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Online Gaming: Most Satisfying Kill

polycounter lvl 18
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ShadoKat polycounter lvl 18
My stepdad brought Halo 2 over to my house for Thanksgiving. I was playing it for a while and experienced the most gratifying frag of my entire life.

I was out of ammo and am being chased relentlessly all around the map by my brother. For some reason, I just couldn't find any ammo for the one weapon I had, and I couldn't get coordinated with the buttons to stop long enough to grab another one. All I had was an energy sword, a grenade, and just enough luck and dodging ability that I'd managed to survive this long.

After being pursued through a winding hallway, I burst out of a doorway, spun around and lobbed my last frag grenade. It explodes just behind him, sending him flying into the air toward me. I got right underneath him, somehow did an upward thrust with my energy sword, and WHOMP!! Impaled!

Well, not "impaled," exactly... Halo 2 doesn't have an impaling animation, that I saw. That combined with a "Replay" feature would have been really cool!! A bit later I learned how much 0wn4g3 is inherent in the energy sword, but the kill still felt good.

Anyway, share your best frag story!


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I play a lot of Q3 OSP Clanarena, had some awesome frags in that (inhuman rail snapshots, air-grenading etc.) but my favourite one was where I was the single remaining player on my team, had 5 health left, and I took out a team of 4 to win the round - the last kill was a vertical upward rocket shot that hit the guy in midair, it was predicted by about 2 seconds and timed perfectly smile.gif
    Had another good one where I died, in a CA team warmup, I was falling down the central area of pro-q3dm6 while my friend was rocketjumping upwards quickly - we saw each other at the same time, spun round and shot each other in the face, in midair, with rockets - and both perished!

    More recently, catching grenades with the gravity gun in HL2MP and throwing them back at the grenade's "owner" is fun smile.gif
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

    A bunch of the enemy team was holding down our team in a bottleneck area, so I go for a long flanking maneuver. I'm hoofing along, and get in one little firefight, then round a corner. I pull up to a stop, and look to my left and right.

    I had apparently reached the campers' choke point, as there are 5 enemies right next to me, all looking the same direction as I was, which was toward my team's base. I swear that one of them saw me, but it musn't have registered to him that he had an opponent standing right next to him, as he just pulled out a rifle and took aim toward my teammates. I stand there for a second, and I'm like "Damn, how am I going to get all 5 of them?" I'm a bit concerned about moving, as they might turn when they hear my footsteps. So...

    I grab a grenade, and toss it toward the guys just to my right, switch to my Thompson, headshot 1 guy, the grenade goes off, and kills one more. 2 down, but the other guys wake up, and begin turning toward me. I unload on the quicker two, taking them down, and switch to my knife as the last one wakes up out of his sniper-induced zone. I shank him good. 5 down, no damage to me, and my team rushed the gap just as I was finishing them off. They go completely ape-shit, and we make a good rushing advance.

    Game, set, match.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Can't think of any memory in particular, but I especially like it when I'm "in the zone". I've noticed it particularily when playing CS:S. I think we all know what I mean when I say, "the zone". Where I go 4 rounds or so, not dying once, and gaining about 10-15 frags. I feel like a killing machine and my adrenaline picks up.

    Ah, thought of a good moment in my fragging history:
    The game - Desert Combat mod for BF1942
    The level - Gazala
    Situation - On this map I *always* go snipe with the 50 cal. The server I played on had a Team-Speak server running so people could chat while playing. I'm really good at hiding myself in that level and would often switch Team-Speak channels to the opposing teams channel and listen in as they get extremely frustrated at how I'm killing them and they can't see me. Next thing I'd know I'd have everyone on their team scouting for me. Helicopters, jets w/ radar... everything. My heart-rate would go up from the excitement.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Way back when Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight came out. This guy was camping, so I found the way up to his spot and he didn't see me come up because he was concentrating on sniping people off. I then typed in "BEHIND YA!" and as he turned around I blew him away point blank range with a concussion rifle, hurt myself, but killed him with the blast. Probably the sweetest frag I've had, mostly because of all the elements involved with it.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    ahh my first rail triple...

    Fanny was railed by {TNP}Dukie
    BOLL was railed by {TNP}Dukie
    QuakeDuke was railed by {TNP}Dukie

    {TNP}Dukie: HEE HEE
    QuakeDuke was railed by frogy
    BOLL ate M^tster[SIR]'s rocket
    frogy was blown away by CoWgIrL's super shotgun
    {TNP}Dukie: ttriple!

    I am easily satisfied tongue.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Anytime I was able to frag MoP during some old Polyfrag Q3 events. It's a rare occasion for anyone. I even made a collage as a celebration of victory.

