brain has this disorder then, the only way to get it to stop pumping out depresants is with paxil? you can't fix the problem by doing what you origionaly did but in reverse, i suppose.
you told me that you can't wish away a physical disorder by changing your focus. but if cronic depression is caused by our stressful society, then this disorder is, in fact, caused by your mental focus. so then we can create a disorder with our mental focus but we can't fix one i guess. if that's the case, what's the difference between cronic depression and cronic-happy-all-the-fucking-time?hahah
what ever. i've ranted long enough. whadya think?
yah man, i've been hearing all about these chemical disorders for a long time. it's funny how common these are beccoming in our modern north american culture.
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Its not just north america realize. Note, I did say the WHO.
all i have a problem with is the point of view that someone is brutaly depressed, that's the way they are naturaly, and it will always be that way. putting a label on the problem only ensures that a person will stay locked to that self-image. especialy the type of personlity of a depresive person.
[/ QUOTE ]
You seem to be drawing a conclusion that has no basis in psychology versus popular myth. Naturally is a power word. When there is no natural state to ones body or outlook. Its a constant shift that depends on everything from out diet, to our interaction with others.
No one is locked in a self image. Sometimes knowing the truth about ones self can be liberating. Let me give an example. Say someone is impressed with your viewpoint, and is something they hear often enough. That they (the individua) are fully capable of changing that outlook by themselves. Its they (the individual) themselves who are making things worse. So they try to switch gears as you have; time and time again and fail. Making them even worse off as they think is is themselves who is stopping and punishing as your attitude would suggest. So thus any naturally inclined moodiness is increased because of these failures. Finally though they discover they do have some disorder that shows in reality they are suffering from something more than just a self made hell. If you know what you have, it can be the first step to solving or living with it. Its like a woman's first period in a Catholic school. No one talks about it, so this girl thinks she abnormal. Until she finds out its a normal process, that can be prepared for and dealt with.
i don't know what physical proof the doctors have of a part of the brain that's producing chemicals in an out-of-control fashion that causes people to be depressed. i do know that such information just gives people a self-image to cling to and a reason to accept the fact that they'll never be better.
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Thats a self serving viewpoint that reinforces your own limitations. If you don't know how can you then say that it makes them clean? The rest seems to be how you want to view others to justify you not discovering what physicality is or is not involved. Or even how (good) psychology works. Your viewpoint ceomes from seemingly a culmination of misinformation about what psychologies purpose is.
every-single-person i've met who's brutaly depressed is the same way. they all talk down about themselves more than most, many of them walk through the world with a physologicaly depressed posture, and when asked about certain things, they always respond with somehow telling you about they're self-limiting belifs.
every person that i've talked to that's been depressed and i give them a few friendly, non-preasuring suggestions, always gives me a responce about how this is just the way they are, blah blah blah, and in essence aren't willing to give anything a try. I"M NOT SAYING that i've got a solution. all im saying is that their self-image prevents them from even trying it.
[/ QUOTE ]
There was a study done once, that showed that a depressed individual was more factual about their own prescene and influence in the world versus happier individuals. So would that be self-limiting? Or just too damn honest for their own survival?
I mean do you see that this is a two way street though? You make suggestions that sound reasonable to you, but to the depressed individual they are not. While the suggestions they make to you may seem unreasonable. This is all personal preceptions versus any basis in facts.
if depression is on the rise and it's a result of our culture, that MUST MEAN that it's a matter of perception. so if that's the case, then, how does this happen? your focus is on the negative for so long that you develop this brain disorder in which you must be depressed? so is this now a totaly non-reversable process? once your brain has this disorder then, the only way to get it to stop pumping out depresants is with paxil? you can't fix the problem by doing what you origionaly did but in reverse, i suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]
How do you you draw that it must come down to the persons preception versus the one the environment they live in emits? Why would it be rising then? Are more and more peoples preceptions being screwed off center? Or could it be the environment they live in becoming further and further from a mentally stable environment?
you can't fix the problem by doing what you origionaly did but in reverse, i suppose.
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The thing is you don't even know if you has anything or not, and whats worse is you are still clinging to the notion (its implied not said). That what works for you, can work for anyone else if they simply tried. Again other than the viewpoint self serving aspect of that attitude, thats not a objective attitude based in reality.
your focus is on the negative for so long that you develop this brain disorder in which you must be depressed?
You are making another statement here that has no basis in science versus popular social myth. Brain disorders do not happen because someone is depressed first.
I really, really, really wish you would do some more research before drawing conclusions about others (I mean in life as shown of how you interpreted depressed people), based on a false misconception.
you told me that you can't wish away a physical disorder by changing your focus. but if cronic depression is caused by our stressful society, then this disorder is, in fact, caused by your mental focus. so then we can create a disorder with our mental focus but we can't fix one i guess. if that's the case, what's the difference between cronic depression and cronic-happy-all-the-fucking-time?hahah
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Again, mental disorders are not created by focus. This isn't a debatable chicken or the egg idea. <u>The disorder happens first as per scientific theory.</u> The more I look over what you have written, the more I see many of your conclusions are based off this popular misconception. If you can accept that the focus before disoder is a falsity, I believe you will see how the rest of your arguements no longer can hold up as written.
As per above with again the changing viewpoint as to what you are saying above to be.. I interpret this the same as saying, If your stuck in hell for all eternity, make the best of it!
I throw out to you to contemplate:
If your stuck in Hell for all eternity, why not change Hell itself into Heaven?
Great conversation btw.
acctualy i'm quite happy and quite drunk. i'll respond tommarow. my god i love you oxy.