this is my project for a class called "Background Layout and Design".
the idea behind this environment is basically a planet where a giant bubble formed below the crust as it cooled, and slowly several species of plant and animal evolved. Eventually a humanoid species came about and was instincually driven to build upward and break out of their cavern. this pic captures the moment of the first few rays from the planet's sun peeking into the cave for the first time. It also shows some of the bio-luminescent (sp) flowers they've come to use as a main source of light.
thats about it.... C&C are always welcome... its due at the end of this week.
also your flowers have broad leaves which would be useless under ground where there is no sunlight for them to catch.
add some of the humanoids into the scene. also the scaffolding in the lower right corner seems out of place to me. it just doesn't seem to match the rest of the technology that is evident in the rest of the scene.
as far as changing the light from the flowers... ill look into that... I chose to keep them similar (not exactly the same) in color for composition reasons. I didn't want one taking away from the other if I could help it.
thnx for the feed back so far!