Hello.. I have always been dreaming of making a model for Quake3 arena like 3 years ago... And today, I have finally making my first model(In wings3d). The model has been constructed in Wings3D from scratch.
Though it still needs some skinning and animation.. though my next step is getting to skin the model.
The model has been seperated into 3 peices.. The head, the upperbody, the lowerbody. I tottaly apologize for the head model being a sphere pretty much.
any feedback??
p.s. Yes, I'm still new to all of this.
The negatives are the body is pretty shapeless, his torso looks basically like a block and his arms and legs are perfectly straight which isn't natural. A good thing to do would be to find (or draw) some references of at least a front and a side view and put them on planes in your scene so you can get a better body shape when modeling, like this...
reference setup
secondly, a sphere is not the best thing to start out with for a head, when poly modeling, a box is usually what you'll start out with, and begin shaping it to the desired shape and level of detail. There are many tutorials out there on box modeling heads and bodies which you'll want to check out.
For a first model, it's good. Keep learnin' it will be cool to see you get it into quake.
But my model is supposed to look more like a cartoonish/cybernatic type character than a human looking one because in my opinion, human like models look a bit boring except for the outfit style.
I tried animate him in milkshape but his legs and arms appeared to get deformed using the default skeleton system. I supposed I have to use gmax to do this.
Good start though. My first model was basically a bunch of boxes and cones.
I have three skins for each meshes(upper body(512x512), lowerbody(512x512), and the head(256x256)).
When I took a look at the lower part of a sample model, it included the upper part along with two seperate textures(head and body), as well which I am about to get puzzled on how to animate this thing.
As I said, hes not supposed to look anywhere near a human. he's mostly a computer graphical character(or call him a cartoon dude) to frag in various first person shooter games.