  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Can't remember the exact most satifying frag, but anytime there is somebody using an aimbot, being obnoxious, spawn camping, or just somebody who is clearly superior to me in skill(long list there, LOL), and I take them out, it's pretty damn satisfying.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    probably as a sniper in joint ops taking out like 200 people before they could spot me, i was then promplty knifed. that and shooting the pilot out of an enemy helicopter. i remember this one time i snuck into the enemy helicopter unnoticed, there were like 4 people in it. 2 in the front seats, two in the gunner. i killed one gunne, killed the other, killed the passenger, then killed the pilot and stole the helicopter mid-air.
  • Vermeulen
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    Vermeulen polycounter lvl 18
    Without a doubt it would be in Rune (the sword fighting vikings game)
    I was in a long fight with one of my friends, we both had the second largest sword in the game. After a while, he just barely got his sword in and chopped off my arm with the weapon. With one arm and no weapon i ran across the entire map with him chasing me, this went on for quite a while. Finally i managed to get him off my back by just baring jumping to a ledge (he tried, but then fell and lost almost all of his health). I got the nearest health close to me and searched for the closest weapon (when you get more health your arm comes back). The only thing i could find near me was my old arm, so I picked that up thinking I would hold it till i found a new weapon... but then i saw him. He jumped infront of me swinging his massive sword, so i jumped back and threw the arm i had and hit him, killing him.

    Thats such a good example of why Rune is the best MP game ever
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, killing someone with your own severed arm is pretty damn hard core. smile.gif
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    probably when me and a guy were playing Q2DM1 and managed to rocket each other from either side of the central 'pit' area. his rocket hit me, and i'd fired at the same time, and hit him as he was starting to run...
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty sure my coolest frags happened in Surprise! but I can't remember any of them. It's just because Surprise! really lends itself to cool frags (flinging back Devastator missiles with the gravgun? Seeing them run in fear while the nuclear warhead you planted charges up? Supercharged Tau Cannons?). Or maybe Canned Tuna (sonic-based proximity mines!). But then I think a neat frag in vanilla HL was fragging a friend who ran around with the RPG by blindly discharging the Tau into a wall after seeing the red dot. Though having your enemies scream "Are you invisible again???" while you blast them with the Flak in UT2003 was also pretty funny.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Back in the day, in a straight Half-Life DM at GDC, I cornered a guy in an upstairs room and ran out of ammo immediately. Blindly thumbing the mousewheel, I snagged the crowbar and laid into him. Thump-thump-thump! The guy was pretty surpised.

    I suck hard at deathmatching, but my low-tech solution impressed the hell out of my colleague there with me.

  • ShadoKat
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    ShadoKat polycounter lvl 18
    Okay, hands down (or off, as the case may be), Vermeulen wins. That's just awesome.
  • Michael Knubben
    Vermeulen: oh man, don't even get me started on Rune, i played that game WAY too damned much.
    The MP was indeed one of the better i've ever played, and i just can't get enough of it.
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Had to be the fondest was killing reaper bots in Q1, I jumped into the water pit after tossing grenades and killed three of them, I died as I fell through to the bottom. I think this was the Q1 intro level.

    Or one unthinkable time I was playing I thing Q3DM17 and I was so hot for one instant I won like 29 frags to the closest bot was like 16 9 7 and 5. It never happened again.

    More recent was UT2003 in the remake of the Q3 campgrounds map and I did very well.
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I'd say typing "hey X..behind you" to a sniper in Desert combat, then knifing him as he turns is great.
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    A few off the top of my head:

    -Being the last surviving player in a Firearms HL match, and managing to hold off the enemy team for over 5 minutes and getting about 15 kills.
    -Stabbing a enemy sniper with the Chainsaw knife in Planetside (the only knife kill I got in that game heh)
    -in UT on morpheus deathmatching a friend, as he lands on the tower I am on, I jump off and shoot a redeemer missile onto near where he was landing. Cheap but funnnn.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    A friend of mine and I were playing CounterStrike, 1v1 in Dust. He was royaly raping me (He had had the game for a few weeks now, this was my first time playing it). In a bit of frustration, and a desire to humiliate him...I hid behind some boxes in the tunnel on the level...and shined my flashlight on the wall. He of course ran over, and stared at it as if confused...and I knifed him the the back of the head...

  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
    My most satisfying frag?

    It's probably buried somewhere in the back of my head since the 99's... xP
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    i think right now the most satisfying kills are the grenade grab and throws with the grav gun in HL2. Of course taking out 4 people with the combine pulse rifle secondary fire is pretty damn sweet too.

    but nothing can top fragging 8 people at once with a power amplified shock rifle exposion.

    every now and then poop and some of the other peeps at work get some utk4 ownage by good ol quiet me. i love hearing poop trash talk when he's losing wink.gif
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I'm all about catching file cabinets in HL2DM before they hit me and immediately kicking them back at whoever threw them. That's like my favorite thing about that game.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    i love hearing poop trash talk when he's losing wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What the hell? I never lose. Keep dreaming Cocheykins.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Best frags...

    DUke Nuke'em. I was the master of the Proximity mine. Being able to set them against the wall of an elevator shaft as I jumped down was a practiced skill. Best weapon was at the bottom of the shaft. Bees to honey.

    UT2K4, just one of thse days I was on. Map was ONS-Canyonlands. Found a sniper rifle and just sat down next to, and slightly behind the rotating Shield ICON, zoomed in and shot 45 points of peoplke trying to cross the narrow land bridge to our side of the canyon.

    HL2DM, First use of the Rocket Launcher in DM. watched as one of my co workers, Seth, climbed up towards the hole in the building. I launched the rocket, and he tried to dodge.

