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Red Ridinghood all growed up

polycounter lvl 18
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Dhin polycounter lvl 18
A couple of weeks ago in the middle of trying to finish up my documtation on a few projects for school I stated this. I know the idea of updating fairytail characters isn't really new, but I liked the doodle so I though I would continue on with it.

I know there are things wrong with this so I'd like to get some advice on how to fix it. Like the legs are bowed and the proportions seem wrong to me, but I can't figure out what I need to do to fix it.



  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    original sketch
  • Voodoo
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    Voodoo polycounter lvl 18
    still has no boobs =/ tragic =P
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    Who cares about boobs.
    I like the character very much.
    It's very cute.
    Are you planing to make a 3d model?

  • Voodoo
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    Voodoo polycounter lvl 18
    I would say the majority of adolecenst guys who play video games do. Or maybe hormones suddenly became an irrelevant aspect of human nature and I wasn't told... It was a joke, thanks for getting it!
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    @Etienne - ya the plan is to model her, I thought I would try to put more effort into the concpert perpo.

    As for boobs, voodoo, even tough I like them as much are the next guy, biguns just don't fit this character, but thanks for noticing. . . I guess
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Well she's verrry lanky, guessing from how her clothing falls. I don't expect her to have big breasts, but SOME indication would be nice, same with the hips and shoulders.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    You guys are pathetic.

    Dhin, the concept is a good start. I believe the arms are too long, maybe even too large. I like the stance in the original concept better. A lady shouldn't stand around with her legs spread like the colored version. For reference, perhaps you can straighten her knees and turn her ankles so her toes point inward more. Don't rely on the line tool for outlining shapes. Try using the pen tool. And add difference in line thickness. Thick lines for outline and major shapes, small lines for small details. Also, pay close attention to your perspective. As the top edge of her socks curve downward, so should the bottom of her skirt. Ellipses below a horizon line slope downward, while ellipses above slope upward. You should work on her decorations. Copy/Pasting the same ornament all over shows your lack of effort to viewers. Finally, a bit of highlighting and shadowing, one tone each, would help bring out her shapes. Maybe even a boob to satisfy the masses. You know they only want to see it so they can reply with "Oh, what big breast you have."
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    I like that ye olde Carmen Sandiego look as it is :P
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Dhin, if you need suggestions as to how to fix the concept, I'd start with putting her in a natural pose, rather than a model-sheet spread-eagle. That way you can get past the flatness of this view, and get her in a more natural-looking manner. THEN you do the model sheet.

    For some reason, what you're doing makes me think of this Jake Parker piece. It's pretty flat also, but there's enough done with her and around her to create the sense of space:

    Take what you want from that.

  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Dhin although the Color tablet ver is "ok" I prefer your hand sketched ver much better she has a more rustic look and you get that actual "circa" of the time that Red Riding hood would have in her early yrs of being a woman. I like the Hatchet and the belt in the sketch fits alot better that the ornates you have on her arms and her waist and wrists.... sorry not trying to be offensive, I just prefer to more traditional look. and the Sketch is the one in my book.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    I prefer the drawn over digital...

    The digital is odd.. looks like she has just been bummed with the legs (not to sound too offensive)
  • Voodoo
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    Voodoo polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't say give her double d boobs but she has absolutely no definition there. She's supposed to be all grown up but it still looks like she's 12.
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    It looks kinda cool, but her legs are spread so far apart
    it looks like she is about to give birth. And I suggest
    doing the digital one with a 1 pixel thick brush, looks
    like you used 3. And that emblem thing is overused on her.
    Gets annoying seeing about 20 of those all over her body.
    So, I guess i'm just saying it needs alot of work :P.
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, thanks for the responce guys its all really help full. I'll see what I can do bought what you've mentioned
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I much prefer the drawing to the digital. I don't like the wide-open leg stance you gave her. Plus the thicklines and colours kinda throw me off. As already stated, throw her into a better pose, a more relaxed/natural pose and you should be able to pull off the characters feel a lot better.

    Oh, where's her boobs if she's all grown up?
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    @AdamBrome: Maybe she's flat chested... Like sexy Mila!!
    Not all sexy women have breats

    @Dhin When's the next update?
    I agree to show a regual pause might help people see the character a little more...

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    True, but there should be some indication of SOMETHING being there.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    True, but there should be some indication of SOMETHING being there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean there should be some indication of titties, tits, ta-tas, boobs, melons, jugs, knockers, honkers, headlights, twins, bazookas, bazongas, rack, cantaloupes, peaches, yabos, pomegranates, ya-yas, hee-haws, honeydews, boobs/boobies, cups, balloons, mammaries, hooters, bazookers, nips, coconuts, rascals, waps, baps, buns, cushions, dirty pillows, bust, chest, bosoms, bouncy castles, puppies, or funbags? blush.gif
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I too prefer to the stance on the sketch. In the colored version, her legs are pretty far apart, especially for still having a slight bend to the knees. I like the concept in general. Some shading, even very simple shading, would add to the overall effect and give it more dimension. If it's done well, it'll also make it a little easier to see where the contours are when you go to model it.

