What would your ideal setting for a game be? I know the exact opposite would be an exact duplicate of the real world, only slightly more gritty. Whoops! thats 90% of the games out there.
For me, I think a slightly alien planet, or a much more stylized version of our world would be fun. Something with alot of color, and alot of interesting new designs. Maybe the nymph castle set inside a tree, or an enchanted grove that has been protected by undead unicorns for millenia. 8-)
I know the ridge in the rancor level on Kotor, where you could see your ship parked on the beach, was just breathtaking. Probably one of my most beautiful moments in a video game.
But the gameplay has got to involve all kinds of cool things that I could never do in real life.
Either that or a real jungle and science base mix like in the Jurassic Park movies. Tresspasser was almost there.
Nice idea with the nymph castle tree interior, poop - that could be really cool and original...
What would your ideal setting for a game be?
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Historical accuracy and realism (not WWII), for the purpose of education. Environments designed from actual research and knowledge of the locations that once existed (not WWII). Weaponry and Clothing from that time, with included information about them. Replications of ancients wars that are rarely taught in schools, and it's effect on our culture. Actual language of that region and time (with subtitles), instead of crappy accents.
Basically a game where realism can be used as an educational tool. Kids will love the games, and never know they're learning world history. My 13 year old brother can name every single gun that existed during WWII. That proves it's possible.
Many games "based" on history or fictional history are so generic. Battlefield1942 was on to something, but it was WWII. I can name and describe more battles from that war than I could before the game was released. But this idea covers not just war games, but adventures. There could be games that educate about the Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Aztec and Mayans, Native Americans, Egyptians...etc.
My ideal setting would be a fairly realistic environment where exploration of places and objects would be possible and an integral part of gameplay. Game objectives would be fulfilled not just by shooting people or things.
AND there would be none of that stupid crap where everyone is out to get you. Circumstances of the game would be fuzzy, where not everyone could recognize you, and some of your tasks would involve not being recognized. Sorry if this would burden the AI programmers, but I'm tired of instant enemy recognition, coupled with immediate and unflinching attacks. And the enemy AI would allow them to run away from you if you play enough of a badass, and not fight to the death every stinking time.
There may be games like this already, but there's a lot I haven't played, so clue me in.
Frank the Avenger
a toxic jungle filled with abandoned factories and broken skyscrapers... inhabited by primitive superstitious people. The civilization, our civilization, who built all the skyscrapers and toxic factories and power plants is long gone, there is no trace of them. The thing that seems appealing about a world like that is that you have all these people who are completely different from us, they are still humans and have certain similar values, maybe not even that, but the cool thing is that you get to discover what these people make out of the world we live in today... it could be funny, ironic, sad, scary, infuriating... lots of cool stuff could happen in a world like that. There could be groups of people who live in a similar environment who have completely different social structures and priorities...
You could also take that and add magic to it... like say the cataclysmic event that wiped out our civilization changed the structure of the world and now people can train to have "magic like" abilities.
or not.
Only without the magic... and yours has less flesh-eating Morlocks.
Ruins have always appealed to me from a visual standpoint.
I prefer my games/environments to be fantastic. Something unlike current realistic urban reality. Fantasy or Sci-Fi...either way.
I think underwater stuff could be cool as well. A long time ago I was working on an deep underwater archeological dig of Atlantean Ruins...that appealed to me.
It would have had:
A) Cool modern industrial techy stuff.
C) Ancient ruins, covered in barnicles & kelp, and deeper into it, goldon idols and immaculate temples.
game buildings tend to be pretty small, so a full scale, fully functioning building would be great fun, in my opinion. you'd need to have a working day/night cycle though for it to really work. a lot of the time in games like hitman, it's just the same thing over and over again.
Star spanning epic, with high, but limited technology, Two Vast empires in conflict. Metric assloads of worlds to explore. ship based combat, atmospheric combat, Combined arms combat, small arms combat, melee combat. a number of player playable races, animals to hunt and exploit for cash. A robust commercial as well as military advancement set of opportunities. playable as first, third, or RTS, depending on rank, and or situation. And art direction that does not include Leather (except in footwear), chains, skulls, caricatured feet, Satanic or occult symbols, but does have that syd Meade, Craig Mullins, Ralph McQuarrie look. MMO? perhaps,but lets make sure the single player works first.
also realistic styled ships. more starwars/firefly styled flying junkheaps vs star trek's aerodynamic super clean look. to be able to walk around in the ship while flying through space (starwars galaxies space expansion lets you do this so its possible
NPCs that hold real conversations around you as you walk down the street. play through in 1st or 3rd person views! co-op play! subtle RPG elements like in GTA:SA.
/me explodes from the sheer concept of it all before he can write anymore
or, perhaps a giant battle like in braveheart, but you play as one of the people from the first person, it would need a fairly complex sword system though to be very good.
A fully realised midieval fantasy world that is alive with people living lives and monsters that lives lives too. A very brite and colorfull world of weird and unknown creatures that look alomost fimiliar but just a little off. Everything would feel just a little off. Big vistas that look over picturesk towns and citys. thats what i want.
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Sounds kind of like Xanth.
.. it would make me happy, a rare thing.
take some element of everyday life, and extrapolate it, sci-fi novel style, 5000 years in the future (or similar), to give the background world a darkly comic sense of ridicule (thinking 'Brazil' or '5th element')
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Brazil actually takes place during the 20th century, but I know what you mean, that would be a great atmosphere for a game.
I think it would be a neet idea to make a game based on the UFO mythology....but in 3D...not in 2d sprite.
that or 300 years from now