I was grabbing these for my website tonight. It's some of the stuff I got dragged down to EA LA to help out for in the summer. Not all of these made it in for one reason or another. Note that Bond is meant to be generic. No Brosnan license.
1200 tris each with a 256 .tga. No alpha was a problem. So was time. Most of these were about a day each, hence the style is a bit of a mishmash:

There really good, exept the women don't have as much face detail as the guys do. Maybe they just put on a bunch
of make-up for the new bond game
maps has got to suck, gotta give you props for that. Well anyway, good job.
Yeah i prefer to give women a cleaner look, its just a style choice. The game engine character renderer didn't support alpha.
impressive work, easy to tell who they're supposed to be.
anybody else watching the marathon? good stuff first time I've seen most of these movies and now I give my bid for the best Bond to Connery
I've always wondered, since you work on heads of real people for games, are you given pictures of their heads at various angles, or are you just told "Make a head of this actor, just google it and find pictures"?
Heh, Voodoo, I watched a bond Marathon last year during thanksgiving.
The only thing that sort of bothers me is the ears, the coloring doesnt really blend on some of them, but then again that could be lighting or something there.
Sorry Josh no wires no! Neo_God: It always seems to be a matter of 'we need this head, in no time at all, and we dont have any reference, kthnx' :]
So I start from a DVD like so:
and the rest you can find on the tut I posted elsewhere on this page.
bond does look rather brosnan-ish...
I dunno, I dont see too much Brosnan in there, and I have looked at that mans face an awful lot. But I guess on the grounds that its a handsome white bloke with eighties black hair then yeah it does look like him ;-p
Theres a fair resembalance, I'd say...
Thats some damn nice work Daz, particularly given the lack of time.
I think to the casual observer it might look a bit like him ( and thats probably some of the point ). After all, it's a square jawed white bloke with eighties hair, but to me it really doesn't look like him.
That definitely suggests a failing on my part for being too close to it. I should be thinking how the audience is. However, MGM approved this as being a 'non Pierce Bond'.
The most obvious 'nod' to Pierce in the face, is the fatty upper lids: there is no obvious upper eyelid crease. That said, the gauntness of the face in the generic Bond is I think quite different from the somewhat puffy faced Pierce. When youve looked at Pierces face as much as I have, that model really doesn't look like him. Here's a much older high res model of mine of Pierce. That, ( I like to think ) looks like Pierce:
Famke's face texture (maybe it's the vertex lighting doing it) looks a bit splotchy in places, not as smooth as it could have been, but still nice.
All the characters are very recognisable, which is good. I agree the Bond guy looks more like Brosnan than any other Bond actor, but not so much like him that people go "hey, that's Pierce!". Although I think people not "in the know" will look at it and say "hmm they didn't do a very good job making the character look like Brosnan!" if you know what i mean
by the way Daz, I will be in the San Francisco area from January 6th - 12th
Really yummi, and i hate EA from my deepest heart, that your not allowed to show us the flats
Blofeld's irises are a bit too saturated with colour I think, makes him look weird(er), although you have the "mad stare" captured perfectly
The bond head reminds me alot of how the Agent Under Fire Bond was made out to be.
As for Scaramanga, were you not able to use Christopher Lee's likeness? All of the others look spot on.
That there is nothing to criticize
Really amazing work, given the time and tech limitations.
Paul: thats pretty ironic, and a bummer, cos I'll be in Scotland!
I think the Generi-Bond looks fine, and not terribly Brosnan. Its overwhelmingly obvious to me that it was an attempt to look enough like him and the other actors to be "Bond" but different enough from Brosnan to avoid a likeness debate.
That said, I find the only letdown is the Famke Jannsen model. The other heads have minor nit-picks but are still great. The Famke doesnt look terribly much like her to my eye.
give urself a break will ya
Dr. No, Onatopp (Famke Jansen),The chick from Golden Eye, THe Donald Pleasance Blofeld from You only Live Twice, Oddjob, Auric Goldfinger, Scaramanga (Christopher Lee) , AndGeneric guy.. Too bad you couldn't have modeled a more Sean Connery like guy, but this is excellent work.
Now when you say "a day each" do you mean 8 hours of work, 8 hours working with a lunch break, coffee break, stretch break, IM break, etc, or one of those 20hr long crunch days?
So, in the reply up there with the Donald Pleasance pics, you mention a tutorial? Posted elsewhere on this page? Where? Where? THANKS!
Great work, gives something to aspire to.
Top notch.
*EDIT* I believe SouL did some bits here If I remember correctly SouL? The hat, a couple of bodies that ive cropped sorry heh. Maybe some work on Y's face?
Thats some of the best work ive seen in a long time. Great work.
The John Cleese one here, I don't think the area around his eyes is dark enough, or has enough wrinkles, and his face looks slightly the wrong shape in the front view. Looks fine in the side view, though.
Judi Dench is a good likeness but there's SOMETHING in it about her that isn't quite "her" ... can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it's just the expression (she's looking quite vacant there, while usually she looks inquisitive and suspicious with slightly more beady eyes)
Willem Dafoe is a good likeness, though he looks a little stoned
Jaws is EXCELLENT, I love that one... great likeness. though the hair in the side view seems to lack volume at the front, it might be accurate to the guy but it looks a little weird.
The man with the beard has GREY SKIN!!!
The pretty lassies are nice
Great work as usual. Your consistent high standards are an example to us all!