    The fact that one can guide the rocket, and it has a blast radius, mean that there was no dodging the rocket. (I wonder if you can grab it woth the gravity gun?) Seth lept down the debris pile in a bid to escape, but I guided the rocket right to his feet. There was a surprise in store for the both of us. The body launched straight up acout 3 or four stories, turning slowly through the air, almost gracefully, befor bouncing on th gravel and falling to a stop off the debris on the street. Beautiful....

  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18

    My friend chris davison, the guy who introduced me to deathmatch (God bless him) and I guess ultimatly my career was chasing me, I had the RL, all of a sudden i reversed direction and he flies by me, not a second after I fire a rocket in his back. i stole the idea from the movie Top Gun.

    I still do it sometimes, great tactic.

  • sal_manilla
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    sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
    Well, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    starcraft: 2 vs. 2

    me and my friend ben started a game and two entered. we decided to be on different teams. i was protos and my teammate was zerg while ben was terran and his teammate was protos.

    start points were in the four corners and convered by land bridges in the center of the map.

    my teammate was damn good with zerg and destroyed ben's teamate leaving him to defend against our onslaughts with depleted resources. my teammate was a "zerg rusher" i hated those bastards, they were tough to beat.

    ben would easily be destoyed. i started to devise my teammate's doom. he did not know his ally and enemy were sitting at arm's length.

    i began lining the coast of the center with pylons and cannons and instructed my teammate to use them as cover and amass his entire force in the center as it would be the last attack we would see in this game. it formed a huge circle in the center of the map.

    ben had a small defense that was on it's last feet constructed that guarded his existence in the game, with the last of ben's resources, he trained two ghosts and had been constructing two nuclear missles that had recently been.

    so, on my mark, my teammate's entire zerg army was in transit for a massive strike south to crush ben, it was beautiful. as planned, ben's ghost was just outside the sight range of my cannons that would decloak his ghost who marked a nuke, also keeping him hidden to the zerg army that began to run past him.
    the game annouced, "rreeoooww, nuclear launch dedected". that was my cue, ben had marked a nuke to drop in the center of the map. i switched my alliances and my cannon's began to fire at it's center where my teammate's massive army funneled past them, still set as my ally - shooting fish in a barrel. moments later, "rreeoooww..." ben set us the bomb yet again, a second was aimed to hit just outside his own defenses that would destroy the first ghost and the first wave of zergs that surrounded him which should have been ben's demise.

    my teammate: "yousd fk*$&!!$# bastard!! die! F*** YOU! F*** YOU!"
    "waiting for players - 29, 28, 27, 26.."


    *cheers, laughter and high-fives*
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    heh, that reminds me of a Warcraft III game I was playing against my flatmates (free for all) - there were originally 6 of us playing, but 2 haven't had much practise, so got wiped out fairly early on ... then me and my friend eventually knocked out the other 2 players so it was just me versus him ... we had used up virtually all the resources on the map and whatever units we had at this point were essentially all we had.
    We both decided the same tactic at the same time - forget main base, just go charging in with an army, since our bases were essentially useless at this point.
    However, if all town halls are destroyed and there are none under construction, you automatically lose...
    So there we were, running round frantically building new town halls (i was orcs, he was night elves), but our armies were finding and destroying them as they were being built... eventually it came to the point that we only had one town hall left and no money to build any more... we both found them at the same time, and were frantically attacking them since whoever destroyed it first would win the game ...
    i won by about half a second's worth of attacking... it was tense as hell!
    stupid tactics, but funny ... indirect conflict!
  • eepberries
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    eepberries polycounter lvl 18
    QUAKE 2

    It's THE WAREHOUSE. I'm running down a walkway with some mofo running right towards me. We're both bunnyhoppping, and we both have railguns. We miss hitting each other until we're about 10 feet apart. Then somehow, we both jump at about the sametime, and we both hit eachother with our rails. We both gib poly137.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18

    Ut2K3. Invasion-Skilled.

    I just kept surviving and surviving. When we got to the 11th round everyone was looking at my ping and typing about how I MUST be cheating because they had all died while I had managed to survive that long.


    Smaller Dedicated deathmatch server. Played a person on it who suddenly they started suggesting I was hacking because I got the speedhack 2 much (a known bug for higher pings in older Ut2k4 version numbers). So booted me after I took it as a compliment to my skill with high lag.

    Got the main admin to let me back on after telling me to stop talking back to the player (umm, yea. whatever - I have a right to defend myself against a unwarranted attack). Anyhow having a great run. She (found out later it was a she) comes on and spectates. Im feeling nice and ask her to join in. SHe says "Join this". And bans me again. This time the admin is even more of a dick and simply says he won't do anything about it.

    It was frustrating and satisfying at the same time. Because I wasn't hacking. She was a spoiled sport. While the admin I assume was her BF. And I managed to keep my head and act civil while she took everything out of context.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    fragging... definitely Planetside any evening when a full Vanu zerg is runnning across all the continents.. Not played that for ages.. I migt pick it up again at some point I hear theres a new expansion for it.. but too busy with lineage2 atm..
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