Yay for shameless self promotion. I made the front page of Gamasutra. Everyone check it out. And then come back to this thread and congratulate me. 8-)
Yeah I don't know how that got misconstrued. Warthog Texas was my first full time job, Terminal Reality my second, and Mythic my third. Kind of makes me sound like a n00b... quiet rogue13.
hey poop, good job on the article. How'd you go about getting that coverage? Or did they go about getting it from you? No idea how Gamasutra works.
Anyway, the article covered everything we knew already and its nice seeing PC'ers in the limelight.
To get into the gallery you submit your stuff and I'm assuming they pick one every month. There's a link on the front page called, "Get In Art/Audio Gallery".
FatAssasin is right, its not all that special. You have to have at least 3 of your images from a shipped title, one shipped title on your resume, and I think they have some kind of quality test. But its more of a compendium of artists than an award. Thats why Hyper made it in too. 8-)
Tools I Can't Live Without:
My Wacom and Instant Messaging services
[/ QUOTE ]
Spoken like a true chat princess. LOL
Oddly enough I came here to find this thread after I hit up gamasutra today. :chuckle: Nice photo btw.
Congratulations, ya Stupid Spoiled Whore!
Dude, none of my IM buddies are on anymore. IM me @ 'radiumskull' on AIM or Y!M.
Anyway, the article covered everything we knew already
Question is how do I fit that into my blackmail schemes..
Congrats btw. Add that to your resume of curse.
...next, Hustler!
[/ QUOTE ]
I hear that he is doing a spread with the Olsen Twins, even though they are older than he is.
Good job on the article, poopers. =]
To get into the gallery you submit your stuff and I'm assuming they pick one every month. There's a link on the front page called, "Get In Art/Audio Gallery".
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.