Starting February, BoBo the seal will be the new Sr. Artist at Ironlore Entertainment. I had a chance to work with them, and their game is gonna be rockin. Heres hoping for the best buddy!
The real reason he is moving is that he cannot stand to be away from me. So Boston is our compromise city.
Hell yea though BoBo, big congrats on the job. Now back to work! *whip sound
Such a trifling thing such as work should not interfere with Polycounting...
now we have to have a party.
congrats man!
So does that mean your freelance contracts ARE NOW MINE! OMG
SEND them to me!! AHAH
b1ll'll be seeing lots of snow in a couple of months most likely...
Illusions, what do you mean couple of months? Maine's already had snowfall. bwahahaha.
Contracting was going really well for me. In the past 5 months Ive worked on 7 titles and have 2 more that I was going to start once this in-house contract with 5000ft ends in December. My biggest hurtle with Contracting has been not being able to say no. I was a bit like a kid in a candy store. I wanted to work on everything that came my way. This has caused me to do more crunching during this time than I have ever done at any studio. At times Ive gotten way over my head and overwhelmed (at any given time I have had 3 contracts going at once). Thats the biggest reason I havent posted much in a while. I just havent had the time I thought I would.
With that said, Ive had a lot of fun (also made a lot of money) and by all means I wasnt really looking to go back to a studio. A lot of things would have had to fall in line for me to give up my contracting. When Iron Lore came knocking it just felt like the right fit for me.
Ive repeatedly praised Ensemble as a studio. I felt Ensemble had everything I would ever want in a studio with the exception of two things. Although the games where great, I just didnt feel they were the right fit for me artistically. Also, and a bit more important to me, I felt that the studio had a lot of history and layers already in place. I really didnt know how I could make my niche and grow within the development team when so many others were already in the waiting line. Iron Lore was founded by some of the former founders of Ensemble. From my talks with them, and from what Ive seen, they have a lot of the same culture and beliefs that they helped instill into Ensemble. I think they are going to repeat there success they had with Ensemble and I hope to be a part of that. In addition to the culture, the projects content and style is greatly inline to the work I love to do. Ultimately, I feel this is an opportunity for me to get in on the ground floor of something special.
Heh, my biggest concern is the cold. Ive been a Texas boy all my life. Im excited for the adventure but Im a little wary about the cold.
You have been one of the major influences on me.
So Bobo, this means you'll be offering the contest winner a job, right? right?
Wish you the best of luck, have fun
and quite frankly, you'll get used to the cold. i love it