Hey guys
Im just working on some enviromental assets for my reel and was wondering what the rules generally are for minor enviromental objects.
What I mean by minor is things taht jsut add to the detail rather than have an influence on game play....like im modelling 3 bin bags full of rubbish,all various shapes and sizes,how would i go about mapping them and in a game devlopment situation what is the general rule for such objects? would they all use the same texture,or would each bag have its own slightlky edited texture to suit its own shape?
My second question is,when you are doign a building and you have a plain wall texture that then meets tiles,for example,how do you map/model this...I notice many architectural artists have the plain wall texture and then a small tile texture (or possibly more to add variation) seperatily,do u model planes where the tiles should go or can a single polygon share 2 different textures somehow.?
just soemthing thats bothering me abit
For the bin bags I would do 3 or 4 different size/shape models then do 2 different textures, and apply them to the models that have most difference in physical size and shape. That way you get a fair amount of variety with less work. Just don't put 2 of the same model next to each other in an environment
As always, map them so the seams are places they will least likely be noticed... at the bottom of the bin bag (where it would touch the floor) and the back, where it might be against a wall.