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Colours all blown out in Photoshop.

polycounter lvl 18
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Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
No idea what the hell is going on here. I installed Photoshop 6 on my computer again and the colours seem to get very saturated very fast, both in the palette and when brushing. using any of the paint tools results in a light border around an almost solid colour. Pallette colour is pretty muddy and doesn't gradiate properly, going very quickly into the darker, more saturated colours.

I don't think I've explained myself particularly well here, but perhaps someone might have some idea where I've gone wrong. I've nver had this problem before in years of using photoshop on my PC. I have purchased an LCD monitor since the last time I installed, but it displays everything else fine, so I can't imagine why Photoshop would be any different.


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