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Anyone here playing it?

I started tonight, and while it starts out slow, it really is fucking awesome. The learning curve is pretty steep, i still dont think i have a grasp on it yet... but im getting the hang of 'chillin in this bush here... come on guy, walk past me... come on...... come on........ sneak sneak sneak SLIT YOUR THROAT! BAWHAHAHAHAH.'

They really have made the cut scenes uber film esque, and while there have been a shitload so far (much like MGS2), it still is pretty entertaining. I kinda like the cut scenes though. Only thing id wish is that Snake didnt have to cry to the codec radio thing after every major thing happens... kinda ruins the tension.

ive also opted to play in the 'never played mgs before' route. I may try later with MGS1 prefered, tried the MGS2 prefered option... and its interesting to say the least.

too many sweet games out now. damn.


  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i'd be looking to give this one a try, but i've got to slog through the first 2 games before i do laugh.gif and i don't have a ps2, anyhow, so i can wait.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    While I'd LOVE to pick it up....I've bought about 5 games lately, that I don't have time to play tongue.gif
    Damn...Prince of Persia is coming out in a week as well....grr

  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I've yet to open my copy. I'll give it a go after I finish playing Metroid Prime.


    BAD ASS.
  • AfroLeft
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    AfroLeft polycounter lvl 18
    Reminds me of that voodoo guy in a James Bond movie I saw when I was a kid.. I don't really get why its camo tho. or is snake hanging around the resident evil city or something?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i just finished it.... its fucking great, a lot more than what i was expecting.

    soul, hahah yeah id run around with that face paint on even if it screwed with my camo levels, just because its sweet. Afro: it increases your camo level in indoor areas, as well as on white walls/areas. hah yeah, Metroid Prime 2 is next on my list now.

    The game is VERY bond, they talk about the bond movies in some of the radio/codec chatter. The cinematics are pretty heafty at the beginning, but thankfully they are only everyonce in a while after that.

    the boss fights really arent that challenging (on normal), but there are 3 that are actually kinda hard. and one that took me 2hrs to beat.... straight, not dying and reloading... ack!

    i kept seeing these wierd green frogs EVERYWHERE... when you shot them they'd wiggle and make this obnoxious sound. they must be some easter egg thing. Its definately worth playing though! its a kick ass close to this series.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Close? The 4th one is starting up.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    yeah.... heh i just read that and shat myself.

    i remebered reading some interview saying that MGS supposed to be a trillogy. I doubt there will be another one on PS2 though - but one can hope! heh Metal Gear Liquid!
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    crazy, I have to pick it up this week, but I just finished hl2, and I need some time to process what I saw AHAHHAHAHAH

    I need some metal gear loving!"!!
  • seantree
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    seantree polycounter lvl 18
    Booooo!!! You guys are killin' me. My PS2 decided to die last week!!! Now, I cant play JakIII, Ratchet 3, MGS3 , or Capcom Fighting evolution. I could buy another but that was my 2nd PS2 and I'm tired of them breaking constantly. Oh well, I got metroid prime 2 to keep my mind off of it, but snake is calling my name :/
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    They really have made the cut scenes uber film esque, and while there have been a shitload so far (much like MGS2), it still is pretty entertaining. I kinda like the cut scenes though. Only thing id wish is that Snake didnt have to cry to the codec radio thing after every major thing happens... kinda ruins the tension.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is what killed MGS2 for me the cutsceen after,cutsceen after,cutsceen after,cutsceen after,cutsceen after,cutsceen after, ahhh!!! The game was great, MGS1 is one of my all time fave games. About 3/4 into MGS2 I just kept hitting X (skip cutsceen) I didn't care what they had to say anymore. -just let me play the freekn' game!

    Why do the Japanese need to add so much fluff to thier storylines? Movies,Games It's a real turnoff.(oh the girl has bladder control problems just like her big brother, fucking cute)
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    In many ways, MGS is more of an "interactive movie" than a "game".
    A lot of care and dedication goes into each cutscene. More than your average video game. It's something they take pride in. And they should. MGS cutscenes are the best out there. And to think they do it all in real-time. Using nothing more than clever tricks to get the effects they want.

    MGS has always been very heavy with the stories. So far I'm liking the story in MGS3. It's been clever and amusing so far. Some of the codec conversations are kind of funny, too.

    I'm maybe 1 - 2 hours in the game, and I'm liking it so far. Graphically the game has moved up a huge step since MGS2. There's FAR more texture detail in the characters this time around. And the Snake's boots! Jesus they're so clean and well made. It makes me very jealous. smile.gif

    I also like the easter egg type stuff with the R1 button during the cut scenes smile.gif
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    since i'll be getting a PS2 (finally) soon, i've also been looking at MGS2+3 but having experienced part2 a while ago, i'm really wondering if one would want to play through it a second time. is it as linear as it seems?

    as for the cut scenes, are those really running in realtime? they look like pre-recorded and post-processed footage from the engine to me but i don't have the game at hand to take a look at it right now.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    sett, it gets much better than my initial impressions. After the first quarter or third, people rarely called me, and i rarely called anyone.

    soul is right, they have the best cutscenes around. There are a lot of humerous codec converstaions, hehe. There are an ass load of easter eggs in the game, i was surprised. it almost seemed forced, but i still liked it nonetheless. plus, boobs are aways a plus.

    thom, they are real time. it looks like they have some dynamic gamma and dynamic levels/curves adjusting going on throughout the game - both in the cines and while you are playing. really gives it a cool look and feel.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Man. Going all out Rambo style is pretty fun! Hahahaha
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    hahahhah yeah, Snake screams when firing this one badass gun you get later in the game.


    I always felt like a badass every time id pop out from behind a tree, slit an enemy's throat, and hide them in the bushes, just so i could move on. I think i killed every enemy i came across because it was so much fun.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    hahah if you killed every enemy you came across youll have a hardtime fighting the Sorrow. But this is a great game I agree. Im currently playing it as well.
    {edit} I just saw you beat the game moose. so you already knew about sorrow.]
    any ways I love the model veiwer, I love the x-ray effect when you use cure. Im trying to get my models and skins to this level.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    man, I finished it a month or so ago, its such a mad game

    omfg did anyone get the OYAMA mask,, WTF is that, snake look kinda MAD with it

    mad game, so mad, the ocelot part at the end, I was dying, so mad
    ANd thoses boobies closeup in the cinematic=win!

    best story ever

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    You've used MAD so many times I'm confused! frown.gif
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    Game of the Year 2004 dudes. i am so in love with the story it is sick. all the geeks in #model_design want me to stop talking abouts it. Gameplay is top notch, but as usual the story drives you on. Everything just fits into place so well. Ending *almost made me cry. i wanted to so bad but just couldn't. go get it now if you havn't already!
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    This game is f*cking awesome, after you finish it make sure you watch all the credits for an extra bit of audio at the end basically explaining the whole game and connecting all 3 metal gear solid's into the correct time line.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    All that talk makes me wish MGS wasn't a stealth game so I could actually play it without giving up in frustration.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    [ QUOTE ]
    All that talk makes me wish MGS wasn't a stealth game so I could actually play it without giving up in frustration.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The only stealth game I play is Metal Gear, I find them generally too hard as you only get one chance and if you are seen you might as well reset. This new Metal Gear seems to offer players more of a choice though, I walked through most of the levels shooting the guards in the head with the sniper rifle or getting in out right gun battles with them, very fun either way you play it. I really like the throat cut steal kill in this one as well.
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