    Indicating breasts in that outfit wouldn't make sense anyway because they'd be underneith the cape, which appears to be made of something pretty heavy (going by where it folds--out just past the arms instead of right on them, like a thicker material would do). So with that style of coloring and line definition, they'd probably look too forced because the lines indicating them would be mostly squeezed in around the cape. Off-topic a bit, you never hear anyone complain about a missing pants-bulge on a male character. smile.gif
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Off-topic a bit, you never hear anyone complain about a missing pants-bulge on a male character. smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rotfflhao. That has to be the best Quote for the month.
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the advice and I'm glad that people aren't fixating on just one thing. . . nope every one seems to think she needs two wink.gif

    Anyway I'll get an update out soon.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    boobs schmoobs , the pics are fine.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    BTW, you should of put the clever in her hand in the coloured version. Would of looked a lot more demonic. :P
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    She's supposed to be a classic charater Adam not a Brothers Grime reject for some Doom 3 model pack. :shock:
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    For an adult, or even a young adult she does seem a bit flat, even an a-cup provides some definition. That said her outfit might be covering what definition is there. Now if you guys really want to ask for something that should be there but obviously isn't, ask for some hips! While men have hips that extent outward to a negligible degree a woman's hips are usually as strong, or stronger, then her shoulders. Keep that in mind for the redesign Dhin.

    Now personally I like the hair and the outfit as they provide two rather contrasting themes. The outfit, for the most part, projects a very conservative mood. The neck line shows the throat and a bit of the collar, but no cleavage, and the swell of the breasts, if in fact there is such a thing to her, is covered by the front portion of the cloak (consider adding some sort of latch to that so it doesn't look in danger of simply falling off). The arms are also covered, plus gloves) and she's wearing a skirt that leaves everything to the imagination.
    The hair on the other hand (as well as the makeup in the colored image) is very playful. It has a life too it that the rest of the outfit seems to be trying to stifle. Maybe Red learned a thing or two for her encounter with the wolf and she's become a stronger person in the intervening years, who knows. It's an interesting dichotomy and you might want to push it further. if you do however, think about covering the legs as well to push the conservative outfit to it's justifiable limit.

    Hope this helped.
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    I guess alittle back story on the concept is in order. (Glad you noticed the hair vs outfit Steakhouse, I was hoping that it would be noticable.)

    The time pierod I was shooting for was late 1800's early 1900's. Red is older, wiser and due to the earlier encounter with the wolf, a bit darker. The hatchet in the sketch is hers (actually she has two,) She also has a modified piece maker with silver bullets.

    The hem of the dress is ment to be the risky bit of her looks along with the hair. The breasts where ment to be almost completely hiden, bound tight to her body. As went fighting in close contact the jiggling and wiggling of to free boomers would through her totally off ballance (even small ones, ask your girlfriends and wives about it, they will tell you the hate the things when they jog or run or so on.) And she has a small frame so anything large than a b-cup would look out of place and unnatual (not that that really stops any body from drawing or modeling girls that way.) So really I'm just trying to give her a sexy innocent look with out resorting to the hyper-sexual look of most female models.

    As far as the wolf icon goes originally it was only ment for the chocker, I was just playing with it to check what it would look like on the buckels.

    Okay I've been sketching her in a fight pose, but I don't have a scanner so I'll have to wait until Monday to post it. Which give me time to work some more on her. I've shortened the arms a little more thoug, as well and add lenght to the legs and body (and there is a bit the breast blug too.) Anyway I post it when I get it scanned.
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    The touches of gold do break up the character, but judging by the cahracter's background as well as the time period I dont really believe she would have access to that much, nor in those sizes. A single central old piece, maybe a small broach on the cloak, would be better. The rest of the jewelry could be pared back to common metals, or even silver (which would be more in character anyway).

    So I'm assuming that she's turned into a wolf hunter eh? Weres specifically based on the silver bullets.
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    She's got a very large head, which gives her a more childish look, far more so than the lack of evident bosoms. Likewise, the lack of defined hips says child rather than adult. Making the arms a wee bit smaller and the legs longer and feet larger would also help methinks.
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    Okay I've worked on some poses and physic a little bit.


    I'm not sure about the second pose (the one with the gun,) I think she's too long in that one. Anyway are these better?
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    That's better!
    I really like Drawing no1.

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