Hey there polycount,
I have been away from for a bit but fear not you probably don't remember me in the first place

Anyway I am going after a job in the video 3D/After Effecer world of production graphics. My portfolio has been slowly coming togather (rending everyting out nice and Globaly illuminated like.) But today I got most the the DVD menu done. The 3D element at the end is not done and it lacks music at the moment.
Hopefuly this will net me the job and I will have more time to hang out and talk 3D here at the best 3D site ever.
thanks to my brother for giving it a home on the web.
Welcome back
Cant view that DVD_Menu though, looks like I don't have the proper plugin for Mozilla on Linux
JKMakowka- thanks is good to be back. The file is a quicktime I don't know if Mozilla and Linux support that. If you tell me what you can support I will try to get it renderd in that format.
i think the white dot needs to move up quicker, and have that same bob the ship thing has afterward. The transition from the blob to full white is kind of slow, making the whole transition seem kind of boring.
You may want to leave the hand written segment up longer, i didnt know what it was and all i could see then was some photoshop filter. Its a cool effect, i think just needs more pop and punch to make it exciting rather than "oook, another demo reel..."
maybe play with how the button links transition in as well, they just seem to appear by fading, you could liven them up with a little motion, and sync it to some music for extra kick. The motion on the ship adds a ton of life to it, a little more motion in the other elements could really make it pop.
this is a cool idea, good luck to ya, just need to make it more exciting.