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Generic soldier for camo use

polycounter lvl 18
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jzero polycounter lvl 18
First post in too long. I'm currently trying to fill out some unfinished stuff on my web site, and this is related to that. I've built a series of Photoshop files for creating camo patterns, and I thought a good way to show those off would be a configurator, built in Flash. Trying to show off my multiple talents. But I need a guy to do it with, right? So here he is. The uniform is made very generic, so as to show off the pattern better. Yes, that's an FN F2000, and Oakley M-frames. <font color="orange">Edit: color done.</font> Obviously, on the left is the gray default, and on the right is a color example.




  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    I like the idea, and he looks like a guy named hernandez i used to know, but proportionally he seems a little short? Nice pose, though.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hah, this is awesome... and a really good idea for what you're using it for. Mind if others take a stab at creating some patterns and what not? I might like to come back to this and try some ideas out.

    Good job zero laugh.gif
  • Jerome
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    Jerome polycounter lvl 18
    well, you do know that not everyone is porportionally equal, some people have longer legs, and some people have bigger heads. Some people are short and some are tall (some really really tall)

    i like the nice bold lines, but imo his vest is plain
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, pretty much done with the Photoshop work. Next, to see if I can jam this into Flash.

    Scott: He may be average, but he appears to be about 7.5 heads tall. I did lengthen his left leg, so that may help.

    Brome: This is a portfolio piece, so I'm keeping the PSD to myself, sorry. Feel free to copy my idea, though, but not the image. Thanks!

    Jerome: the vest is plain so that you can see the pattern. Doesn't look so plain to me with DPM all over it.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hah, cool. This looks good. The shape of his head seems to me, slightly odd, but I think I'm just talking BS.
    The gun seems to be "floating" inside his hand, rather than gripped solidly, for some reason - possibly to do with shadowing there?
    The knee-pad on his left leg looks a little wonky, too.
    Mind you, these are all very minor crits, overall it's a solid piece. Nice work.

  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    Oakley Special Forces shoes too I see smile.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Looking sweet man. I have to say my favorate is the coloring on his face. Very good for dark skin coloring. 8-)
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    sexy thing and sexy camo ... sexy!
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks, all you guys. Answering back comment by comment seems odd, but...

    MoP -- [thanks to a fellow] nitpicker! Head shape: you should see my reference! I think the gun-in-hand issue is caused by the weird shape of the P2000, which has a strange grip overall, and the angle I set it at. I'm pretty satisfied with the 'feel' of the hand. As for the kneepad -- I assume you mean the one on his right? Yeah, it does need a slight fix.

    Skullsplitter -- Yeah, the boots are based on Oakley SI's, but I couldn't find any views from the top angle, so I guessed heavily, and don't claim any authenticity there.

    Poop -- Thanks! I'm pretty proud of the face, too, but once again I owe that to good reference.

    Qubism -- Thanks, baby! So sexxy it huuuwwhts...

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