Finally got around to finishing this this morning. I hope it's of some use, since it became much more work than I'd anticipated. Alot of it's pretty obvious, so its really aimed at folks just starting out in modeling beyond realtime resolutions.
feedback welcome.
finished reading
cuz of my browser settings the background is black with black font on it.
I dont know what the big deal is about your modelling. In my opinion you do over complicate the mesh too early on (I prefer to shape things out before I add extra polies) but its not a hugely unorthadox method, is it..?
qubism: dont know anything about stylesheets no. I dont know much html. Im using frontpage so I'll take a look a the help.
About the only Nit I have is that a little more attention on how to draw the elements of the face (and skull ) out, and some examples of edge placement for wrinkles would have helped quite a bit.
Other than that, a nice quick tutorial, that takes a lot of the Intimidation factor out of High Poly Modelling. Now only if I had software to do screen grabs of actors off of DVD's...
great stuff. just what i need.
i've been considering putting together a modeling tutorial myself lately, but haven't really found the time...
Scott: refresh the reference page and check the paragraph I added under the Jaws pic. I also update modelling page #2 which a fair bit more detail.
I especially enjoy the way you show the colormap on the model at 100% self illumination. I've never seen such an image in any highrez modelling tut, in witch models are almost always shown with some lights on, which is a shame.
I think your approach really helps for lowpoly artists who have the habit to put all the info in this map.
Seems like the highpoly jump is going to be easier thanks to your tut
Seriously though, it answered a lot of questions. Great work. And many thanks for doing it.