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polycounter lvl 18
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graves polycounter lvl 18
Some of you might remember this from awhile back. Well I finally decided to finish this thing off. Incase you can't tell, it's Meryl from Metal Gear Solid. I'll eventually make it a playable character for Jedi Academy and hopefully HL2.
Its 3,491 polys with 1 1024x1024, 2 512x512, and a 256x256







  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the textures are awsome, but because of the textured folds it doesnt look completely right...maybe add some shape to the legs? just model a couple of folds in there, as i think it looks too primitive :S

    other than that, its awsome! exactly how i imagined her to look smile.gif
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    I love it, but i think her chin sticks out too far, kinda making it look more like a man. Gir told me thats how its supposed to be but meryl was hot but still looked like a women. Good job, im totally lovin it smile.gif.
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    Meryl looked like an ugly mass of pixels if anyone can recall back that far (guess who hasnt played Twin Snakes...). Soul should try his hand at recreating her, what with his current stint of making low poly play station characters smile.gif

    And with that out of the way I would say this is a well done version of the girl. As for the chin, honestly you have to consider, how hot has any woman who joined a military force ever been outside of movies?

    The one major thing I would consider altering is the boots. Right now they look like an extension of her body. Combat boots are usually a little bit larger then the shape of the foot and ankle going into them. A slightly wider sole and heel, a lifting of the front above the toes, and a widening all around the calf would be a good start.

    Still an excellent entry and that face really is quite good. Puts me in minds of the girl from That Seventies Show; bit of a lioness to her.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Excellent stuff, really. If you set the blending mode on that blood to something like multiply it may look better, Just showing the folding cloth and textures under it would make the blood look less flat.
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    I love the face- great work there. The texture looks pretty flat, esp on the legs- I'd get more highs and lows there. And the feet seem too short. Very nice, all told.
  • graves
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    graves polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys

    almighty_gir: Yeah you can tell I didn't do much work on the wrinkles on the back of the legs. I simply mirrored it and moved on. I'll probably go back later.

    Enix: Yeah, Milla Jovovich was an early reference so...

    Steakhouse: Thx, They seem to be more like cowboy boots or something... weird
    lol! I didn't notice that at first. It DOES look like her:D

    n30g3n3s1s: It's actually set on pinlight. I'll alter it so it shows up more.

    More crits pleesh XD
  • Seyiji
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    Seyiji polycounter lvl 19
    Are the JA models backwards compatible with JK2 JO
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Great Job man! Her face really came out top notch. I like the hair too. Thought the part in the back where it all comes to a point is a bit distracting. I think she could benefit from having her pants be a bit darker, and overall her clothes being a bit less saturated. Hella cool man, good work.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    The head mesh, and the face texture are awesome. I'm impressed. To add more life, I think the eyes could use a highlight, or spec map.
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    if ive ever seen somthing that needs normal mapping its this , it will sort all the problems with the cloth folds and it will be ready for HL2 as well thn smile.gif

    love the hair .
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    Great model ( as your Raiden and Snake )!
    I can not stop to admire your UVW. Very clean. ooo.gif
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 20
    Everything looks good so far.

    The biggest problem i see is the length of her upper arm. Don't know why it hasn't been pointed out yet, but i really think it is waaaay to long.
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    Waoh, agreed Dur that was amazingly overlooked.
  • graves
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    graves polycounter lvl 18
    joolz8000: thx, yeah I see what you mean on both points.

    Seyiji: No, it's actually the other way around. I'll probably do a jk2 version too.

    poop: Thanks, your tuts really helped with the uv layout:) Yesh the colors are not very appropriate for a BDU... I couldn't see how the back of the hair was done in the twin snakes model so I had to do some guess work.

    ElysiumGX: thx, the eyes will have a environment map on it so there will be a highlight ingame.

    Thermidor: Yes, as soon as a figure out how:P

    diZzyWalnut: Heh, thanks man:)

    Per128: I didn't like the way Meryl looked in twinsnakes so I fixed her:P

    dur23: Yeah, I had to build it around the JA skeleton so I can't really help that:(
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    One more thing that I'd look into would be to sharpen up the vertical fabric texture you have going on on her shirt. It's nice and suddle, but could use a push so it doesn't get completely lost in-game.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    maybe you could do a non-bloodied up version?
  • Mark Dygert
    Great mesh work!
    Great texture work! Like it was mentioned before, it could use some shadows in the pants. like between the legs in the crotch area.
    I really like the little plastic clips on the pouches, for some reason.
    I can't get over the face, its perfect, such a clean mesh too.
  • usagi
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    usagi polycounter lvl 18
    im pretty sure her legs are too short, and her legs could be more shapely. i really like those textures. good job
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